/* * archive_watch.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 1996 - 2014 Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), * Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M1 /* ** NAME ** archive_watch - removes old archives ** ** SYNOPSIS ** archive_watch ** ** DESCRIPTION ** ** RETURN VALUES ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 19.02.1996 H.Kiehl Created ** 22.08.1998 H.Kiehl Added some more exit handlers. ** 12.03.2000 H.Kiehl Check so archive_watch cannot be started twice. ** */ DESCR__E_M1 #include /* fprintf(), fclose(), stderr, */ #include /* strcpy(), strcat() */ #include /* exit() */ #include /* time() */ #include #include #include /* struct timeval */ #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY # include /* setpriority() */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include /* O_RDWR, O_RDONLY, O_NONBLOCK, etc */ #endif #include /* read() */ #include /* signal() */ #include #include "awdefs.h" #include "version.h" /* Global variables. */ #ifdef _MAINTAINER_LOG int maintainer_log_fd = STDERR_FILENO; #endif int sys_log_fd = STDERR_FILENO; unsigned int removed_archives = 0, removed_files = 0; char *p_work_dir; time_t current_time; const char *sys_log_name = SYSTEM_LOG_FIFO; /* Local function prototypes. */ static void aw_exit(void), #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY get_afd_config_value(void), #endif sig_bus(int), sig_exit(int), sig_segv(int); /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ main() $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int n, status, #ifdef WITHOUT_FIFO_RW_SUPPORT aw_cmd_writefd, #endif aw_cmd_fd; time_t diff_time, next_report_time, next_rescan_time = 0L, now; char archive_dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], aw_cmd_fifo[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], buffer[DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE], work_dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; fd_set rset; struct timeval timeout; struct stat stat_buf; CHECK_FOR_VERSION(argc, argv); /* First get working directory for the AFD. */ if (get_afd_path(&argc, argv, work_dir) < 0) { exit(INCORRECT); } else { char *ptr; p_work_dir = work_dir; /* * Lock archive_watch so no other archive_watch can be started! */ if ((ptr = lock_proc(AW_LOCK_ID, NO)) != NULL) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Process archive_watch already started by %s."), ptr); exit(INCORRECT); } } /* Initialize fifo to communicate with AFD. */ (void)strcpy(aw_cmd_fifo, work_dir); (void)strcat(aw_cmd_fifo, FIFO_DIR); (void)strcat(aw_cmd_fifo, AW_CMD_FIFO); (void)strcpy(archive_dir, work_dir); (void)strcat(archive_dir, AFD_ARCHIVE_DIR); /* Now lets open the fifo to receive commands from the AFD. */ if ((stat(aw_cmd_fifo, &stat_buf) < 0) || (!S_ISFIFO(stat_buf.st_mode))) { if (make_fifo(aw_cmd_fifo) < 0) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Could not create fifo `%s'."), aw_cmd_fifo); exit(INCORRECT); } } #ifdef WITHOUT_FIFO_RW_SUPPORT if (open_fifo_rw(aw_cmd_fifo, &aw_cmd_fd, &aw_cmd_writefd) == -1) #else if ((aw_cmd_fd = coe_open(aw_cmd_fifo, O_RDWR)) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _(": Could not open fifo `%s' : %s"), aw_cmd_fifo, strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY get_afd_config_value(); #endif /* Do some cleanups when we exit. */ if (atexit(aw_exit) != 0) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Could not register exit handler : %s"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((signal(SIGINT, sig_exit) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGQUIT, sig_exit) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGTERM, sig_exit) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGSEGV, sig_segv) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGBUS, sig_bus) == SIG_ERR) || (signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR)) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Could not set signal handlers : %s"), strerror(errno)); } system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, "Starting %s (%s)", ARCHIVE_WATCH, PACKAGE_VERSION); next_report_time = (time(NULL) / 3600) * 3600 + 3600; FD_ZERO(&rset); for (;;) { if (time(&now) >= next_rescan_time) { next_rescan_time = (now / ARCHIVE_STEP_TIME) * ARCHIVE_STEP_TIME + ARCHIVE_STEP_TIME; } /* Initialize descriptor set and timeout. */ FD_SET(aw_cmd_fd, &rset); timeout.tv_usec = 0; if ((diff_time = (next_rescan_time - now)) < 0) { diff_time = 0L; } timeout.tv_sec = diff_time; /* Wait for message x seconds and then continue. */ status = select(aw_cmd_fd + 1, &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); /* Report every hour how many archives have been deleted. */ if ((now + diff_time) >= next_report_time) { next_report_time = ((now + diff_time) / 3600) * 3600 + 3600; #ifdef _NO_ZERO_DELETION_REPORT if ((removed_archives > 0) || (removed_files > 0)) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Removed %u archives with %u files."), removed_archives, removed_files); } #else system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Removed %u archives with %u files."), removed_archives, removed_files); #endif removed_archives = removed_files = 0; } /* Huh? Did we just sleep? */ if (status == 0) { /* Lets go to work! */ current_time = now + diff_time; inspect_archive(archive_dir); } else if (FD_ISSET(aw_cmd_fd, &rset)) { /* Read the message. */ if ((n = read(aw_cmd_fd, buffer, DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0) { while (n > 0) { #ifdef _FIFO_DEBUG show_fifo_data('R', "aw_cmd", buffer, n, __FILE__, __LINE__); #endif if (buffer[0] == STOP) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Stopped %s"), ARCHIVE_WATCH); exit(SUCCESS); } else if (buffer[0] == RETRY) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Rescaning archive directories."), ARCHIVE_WATCH); /* Remember to set current_time, since the */ /* function inspect_archive() depends on it. */ current_time = time(NULL); inspect_archive(archive_dir); } else { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Hmmm..., reading garbage [%d] on fifo `%s'."), buffer[0], AW_CMD_FIFO); } n--; } /* while (n > 0) */ } } else if (status < 0) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("select() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } else { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Huh? Maybe YOU have a clue whats going on here!")); exit(INCORRECT); } } /* for (;;) */ exit(SUCCESS); } #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++ get_afd_config_value() ++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void get_afd_config_value(void) { char *buffer, config_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)snprintf(config_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s%s%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR, AFD_CONFIG_FILE); if ((eaccess(config_file, F_OK) == 0) && (read_file_no_cr(config_file, &buffer, __FILE__, __LINE__) != INCORRECT)) { char value[MAX_INT_LENGTH]; if (get_definition(buffer, ARCHIVE_WATCH_PRIORITY_DEF, value, MAX_INT_LENGTH) != NULL) { if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, atoi(value)) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to set priority to %d : %s", atoi(value), strerror(errno)); } } free(buffer); } return; } #endif /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ aw_exit() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void aw_exit(void) { if ((removed_archives > 0) || (removed_files > 0)) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Removed %u archives with %u files."), removed_archives, removed_files); } system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, "Stopped %s.", ARCHIVE_WATCH); (void)close(sys_log_fd); return; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sig_segv() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void sig_segv(int signo) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Aaarrrggh! Received SIGSEGV.")); aw_exit(); /* Dump core so we know what happened. */ abort(); } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sig_bus() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void sig_bus(int signo) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Uuurrrggh! Received SIGBUS.")); aw_exit(); /* Dump core so we know what happened. */ abort(); } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sig_exit() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void sig_exit(int signo) { exit(INCORRECT); }