/* * exec_cmd.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2014 Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), * Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M3 /* ** NAME ** exec_cmd - executes a shell command ** ** SYNOPSIS ** int exec_cmd(char *cmd, ** char **buffer, ** int log_fd, ** char *name, ** int name_length, ** char *job, ** time_t exec_timeout, ** int dup_stderr, ** int limit_read_buffer) ** ** DESCRIPTION ** exec_cmd() executes a command specified in 'cmd' by calling ** /bin/sh -c 'cmd', and returns after the command has been ** completed. If log_fd is greater then -1, the command ** gets logged to that file. ** ** RETURN VALUES ** Returns INCORRECT when it fails to execute the command 'cmd'. ** In buffer will be the results of STDOUT and STDERR. The caller ** is responcible to free this memory. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 06.02.1997 H.Kiehl Created ** 03.10.1998 H.Kiehl Try reading from pipe while program is running ** to avoid any deadlocks. ** 14.07.2000 H.Kiehl Return the exit status of the process we started. ** 10.07.2002 H.Kiehl Initialize the return buffer. ** 20.08.2004 H.Kiehl Log command to a log file when log_fd is greater ** then -1. ** 04.09.2004 H.Kiehl Added exec_timeout parameter. ** 18.05.2006 H.Kiehl Allocate a ring buffer to read what is being ** returned by the 'cmd', which the caller must ** now free. ** 11.02.2007 H.Kiehl Added job string when writting to log_fd. ** 01.11.2011 H.Kiehl Added support for setting scheduling priority. ** 01.03.2013 H.Kiehl When we reach the maximum read buffer, tell ** user the command where that occurs. ** 14.10.2014 H.Kiehl If we get a EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK while reading ** from a pipe we marked nonblocking it is not ** an error. ** */ DESCR__E_M3 #include #include /* strlen() */ #include /* exit(), realloc(), free() */ #include /* time() */ #include #include /* read(), close(), STDOUT_FILENO, */ /* STDERR_FILENO, select() */ #include /* struct timeval */ #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY # include /* setpriority() */ #endif #include #include /* waitpid() */ #include /* times() */ #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include /* O_NONBLOCK */ #endif #include #define READ 0 #define WRITE 1 /*############################## exec_cmd() #############################*/ int exec_cmd(char *cmd, char **buffer, int log_fd, char *name, int name_length, #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY int set_priority, #endif char *job, time_t exec_timeout, int dup_stderr, int limit_read_buffer) { int channels[2], fds[2], exit_status = INCORRECT, max_pipe_size, max_read_buffer; char *p_cmd; pid_t child_pid; clock_t start_time; struct tms tval; if ((pipe(channels) == -1) || (pipe(fds) == -1)) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("pipe() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); return(INCORRECT); } if ((max_pipe_size = fpathconf(fds[0], _PC_PIPE_BUF)) < 0) { max_pipe_size = DEFAULT_FIFO_SIZE; } if (log_fd > -1) { start_time = times(&tval); p_cmd = cmd; while ((*p_cmd != '&') && (*p_cmd != '\0')) { p_cmd++; } if (*p_cmd == '&') { if (*(p_cmd + 1) == '&') { p_cmd += 3; } } else { p_cmd = cmd; } } if (limit_read_buffer == YES) { if (dup_stderr == YES) { max_read_buffer = 131072; } else { max_read_buffer = 1048576; } } else { max_read_buffer = 0; } switch (child_pid = fork()) { case -1: /* Failed to fork. */ system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("fork() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); return(INCORRECT); case 0 : /* Child process. */ { char dummy; (void)close(channels[READ]); dup2(channels[WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO); if (dup_stderr == YES) { dup2(channels[WRITE], STDERR_FILENO); } if (log_fd > -1) { #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 (void)rec(log_fd, INFO_SIGN, "%-*s%s: [%d] %s\n", #else (void)rec(log_fd, INFO_SIGN, "%-*s%s: [%lld] %s\n", #endif name_length, name, job, (pri_pid_t)getpid(), p_cmd); } /* Synchronize with parent. */ (void)close(fds[1]); if (read(fds[0], &dummy, 1) != 1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("read() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); } (void)close(fds[0]); #ifdef HAVE_SETPRIORITY if (set_priority > NO_PRIORITY) { if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, set_priority) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to setpriority() to %d : %s"), set_priority, strerror(errno)); } } #endif (void)execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, (char *)0); } _exit(INCORRECT); default: /* Parent process. */ (void)close(channels[WRITE]); /* * It can happen that a program can talk so much * garbage that it fills the pipe buffer of the * the kernel, thus causing a deadlock. So we * do need to check and read data from the pipe. * Simply sitting and waiting for the process * to return can be fatal. */ { int bytes_read = 0, have_warned = NO, n = 0, nleft, proc_status, status, wrap_around = NO; char *read_ptr; fd_set rset; time_t exec_start_time; struct timeval timeout; free(*buffer); if ((*buffer = malloc(max_pipe_size + 1)) == NULL) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to malloc() %d bytes : %s"), max_pipe_size, strerror(errno)); return(INCORRECT); } nleft = max_pipe_size; read_ptr = *buffer; *read_ptr = '\0'; /* Synchronize with child. */ (void)close(fds[0]); if (write(fds[1], "", 1) != 1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("write() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); } (void)close(fds[1]); if (exec_timeout > 0L) { exec_start_time = time(NULL); } FD_ZERO(&rset); for (;;) { if (waitpid(child_pid, &proc_status, WNOHANG) > 0) { if (log_fd > -1) { long clktck; if ((clktck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) <= 0) { #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 (void)rec(log_fd, INFO_SIGN, _("%-*s%s: [%d] Done.\n"), #else (void)rec(log_fd, INFO_SIGN, _("%-*s%s: [%lld] Done.\n"), #endif name_length, name, job, (pri_pid_t)child_pid); } else { (void)rec(log_fd, INFO_SIGN, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("%-*s%s: [%d] Exec time: %.3fs\n"), #else _("%-*s%s: [%lld] Exec time: %.3fs\n"), #endif name_length, name, job, (pri_pid_t)child_pid, (times(&tval) - start_time) / (double)clktck); } } if (WIFEXITED(proc_status)) { set_fl(channels[READ], O_NONBLOCK); if ((exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(proc_status))) { /* * If the exit status is non-zero lets assume * that we have failed to execute the command. */ read_ptr = *buffer; if ((n = read(channels[READ], read_ptr, max_pipe_size)) < 0) { if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) { /* There is nothing to read! */ buffer[0] = '\0'; n = 0; } else { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("read() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); return(INCORRECT); } } if (n > 0) { buffer[n] = '\0'; } } else { do { if ((max_read_buffer > 0) && (bytes_read >= max_read_buffer)) { wrap_around = YES; bytes_read = 0; read_ptr = *buffer; nleft = max_read_buffer; if (have_warned != YES) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Max read buffer (%d bytes) reached when executing `%s'! Starting from beginning."), max_read_buffer, cmd); have_warned = YES; } } else { if (wrap_around == NO) { if (nleft < (max_pipe_size / 2)) { size_t size; char *tmp_buffer; size = bytes_read + max_pipe_size + 1; if ((tmp_buffer = realloc(*buffer, size)) == NULL) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to realloc() %d bytes : %s"), size, strerror(errno)); free(*buffer); *buffer = NULL; return(INCORRECT); } *buffer = tmp_buffer; nleft = nleft + max_pipe_size; read_ptr = *buffer + bytes_read; } } } if ((n = read(channels[READ], read_ptr, nleft)) < 0) { if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EWOULDBLOCK)) { /* There is nothing to read! */ *read_ptr = '\0'; n = 0; } else { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("read() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); return(INCORRECT); } } if (n > 0) { bytes_read += n; nleft -= n; read_ptr += n; *read_ptr = '\0'; } } while (n == max_pipe_size); } } else { exit_status = INCORRECT; } break; } /* Initialise descriptor set and timeout. */ FD_SET(channels[READ], &rset); timeout.tv_usec = 50000L; timeout.tv_sec = 0L; status = select(channels[READ] + 1, &rset, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (status == 0) { /* Hmmm. Nothing to be done. */; } else if (FD_ISSET(channels[READ], &rset)) { if ((max_read_buffer > 0) && (bytes_read >= max_read_buffer)) { wrap_around = YES; bytes_read = 0; read_ptr = *buffer; nleft = max_read_buffer; if (have_warned != YES) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Max read buffer (%d bytes) reached when executing `%s'! Starting from beginning."), max_read_buffer, cmd); have_warned = YES; } } else { if (wrap_around == NO) { if (nleft == 0) { size_t size; char *tmp_buffer; size = bytes_read + max_pipe_size + 1; if ((tmp_buffer = realloc(*buffer, size)) == NULL) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to realloc() %d bytes : %s"), size, strerror(errno)); free(*buffer); *buffer = NULL; return(INCORRECT); } *buffer = tmp_buffer; nleft = max_pipe_size; read_ptr = *buffer + bytes_read; } } } if ((n = read(channels[READ], read_ptr, nleft)) < 0) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("read() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); return(INCORRECT); } if (n > 0) { bytes_read += n; nleft -= n; read_ptr += n; *read_ptr = '\0'; } } else { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("select() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); return(INCORRECT); } if (exec_timeout > 0L) { if ((time(NULL) - exec_start_time) > exec_timeout) { if (kill(child_pid, SIGINT) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("Failed to kill() process %d, due to exec timeout."), #else _("Failed to kill() process %lld, due to exec timeout."), #endif (pri_pid_t)child_pid); } my_usleep(10000L); if (waitpid(child_pid, NULL, WNOHANG) == child_pid) { if (log_fd > -1) { (void)rec(log_fd, WARN_SIGN, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("%-*s%s: [%d] Killed command \"%s\" due to timeout (execution time > %lds).\n"), #else _("%-*s%s: [%lld] Killed command \"%s\" due to timeout (execution time > %lds).\n"), #endif name_length, name, job, (pri_pid_t)child_pid, p_cmd, exec_timeout); } exit_status = INCORRECT; break; } else { int counter = 0; if (kill(child_pid, SIGKILL) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("Failed to kill() process %d, due to exec timeout."), #else _("Failed to kill() process %lld, due to exec timeout."), #endif (pri_pid_t)child_pid); } do { my_usleep(10000L); counter++; if (waitpid(child_pid, NULL, WNOHANG) == child_pid) { if (log_fd > -1) { (void)rec(log_fd, WARN_SIGN, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("%-*s%s: [%d] Killed command \"%s\" due to timeout (execution time > %lds).\n"), #else _("%-*s%s: [%lld] Killed command \"%s\" due to timeout (execution time > %lds).\n"), #endif name_length, name, job, (pri_pid_t)child_pid, p_cmd, exec_timeout); } counter = 101; } } while (counter < 101); exit_status = INCORRECT; break; } } } } /* for (;;) */ } if (close(channels[READ]) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("close() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); } break; } return(exit_status); }