/* * afd.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 1996 - 2014 Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), * Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M1 /* ** NAME ** afd - controls startup and shutdown of AFD ** ** SYNOPSIS ** afd [options] ** -a only start AFD ** -b Blocks starting of AFD ** -c[ ] only check if AFD is active ** -C[ ] check if AFD is active, if not start it ** -d only start afd_ctrl dialog ** -h[ ] only check for heartbeat ** -H[ ] check if heartbeat is active, if not start AFD ** -i[1-9] initialize AFD, the optional number is the ** level of initialization. The higher the number ** the more data will be deleted. If no number is ** specified the level will be 5. 9 is the same ** as -I below. ** -I initialize AFD, by deleting everything except ** for the etc directory ** -n in combination with -i or -I just print ** and do not execute. ** -p use the given user role ** -r remove blocking startup of AFD ** -T check if data types match current binary ** -s shutdown AFD ** -S silent AFD shutdown ** -u[ ] different user ** -w AFD working directory ** -v Just print the version number. ** --version Current version ** -z Set shared shutdown bit. ** ** DESCRIPTION ** This program controls the startup or shutdown procedure of ** the AFD. When starting the following process are being ** initiated in this order: ** ** init_afd - Monitors all process of the AFD. ** system_log - Logs all system activities. ** transfer_log - Logs all transfer activities. ** trans_db_log - Logs all debug transfer activities. ** receive_log - Logs all receive activities. ** archive_watch - Searches archive for old files and ** removes them. ** input_log - Logs all activities on input. ** distribution_log - Logs how data is distributed. ** production_log - Logs all production activity such as ** exec, rename, assemble, etc. ** output_log - Logs activities on output (can be turned ** on/off on a per job basis). ** delete_log - Logs all files that are being removed ** by the AFD. ** afd_stat - Collects statistic information. ** amg - Searches user directories and generates ** messages for the FD. ** fd - Reads messages from the AMG and distributes ** the corresponding files. ** ** ** RETURN VALUES ** None when successful. Otherwise if no response is received ** from the AFD, it will tell the user. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 12.04.1996 H.Kiehl Created ** 30.05.1997 H.Kiehl Added permission check. ** 13.08.1997 H.Kiehl When doing a shutdown, waiting for init_afd to ** terminate. ** 10.05.1998 H.Kiehl Added -c and -C options. ** 16.06.2002 H.Kiehl Added -h and -H options. ** 01.05.2004 H.Kiehl Added options to initialize AFD. ** 23.04.2005 H.Kiehl Added -z option. ** 07.04.2006 H.Kiehl When doing initialization only delete AFD files, ** not AFD_MON files. ** 10.01.2007 H.Kiehl Do not return -1 when doing a shutdown and ** AFD is not active. ** 03.02.2009 H.Kiehl Try handle the case better when the AFD_ACTIVE ** file gets deleted while AFD is still active. ** 04.03.2010 H.Kiehl When initializing with -i delete everything in ** crc, incoming/file_mask and incoming/ls_data ** directory. ** 20.10.2011 H.Kiehl Added -T option. ** 28.11.2012 H.Kiehl Let user choose the level of initialization. ** 05.08.2013 H.Kiehl Check correct DIR_CONFIG in case when we specify ** another one in AFD_CONFIG in function ** check_database(). ** 20.03.2014 H.Kiehl When AFD is on a global filesystem and we check ** if AFD is active (-c), also check that we are on ** the correct node. ** */ DESCR__E_M1 #include /* fprintf(), remove(), NULL */ #include /* strcpy(), strcat(), strerror() */ #include /* exit() */ #include /* isdigit() */ #include #ifdef HAVE_MMAP # include /* mmap(), munmap() */ #endif #include #include /* struct timeval, FD_SET... */ #include /* kill() */ #include /* O_RDWR, O_CREAT, O_WRONLY, etc */ #include /* execlp(), chdir(), unlink(), R_OK, X_OK */ #include #include "version.h" #include "permission.h" #include "logdefs.h" /* Some local definitions. */ #define AFD_ONLY 1 #define AFD_CHECK_ONLY 2 #define AFD_CHECK 3 #define AFD_CTRL_ONLY 4 #define SHUTDOWN_ONLY 5 #define SILENT_SHUTDOWN_ONLY 6 #define START_BOTH 7 #define MAKE_BLOCK_FILE 8 #define REMOVE_BLOCK_FILE 9 #define AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK_ONLY 10 #define AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK 11 #define AFD_INITIALIZE 12 #define SET_SHUTDOWN_BIT 13 /* External global variables. */ #ifdef AFDBENCH_CONFIG int pause_dir_check = NO; #endif int sys_log_fd = STDERR_FILENO; char *p_work_dir, afd_active_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], afd_cmd_fifo[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; const char *sys_log_name = SYSTEM_LOG_FIFO; struct afd_status *p_afd_status; /* Local functions. */ static void usage(char *); static int check_database(void); /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ main() $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int afd_ctrl_perm, dry_run = NO, initialize_perm, init_level = 0, startup_perm, start_up, shutdown_perm, user_offset; long default_heartbeat_timeout; char auto_block_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], exec_cmd[AFD_CTRL_LENGTH + 1], fake_user[MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH], *perm_buffer, profile[MAX_PROFILE_NAME_LENGTH + 1], sys_log_fifo[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], user[MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH], work_dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; struct stat stat_buf; CHECK_FOR_VERSION(argc, argv); if ((argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-') && (argv[1][1] == 'v') && (argv[1][2] == '\0')) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); exit(SUCCESS); } if (get_afd_path(&argc, argv, work_dir) < 0) { exit(INCORRECT); } p_work_dir = work_dir; if (get_arg(&argc, argv, "-p", profile, MAX_PROFILE_NAME_LENGTH) == INCORRECT) { profile[0] = '\0'; user_offset = 0; } else { (void)my_strncpy(user, profile, MAX_FULL_USER_ID_LENGTH); user_offset = strlen(profile); } #ifdef WITH_SETUID_PROGS set_afd_euid(work_dir); #endif check_fake_user(&argc, argv, AFD_CONFIG_FILE, fake_user); get_user(user, fake_user, user_offset); switch (get_permissions(&perm_buffer, fake_user, profile)) { case NO_ACCESS : /* Cannot access afd.users file. */ { char afd_user_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)strcpy(afd_user_file, p_work_dir); (void)strcat(afd_user_file, ETC_DIR); (void)strcat(afd_user_file, AFD_USER_FILE); (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to access `%s', unable to determine users permissions.\n"), afd_user_file); } exit(INCORRECT); case NONE : (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s [%s]\n", PERMISSION_DENIED_STR, user); exit(INCORRECT); case SUCCESS : /* Lets evaluate the permissions and see what */ /* the user may do. */ if ((perm_buffer[0] == 'a') && (perm_buffer[1] == 'l') && (perm_buffer[2] == 'l') && ((perm_buffer[3] == '\0') || (perm_buffer[3] == ',') || (perm_buffer[3] == ' ') || (perm_buffer[3] == '\t'))) { afd_ctrl_perm = YES; shutdown_perm = YES; startup_perm = YES; initialize_perm = YES; } else { if (lposi(perm_buffer, AFD_CTRL_PERM, AFD_CTRL_PERM_LENGTH) == NULL) { afd_ctrl_perm = NO_PERMISSION; } else { afd_ctrl_perm = YES; } if (lposi(perm_buffer, SHUTDOWN_PERM, SHUTDOWN_PERM_LENGTH) == NULL) { shutdown_perm = NO_PERMISSION; } else { shutdown_perm = YES; } if (lposi(perm_buffer, STARTUP_PERM, STARTUP_PERM_LENGTH) == NULL) { startup_perm = NO_PERMISSION; } else { startup_perm = YES; } if (lposi(perm_buffer, INITIALIZE_PERM, INITIALIZE_PERM_LENGTH) == NULL) { initialize_perm = NO_PERMISSION; } else { initialize_perm = YES; } free(perm_buffer); } break; case INCORRECT: /* Hmm. Something did go wrong. Since we want to */ /* be able to disable permission checking let */ /* the user have all permissions. */ afd_ctrl_perm = YES; shutdown_perm = YES; startup_perm = YES; initialize_perm = YES; break; default : (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Impossible!! Remove the programmer!\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } if (argc <= 3) { if ((argc == 2) || ((argc == 3) && (argv[1][0] == '-') && ((((argv[1][1] == 'C') || (argv[1][1] == 'c') || (argv[1][1] == 'I') || (argv[1][1] == 'i')) && (argv[1][2] == '\0')) || ((argv[1][1] == 'i') && (isdigit((int)argv[1][2])))))) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "-a") == 0) /* Start AFD. */ { if (startup_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to start the AFD.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } start_up = AFD_ONLY; } #ifdef AFDBENCH_CONFIG else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-A") == 0) /* Start AFD but no dir scans. */ { if (startup_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to start the AFD.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } pause_dir_check = YES; start_up = AFD_ONLY; } #endif else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-b") == 0) /* Block auto restart. */ { start_up = MAKE_BLOCK_FILE; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-c") == 0) /* Only check if AFD is active. */ { start_up = AFD_CHECK_ONLY; if (argc == 3) { default_heartbeat_timeout = atol(argv[2]); } else { default_heartbeat_timeout = DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT; } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-C") == 0) /* Only check if AFD is active. */ { if (startup_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to start the AFD.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } start_up = AFD_CHECK; if (argc == 3) { default_heartbeat_timeout = atol(argv[2]); } else { default_heartbeat_timeout = DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT; } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-d") == 0) /* Start afd_ctrl. */ { if (afd_ctrl_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to start the AFD control dialog.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } start_up = AFD_CTRL_ONLY; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0) /* Only check for heartbeat. */ { start_up = AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK_ONLY; if (argc == 3) { default_heartbeat_timeout = atol(argv[2]); } else { default_heartbeat_timeout = DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT; } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-H") == 0) /* If there is no heartbeat start AFD. */ { if (startup_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to start the AFD.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } start_up = AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK; if (argc == 3) { default_heartbeat_timeout = atol(argv[2]); } else { default_heartbeat_timeout = DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT; } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-i") == 0) /* Initialize AFD. */ { if (initialize_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to initialize the AFD.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } init_level = 5; start_up = AFD_INITIALIZE; if (argc == 3) { if (strcmp(argv[2], "-n") == 0) /* Just print, do not execute. */ { dry_run = YES; } else { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } } else if ((argv[1][0] == '-') && (argv[1][1] == 'i') && /* Initialize AFD with init level. */ (isdigit((int)argv[1][2])) && (argv[1][3] == '\0')) { if (initialize_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to initialize the AFD.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } init_level = (int)argv[1][2] - 48; start_up = AFD_INITIALIZE; if (argc == 3) { if (strcmp(argv[2], "-n") == 0) /* Just print, do not execute. */ { dry_run = YES; } else { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-I") == 0) /* Full Initialization of AFD. */ { if (initialize_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to do a full initialization of AFD.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } init_level = 9; start_up = AFD_INITIALIZE; if (argc == 3) { if (strcmp(argv[2], "-n") == 0) /* Just print, do not execute. */ { dry_run = YES; } else { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-s") == 0) /* Shutdown AFD. */ { if (shutdown_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to shutdown the AFD. [%s]\n"), user); exit(INCORRECT); } start_up = SHUTDOWN_ONLY; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-S") == 0) /* Silent AFD shutdown. */ { if (shutdown_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to shutdown the AFD. [%s]\n"), user); exit(INCORRECT); } start_up = SILENT_SHUTDOWN_ONLY; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-r") == 0) /* Removes blocking file. */ { start_up = REMOVE_BLOCK_FILE; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-T") == 0) /* Check if data types match */ /* current binary. */ { int changes; changes = check_typesize_data(NULL, stdout); if (changes > 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("There are %d changes. Database needs to be reinitialized with 'afd -i'\n"), changes); (void)fprintf(stdout, _("To see exactly what has changed, see %s%s/%s0 for more details.\n"), p_work_dir, LOG_DIR, SYSTEM_LOG_NAME); } else { if (changes == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("Database matches compiled version.\n")); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to check if there are changes. See %s%s/%s0 for more details.\n"), p_work_dir, LOG_DIR, SYSTEM_LOG_NAME); } } exit(changes); } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-z") == 0) /* Set shutdown bit. */ { if (shutdown_perm != YES) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have the permission to set the shutdown bit. [%s]\n"), user); exit(INCORRECT); } start_up = SET_SHUTDOWN_BIT; } else if ((strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0)) /* Show usage. */ { usage(argv[0]); exit(SUCCESS); } else { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } } else /* Start AFD and afd_ctrl. */ { if ((startup_perm == YES) && (afd_ctrl_perm == YES)) { start_up = START_BOTH; } else if (startup_perm == YES) { start_up = AFD_ONLY; } else if (afd_ctrl_perm == YES) { start_up = AFD_CTRL_ONLY; } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("You do not have enough permissions to use this program.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } } } else { usage(argv[0]); exit(1); } (void)umask(0); if (chdir(work_dir) < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to change directory to `%s' : %s (%s %d)\n"), work_dir, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } /* Initialise variables. */ (void)strcpy(auto_block_file, work_dir); (void)strcat(auto_block_file, ETC_DIR); (void)strcat(auto_block_file, BLOCK_FILE); (void)strcpy(afd_active_file, work_dir); (void)strcat(afd_active_file, FIFO_DIR); if (check_dir(afd_active_file, R_OK | X_OK) < 0) { exit(INCORRECT); } (void)strcpy(sys_log_fifo, afd_active_file); (void)strcat(sys_log_fifo, SYSTEM_LOG_FIFO); (void)strcpy(afd_cmd_fifo, afd_active_file); (void)strcat(afd_cmd_fifo, AFD_CMD_FIFO); (void)strcat(afd_active_file, AFD_ACTIVE_FILE); if ((stat(sys_log_fifo, &stat_buf) == -1) || (!S_ISFIFO(stat_buf.st_mode))) { if (make_fifo(sys_log_fifo) < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Could not create fifo `%s'. (%s %d)\n"), sys_log_fifo, __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } } if ((start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) || (start_up == SILENT_SHUTDOWN_ONLY)) { int loops = 0, n, readfd; pid_t ia_pid; p_afd_status = NULL; if (attach_afd_status(NULL, 5) == SUCCESS) { if (p_afd_status->hostname[0] != '\0') { char hostname[MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; if (gethostname(hostname, MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH) == 0) { if (strcmp(hostname, p_afd_status->hostname) != 0) { if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Shutdown can only be done on %s or use -z.\n"), p_afd_status->hostname); } exit(NOT_ON_CORRECT_HOST); } } } (void)detach_afd_status(); } /* First get the pid of init_afd before we send the */ /* shutdown command. */ if ((readfd = open(afd_active_file, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to open `%s' : %s (%s %d)\n"), afd_active_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((n = shutdown_afd(user, 1L, YES)) == 2) { if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("There is no AFD active.\n")); } n = AFD_IS_NOT_ACTIVE; } else if (n != 0) { if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : An error (%d) occured when shutting down, see SYSTEM_LOG for more information.\n"), n); } n = INCORRECT; } exit(n); } if ((n = read(readfd, &ia_pid, sizeof(pid_t))) != sizeof(pid_t)) { if (n == 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("File `%s' is empty. Unable to determine if AFD is active.\n"), afd_active_file); } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("read() error : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); } exit(INCORRECT); } (void)close(readfd); /* Check that we have a valid pid! */ if (ia_pid < 1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("File %s contains an invalid pid (%d). Please try and terminate it by hand.\n"), #else _("File %s contains an invalid pid (%lld). Please try and terminate it by hand.\n"), #endif afd_active_file, (pri_pid_t)ia_pid); exit(INCORRECT); } if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("Starting AFD shutdown ")); fflush(stdout); } /* * First check if init_afd process is there. */ if ((kill(ia_pid, 0) == -1) && (errno == ESRCH)) { if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); } /* * No init_afd seems active. Lets still send a stop and * try listen to heartbeat. But regardless if we succeed, * lets return 0 (success) when we exit. Assume that no * AFD was running. */ (void)shutdown_afd(user, 3L, NO); (void)unlink(afd_active_file); if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "\nDone! Note, no %s process!!!\n", AFD); } exit(0); } (void)shutdown_afd(user, 10L, NO); /* * Wait for init_afd to terminate. But lets not wait forever. */ for (;;) { if ((access(afd_active_file, F_OK) == -1) && (errno == ENOENT)) { if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "\nDone!\n"); } exit(0); } if ((start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) && ((loops % 10) == 0)) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "."); fflush(stdout); } my_usleep(100000L); if (loops++ >= 1200) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("\nTimeout reached, killing %s.\n"), AFD); if (kill(ia_pid, SIGINT) == -1) { if (errno == ESRCH) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("init_afd already gone (%s %d)\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(0); } (void)fprintf(stderr, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("Failed to kill init_afd (%d) : %s (%s %d)\n"), #else _("Failed to kill init_afd (%lld) : %s (%s %d)\n"), #endif (pri_pid_t)ia_pid, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { if (start_up == SHUTDOWN_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("\nDone!\n")); } } break; } } /* * Before we exit lets check if init_afd is really gone. */ loops = 0; for (;;) { if ((access(afd_active_file, F_OK) == -1) && (errno == ENOENT)) { break; } my_usleep(100000L); if (loops++ >= 400) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("\nSecond timeout reached, killing init_afd the hard way.\n")); if (kill(ia_pid, SIGKILL) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 _("Failed to kill init_afd (%d) : %s (%s %d)\n"), #else _("Failed to kill init_afd (%lld) : %s (%s %d)\n"), #endif (pri_pid_t)ia_pid, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); } break; } } exit(0); } else if (start_up == AFD_CTRL_ONLY) { (void)strcpy(exec_cmd, AFD_CTRL); if (execlp(exec_cmd, exec_cmd, WORK_DIR_ID, work_dir, (char *) 0) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to execute %s : %s (%s %d)\n"), exec_cmd, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } exit(0); } else if (start_up == AFD_ONLY) { /* Check if starting of AFD is currently disabled. */ if (eaccess(auto_block_file, F_OK) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("AFD is currently disabled by system manager.\n")); exit(AFD_DISABLED_BY_SYSADM); } if (check_database() == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Cannot read database file (DIR_CONFIG) : %s\n Unable to start AFD.\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } if (check_afd_heartbeat(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, NO) == 1) { int ret; if (attach_afd_status(NULL, 5) == SUCCESS) { if (p_afd_status->hostname[0] != '\0') { char hostname[MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; if (gethostname(hostname, MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH) == 0) { if (strcmp(p_afd_status->hostname, hostname) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active on %s in %s\n"), hostname, p_work_dir); ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("No AFD is active on %s in %s, but is active on %s\n"), hostname, p_work_dir, p_afd_status->hostname); ret = NOT_ON_CORRECT_HOST; } } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active on %s in %s\n"), p_afd_status->hostname, p_work_dir); ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active in %s\n"), p_work_dir); ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } (void)detach_afd_status(); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active in %s\n"), p_work_dir); ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } exit(ret); } if (startup_afd() != YES) { exit(INCORRECT); } exit(0); } else if ((start_up == AFD_CHECK) || (start_up == AFD_CHECK_ONLY) || (start_up == AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK) || (start_up == AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK_ONLY)) { int remove_process, ret; if ((start_up == AFD_CHECK_ONLY) || (start_up == AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK_ONLY)) { remove_process = NO; } else { remove_process = YES; } if ((ret = check_afd_heartbeat(default_heartbeat_timeout, remove_process)) == 1) { int exit_ret; if (attach_afd_status(NULL, 5) == SUCCESS) { if (p_afd_status->hostname[0] != '\0') { char hostname[MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH]; if (gethostname(hostname, MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH) == 0) { if (strcmp(p_afd_status->hostname, hostname) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active on %s in %s\n"), hostname, p_work_dir); exit_ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("No AFD is active on %s in %s, but is active on %s\n"), hostname, p_work_dir, p_afd_status->hostname); exit_ret = NOT_ON_CORRECT_HOST; } } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active on %s in %s\n"), p_afd_status->hostname, p_work_dir); exit_ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active in %s\n"), p_work_dir); exit_ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } (void)detach_afd_status(); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD is active in %s\n"), p_work_dir); exit_ret = AFD_IS_ACTIVE; } exit(exit_ret); } else if (ret == 2) { (void)fprintf(stdout, _("AFD NOT responding within %ld seconds!\n"), default_heartbeat_timeout); exit(AFD_NOT_RESPONDING); } if ((start_up == AFD_CHECK) || (start_up == AFD_HEARTBEAT_CHECK)) { /* Check if starting of AFD is currently disabled. */ if (eaccess(auto_block_file, F_OK) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("AFD is currently disabled by system manager.\n")); exit(AFD_DISABLED_BY_SYSADM); } if (check_database() == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot read database file (DIR_CONFIG) : %s\nUnable to start AFD.\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(NO_DIR_CONFIG); } if (startup_afd() != YES) { exit(INCORRECT); } } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("No AFD active in %s\n"), p_work_dir); } exit(0); } else if (start_up == MAKE_BLOCK_FILE) { int fd; if ((fd = open(auto_block_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, #ifdef GROUP_CAN_WRITE S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP)) == -1) #else S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR)) == -1) #endif { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to create block file `%s' : %s (%s %d)\n"), auto_block_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } if (close(fd) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("WARNING : Failed to close() block file `%s' : %s (%s %d)\n"), auto_block_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); } exit(SUCCESS); } else if (start_up == REMOVE_BLOCK_FILE) { if (remove(auto_block_file) < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to remove block file `%s' : %s (%s %d)\n"), auto_block_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } exit(SUCCESS); } else if (start_up == AFD_INITIALIZE) { if (check_afd_heartbeat(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, NO) == 1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : AFD is still active, unable to initialize.\n")); exit(INCORRECT); } else { initialize_db(init_level, NULL, dry_run); exit(SUCCESS); } } else if (start_up == SET_SHUTDOWN_BIT) { int fd; off_t offset; char *ptr, *shared_shutdown; if ((fd = open(afd_active_file, O_RDWR)) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to open() `%s' : %s (%s %d)\n"), afd_active_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } if (fstat(fd, &stat_buf) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to fstat() `%s' : %s (%s %d)\n"), afd_active_file, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } offset = ((NO_OF_PROCESS + 1) * sizeof(pid_t)) + sizeof(unsigned int) + 1 + 1; if ((offset + 1) != stat_buf.st_size) { (void)fprintf(stderr, #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 _("ERROR : Unable to set shutdown bit due to incorrect size (%ld != %ld) of %s.\n"), #else _("ERROR : Unable to set shutdown bit due to incorrect size (%lld != %lld) of %s.\n"), #endif (pri_off_t)(offset + 1), (pri_off_t)stat_buf.st_size, afd_active_file); exit(INCORRECT); } #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if ((ptr = mmap(NULL, offset, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, fd, 0)) == (caddr_t) -1) #else if ((ptr = mmap_emu(NULL, offset, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, afd_active_file, 0)) == (caddr_t) -1) #endif { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : mmap() error : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } offset -= (sizeof(unsigned int) + 1 + 1); shared_shutdown = ptr + offset + sizeof(unsigned int); *shared_shutdown = SHUTDOWN; (void)fprintf(stdout, "Shutdown bit set.\n"); exit(SUCCESS); } /* Check if starting of AFD is currently disabled. */ if (eaccess(auto_block_file, F_OK) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("AFD is currently disabled by system manager.\n")); exit(AFD_DISABLED_BY_SYSADM); } /* Is another AFD active in this directory? */ if (check_afd_heartbeat(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, YES) == 1) { /* Another AFD is active. Only start afd_ctrl. */ (void)strcpy(exec_cmd, AFD_CTRL); if (execlp(exec_cmd, exec_cmd, WORK_DIR_ID, work_dir, (char *) 0) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to execute %s : %s (%s %d)\n"), exec_cmd, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } else /* Start both. */ { if (check_database() == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot read database file (DIR_CONFIG) : %s\nUnable to start AFD.\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } if (check_afd_heartbeat(DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT, NO) == 1) { /* AFD is already up and running. */ (void)strcpy(exec_cmd, AFD_CTRL); if (execlp(exec_cmd, exec_cmd, WORK_DIR_ID, work_dir, (char *) 0) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to execute %s : %s (%s %d)\n"), exec_cmd, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } else { if (startup_afd() == YES) { (void)strcpy(exec_cmd, AFD_CTRL); if (execlp(exec_cmd, exec_cmd, WORK_DIR_ID, work_dir, (char *) 0) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to execute %s : %s (%s %d)\n"), exec_cmd, strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(1); } } else { exit(INCORRECT); } } } exit(0); } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ check_database() +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static int check_database(void) { int length, ret; char db_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; length = snprintf(db_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR); (void)strcpy(&db_file[length], AFD_CONFIG_FILE); if (eaccess(db_file, R_OK) == -1) { (void)strcpy(&db_file[length], DEFAULT_DIR_CONFIG_FILE); ret = eaccess(db_file, R_OK); } else { char *buffer, config_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; ret = -1; if (read_file_no_cr(db_file, &buffer, __FILE__, __LINE__) != INCORRECT) { char *ptr; ptr = buffer; while ((ptr = get_definition(ptr, DIR_CONFIG_NAME_DEF, config_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH)) != NULL) { if (config_file[0] != '/') { if (config_file[0] == '~') { size_t config_length; char *p_path, user[MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH + 1]; if (config_file[1] == '/') { p_path = &config_file[2]; user[0] = '\0'; } else { int j = 0; p_path = &config_file[1]; while ((*(p_path + j) != '/') && (*(p_path + j) != '\0') && (j < MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH)) { user[j] = *(p_path + j); j++; } user[j] = '\0'; } (void)expand_path(user, p_path); config_length = strlen(p_path) + 1; (void)memmove(config_file, p_path, config_length); } else { char tmp_config_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)strcpy(tmp_config_file, config_file); (void)snprintf(config_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s%s/%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR, tmp_config_file); } } if ((ret = eaccess(config_file, R_OK)) == 0) { break; } } free(buffer); } if (ret == -1) { (void)strcpy(&db_file[length], DEFAULT_DIR_CONFIG_FILE); ret = eaccess(db_file, R_OK); } } #ifdef WITH_AUTO_CONFIG if (ret == -1) { FILE *fp; struct stat stat_buf; db_file[length] = '\0'; if (stat(db_file, &stat_buf) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { if (mkdir(db_file, DIR_MODE) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to mkdir() `%s' : %s\n"), db_file, strerror(errno)); return(-1); } } else { return(-1); } } (void)snprintf(db_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s %s 2>&1", AFD_AUTO_CONFIG, p_work_dir); if ((fp = popen(db_file, "r")) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to popen() `%s' : %s\n"), db_file, strerror(errno)); return(-1); } db_file[0] = '\0'; while (fgets(db_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, fp) != NULL) { ; } if (db_file[0] != '\0') { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("%s failed : `%s'\n"), AFD_AUTO_CONFIG, db_file); } if (ferror(fp)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ferror() error : %s\n"), strerror(errno)); } if (pclose(fp) == -1) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to pclose() : %s\n"), strerror(errno)); } (void)snprintf(db_file, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, "%s%s%s", p_work_dir, ETC_DIR, DEFAULT_DIR_CONFIG_FILE); return(eaccess(db_file, R_OK)); } else { return(0); } #else return(ret); #endif } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ usage() +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void usage(char *progname) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("Usage: %s[ -w ][ -p ][ -u[ ]] [option]\n"), progname); (void)fprintf(stderr, _("\n Other possible options:\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -a only start AFD\n")); #ifdef AFDBENCH_CONFIG (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -A only start AFD, but do not scan directories\n")); #endif (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -b blocks starting of AFD\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -c[ ] only check if AFD is active\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -C[ ] check if AFD is active, if not start it\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -d only start afd_ctrl dialog\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -h[ ] only check for heartbeat\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -H[ ] check if heartbeat is active, if not start AFD\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -i[1-9] initialize AFD, the optional number is the\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" level of initialization. The higher the number\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" the more data will be deleted. If no number is\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" specified the level will be 5. 9 is the same\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" as -I below.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -I initialize AFD, by deleting everything\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" except for etc directory\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -n in combination with -i or -I just print\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" and do not execute.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -r removes blocking startup of AFD\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -s shutdown AFD\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -S silent AFD shutdown\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -T check if data types match current binary\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -z set shutdown bit\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" --help prints out this syntax\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -v just print version number\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" --version show current version\n")); return; }