/* * fsa_view.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 1996 - 2015 Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), * Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M1 /* ** NAME ** fsa_view - shows all information in the FSA about a specific ** host ** ** SYNOPSIS ** fsa_view [--version] [-w working directory] [-l|-s] hostname|position ** ** DESCRIPTION ** This program shows all information about a specific host in the ** FSA. ** ** RETURN VALUES ** SUCCESS on normal exit and INCORRECT when an error has occurred. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 01.02.1996 H.Kiehl Created ** 05.01.1997 H.Kiehl Added support for burst mode. ** 21.08.1997 H.Kiehl Show real hostname as well. ** 12.10.1997 H.Kiehl Show bursting and mailing. ** 05.12.2000 H.Kiehl If available show host toggle string. ** 04.08.2001 H.Kiehl Show more details of special_flag and added ** active|passive mode and idle time to protocol. ** 16.02.2006 H.Kiehl Added SFTP, ignore_bin, socket send and ** socket receive buffer. ** 27.03.2006 H.Kiehl Option with long view with full filenames. ** 18.10.2013 H.Kiehl Beautified output so it shows the table aligned ** properly. ** */ DESCR__E_M1 #include /* fprintf(), stderr, stdout */ #include /* strcpy(), strerror() */ #include /* atoi() */ #include /* isdigit() */ #include /* ctime() */ #include #include /* STDERR_FILENO */ #include #include #include "version.h" #define SHORT_VIEW 1 #define LONG_VIEW 2 #define GET_MAX_DIGIT(value) \ { \ if ((value) > 999999999) \ { \ nr_of_digits = (int)log10((value)) + 1; \ if (nr_of_digits > max_digits) \ { \ max_digits = nr_of_digits; \ } \ } \ } /* Local functions. */ static void usage(void); int sys_log_fd = STDERR_FILENO, /* Not used! */ fsa_id, fsa_fd = -1, no_of_hosts = 0; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP off_t fsa_size; #endif char *p_work_dir; struct filetransfer_status *fsa; const char *sys_log_name = SYSTEM_LOG_FIFO; /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ fsa_view() $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, last = 0, position = -1, view_type = SHORT_VIEW; char hostname[MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH + 1], *ptr, work_dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; CHECK_FOR_VERSION(argc, argv); if (get_afd_path(&argc, argv, work_dir) < 0) { exit(INCORRECT); } p_work_dir = work_dir; if (get_arg(&argc, argv, "-l", NULL, 0) == SUCCESS) { view_type = LONG_VIEW; } if (get_arg(&argc, argv, "-s", NULL, 0) == SUCCESS) { view_type = SHORT_VIEW; } /* Do not start if binary dataset matches the one stort on disk. */ if (check_typesize_data(NULL, stdout) > 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "The compiled binary does not match stored database.\n"); (void)fprintf(stderr, "Initialize database with the command : afd -i\n"); exit(INCORRECT); } if (argc == 2) { if (isdigit((int)(argv[1][0])) != 0) { position = atoi(argv[1]); last = position + 1; } else { t_hostname(argv[1], hostname); } } else if (argc == 1) { position = -2; } else { usage(); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((j = fsa_attach_passive(NO, "fsa_view")) != SUCCESS) { if (j == INCORRECT_VERSION) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : This program is not able to attach to the FSA due to incorrect version. (%s %d)\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { if (j < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to attach to FSA. (%s %d)\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Failed to attach to FSA : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(j), __FILE__, __LINE__); } } exit(INCORRECT); } if (position == -1) { if ((position = get_host_position(fsa, hostname, no_of_hosts)) < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("WARNING : Could not find host `%s' in FSA. (%s %d)\n"), hostname, __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } last = position + 1; } else if (position == -2) { last = no_of_hosts; position = 0; } else if (position >= no_of_hosts) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("WARNING : There are only %d hosts in the FSA. (%s %d)\n"), no_of_hosts, __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } ptr =(char *)fsa; ptr -= AFD_WORD_OFFSET; (void)fprintf(stdout, _(" Number of hosts: %d FSA ID: %d Struct Version: %d Pagesize: %d\n\n"), no_of_hosts, fsa_id, (int)(*(ptr + SIZEOF_INT + 1 + 1 + 1)), *(int *)(ptr + SIZEOF_INT + 4)); for (j = position; j < last; j++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "=============================> %s (%d) <=============================\n", fsa[j].host_alias, j); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Host alias CRC : %x\n", fsa[j].host_id); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Real hostname 1 : %s\n", fsa[j].real_hostname[0]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Real hostname 2 : %s\n", fsa[j].real_hostname[1]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Hostname (display) : >%s<\n", fsa[j].host_dsp_name); if (fsa[j].host_toggle == HOST_ONE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Host toggle : HOST_ONE\n"); } else if (fsa[j].host_toggle == HOST_TWO) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Host toggle : HOST_TWO\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Host toggle : HOST_???\n"); } if (fsa[j].auto_toggle == ON) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Auto toggle : ON\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Auto toggle : OFF\n"); } if (fsa[j].original_toggle_pos == HOST_ONE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Original toggle : HOST_ONE\n"); } else if (fsa[j].original_toggle_pos == HOST_TWO) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Original toggle : HOST_TWO\n"); } else if (fsa[j].original_toggle_pos == NONE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Original toggle : NONE\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Original toggle : HOST_???\n"); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Toggle position : %d\n", fsa[j].toggle_pos); if (fsa[j].host_toggle_str[0] != '\0') { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Host toggle string : %s\n", fsa[j].host_toggle_str); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Protocol(%11x): ", fsa[j].protocol); if (fsa[j].protocol & FTP_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "FTP "); if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_PASSIVE_MODE) { if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_EXTENDED_MODE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "extended passive "); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "passive "); } } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "active "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_ALLOW_DATA_REDIRECT) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "allow_redirect "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & SET_IDLE_TIME) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "idle "); } #ifdef FTP_CTRL_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL if (fsa[j].protocol_options & STAT_KEEPALIVE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "stat_keepalive "); } #endif if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_FAST_MOVE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "fast_move "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_FAST_CD) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "fast_cd "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_IGNORE_BIN) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "ignore_bin "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & CHECK_SIZE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "check_size "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_USE_LIST) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "use_list "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_DISABLE_MLST) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "disable_mlst "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & KEEP_CONNECTED_DISCONNECT) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "keep_connected_disconnect "); } } if (fsa[j].protocol & SFTP_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "SFTP "); if ((fsa[j].protocol & FTP_FLAG) == 0) { if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_FAST_CD) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "fast_cd "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & CHECK_SIZE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "check_size "); } } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & ENABLE_COMPRESSION) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "compression "); } } if (fsa[j].protocol & LOC_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "LOC "); } if (fsa[j].protocol & HTTP_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HTTP "); } if (fsa[j].protocol & SMTP_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "SMTP "); } #ifdef _WITH_MAP_SUPPORT if (fsa[j].protocol & MAP_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "MAP "); } #endif #ifdef _WITH_SCP_SUPPORT if (fsa[j].protocol & SCP_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "SCP "); if (((fsa[j].protocol & SFTP_FLAG) == 0) && (fsa[j].protocol_options & ENABLE_COMPRESSION)) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "compression "); } } #endif #ifdef _WITH_WMO_SUPPORT if (fsa[j].protocol & WMO_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "WMO "); } #endif #ifdef WITH_SSL if (fsa[j].protocol & SSL_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "SSL "); } #endif #ifdef FTP_CTRL_KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL if (fsa[j].protocol_options & AFD_TCP_KEEPALIVE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "tcp_keepalive "); } #endif if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FILE_WHEN_LOCAL_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "file_when_local "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & USE_SEQUENCE_LOCKING) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "sequence_locking "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & DISABLE_BURSTING) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "disable_burst "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & KEEP_TIME_STAMP) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "keep_time_stamp "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & SORT_FILE_NAMES) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "sort_file_names "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & NO_AGEING_JOBS) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "no_ageing_jobs "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & TIMEOUT_TRANSFER) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "timeout_transfer "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & KEEP_CON_NO_SEND_2) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "keep_con_no_send_2 "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & KEEP_CON_NO_FETCH_2) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "keep_con_no_fetch_2 "); } if (fsa[j].protocol_options & FTP_CCC_OPTION) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "ftp_ccc_option "); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Direction : "); if (fsa[j].protocol & SEND_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "SEND "); } if (fsa[j].protocol & RETRIEVE_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "RETRIEVE "); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); if (fsa[j].socksnd_bufsize == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Socket send buffer : Not set\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Socket send buffer : %u\n", fsa[j].socksnd_bufsize); } if (fsa[j].sockrcv_bufsize == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Socket rcv buffer : Not set\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Socket rcv buffer : %u\n", fsa[j].sockrcv_bufsize); } if (fsa[j].keep_connected == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Keep connected : Not set\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Keep connected : %u\n", fsa[j].keep_connected); } if (fsa[j].proxy_name[0] != '\0') { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Proxy name : >%s<\n", fsa[j].proxy_name); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Proxy name : NONE\n"); } if (fsa[j].debug == NORMAL_MODE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Debug mode : OFF\n"); } else if (fsa[j].debug == DEBUG_MODE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Debug mode : DEBUG\n"); } else if (fsa[j].debug == TRACE_MODE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Debug mode : TRACE\n"); } else if (fsa[j].debug == FULL_TRACE_MODE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Debug mode : FULL TRACE\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Debug mode : Unknown\n"); } #ifdef WITH_DUP_CHECK if (fsa[j].dup_check_timeout == 0L) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Dupcheck timeout : Disabled\n"); } else { # if SIZEOF_TIME_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "Dupcheck timeout : %ld\n", # else (void)fprintf(stdout, "Dupcheck timeout : %lld\n", # endif (pri_time_t)fsa[j].dup_check_timeout); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Dupcheck flag : "); if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_FILENAME_ONLY) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "FILENAME_ONLY "); } else if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_NAME_NO_SUFFIX) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "NAME_NO_SUFFIX "); } else if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_FILENAME_AND_SIZE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "NAME_SIZE "); } else if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_FILE_CONTENT) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "FILE_CONTENT "); } else if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_FILE_CONT_NAME) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "FILE_NAME_CONT "); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "UNKNOWN_TYPE "); } if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_DELETE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "DELETE "); } else if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_STORE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "STORE "); } else if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_WARN) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "WARN "); } if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_CRC32) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "CRC32 "); } else if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & DC_CRC32C) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "CRC32C "); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "UNKNOWN_CRC "); } if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & TIMEOUT_IS_FIXED) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "TIMEOUT_IS_FIXED "); } if (fsa[j].dup_check_flag & USE_RECIPIENT_ID) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "USE_RECIPIENT_ID"); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } #endif (void)fprintf(stdout, "Host status (%7d): ", fsa[j].host_status); if (fsa[j].host_status & PAUSE_QUEUE_STAT) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "PAUSE_QUEUE "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & AUTO_PAUSE_QUEUE_STAT) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "AUTO_PAUSE_QUEUE "); } #ifdef WITH_ERROR_QUEUE if (fsa[j].host_status & ERROR_QUEUE_SET) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "ERROR_QUEUE_SET "); } #endif if (fsa[j].host_status & STOP_TRANSFER_STAT) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "STOP_TRANSFER "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & HOST_CONFIG_HOST_DISABLED) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_CONFIG_HOST_DISABLED "); } if ((fsa[j].special_flag & HOST_IN_DIR_CONFIG) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_NOT_IN_DIR_CONFIG "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & DANGER_PAUSE_QUEUE_STAT) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "DANGER_PAUSE_QUEUE_STAT "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED_T) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED_T "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_T) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_T "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_STATIC) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_STATIC "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & DO_NOT_DELETE_DATA) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "DO_NOT_DELETE_DATA "); } if (fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ACTION_SUCCESS) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_ACTION_SUCCESS "); } #ifdef WITH_IP_DB if (fsa[j].host_status & STORE_IP) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "STORE_IP "); } #endif if (fsa[j].host_status & SIMULATE_SEND_MODE) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "SIMULATE_SEND_MODE "); } if ((fsa[j].error_counter >= fsa[j].max_errors) && ((fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED) == 0) && ((fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_ACKNOWLEDGED_T) == 0) && ((fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE) == 0) && ((fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_T) == 0) && ((fsa[j].host_status & HOST_ERROR_OFFLINE_STATIC) == 0)) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "NOT_WORKING "); } if (fsa[j].active_transfers > 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "TRANSFER_ACTIVE"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "NORMAL_STATUS"); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Transfer timeout : %ld\n", fsa[j].transfer_timeout); (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size offset : %d\n", fsa[j].file_size_offset); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Successful retries : %d\n", fsa[j].successful_retries); (void)fprintf(stdout, "MaxSuccessful ret. : %d\n", fsa[j].max_successful_retries); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Special flag (%3d) : ", fsa[j].special_flag); if (fsa[j].special_flag & KEEP_CON_NO_FETCH) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "KEEP_CON_NO_FETCH "); } if (fsa[j].special_flag & KEEP_CON_NO_SEND) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "KEEP_CON_NO_SEND "); } if (fsa[j].special_flag & HOST_DISABLED) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_DISABLED "); } if (fsa[j].special_flag & HOST_IN_DIR_CONFIG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "HOST_IN_DIR_CONFIG"); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\nError counter : %d\n", fsa[j].error_counter); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Total errors : %u\n", fsa[j].total_errors); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Max. errors : %d\n", fsa[j].max_errors); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Error history : %03d -> %s\n", fsa[j].error_history[0], get_error_str(fsa[j].error_history[0])); for (i = 1; i < ERROR_HISTORY_LENGTH; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " %03d -> %s\n", fsa[j].error_history[i], get_error_str(fsa[j].error_history[i])); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Retry interval : %d\n", fsa[j].retry_interval); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Transfer block size : %d\n", fsa[j].block_size); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TTL : %d\n", fsa[j].ttl); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Time of last retry : %s", ctime(&fsa[j].last_retry_time)); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Last connection : %s", ctime(&fsa[j].last_connection)); if (fsa[j].first_error_time == 0L) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "First error time : Not set.\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "First error time : %s", ctime(&fsa[j].first_error_time)); } if (fsa[j].start_event_handle == 0L) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Start event handle : Not set.\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Start event handle : %s", ctime(&fsa[j].start_event_handle)); } if (fsa[j].end_event_handle == 0L) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "End event handle : Not set.\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "End event handle : %s", ctime(&fsa[j].end_event_handle)); } if (fsa[j].warn_time == 0L) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Warn time : Not set.\n"); } else { #if SIZEOF_TIME_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "Warn time : %ld\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "Warn time : %lld\n", #endif (pri_time_t)fsa[j].warn_time); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Total file counter : %d\n", fsa[j].total_file_counter); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "Total file size : %ld\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "Total file size : %lld\n", #endif (pri_off_t)fsa[j].total_file_size); (void)fprintf(stdout, "File counter done : %u\n", fsa[j].file_counter_done); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "Bytes send : %lu\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "Bytes send : %llu\n", #endif fsa[j].bytes_send); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connections : %u\n", fsa[j].connections); (void)fprintf(stdout, "MC NACK counter : %u\n", fsa[j].mc_nack_counter); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Jobs queued : %u\n", fsa[j].jobs_queued); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Active transfers : %d\n", fsa[j].active_transfers); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Allowed transfers : %d\n", fsa[j].allowed_transfers); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "Rate limit : %ld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].transfer_rate_limit); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Rate limit per proc : %ld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].trl_per_process); (void)fprintf(stdout, "MC Rate limit : %ld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].mc_ct_rate_limit); (void)fprintf(stdout, "MC Rate limit/proc : %ld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].mc_ctrl_per_process); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "Rate limit : %lld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].transfer_rate_limit); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Rate limit per proc : %lld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].trl_per_process); (void)fprintf(stdout, "MC Rate limit : %lld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].mc_ct_rate_limit); (void)fprintf(stdout, "MC Rate limit/proc : %lld\n", (pri_off_t)fsa[j].mc_ctrl_per_process); #endif if (view_type == SHORT_VIEW) { int k, max_digits = 9, nr_of_digits; struct filetransfer_status sfsa; /* * Lets get the longest value so we can setup the table as * compact as possible. For this to work we need to keep the * values in FSA constant until we are done. So just copy them * to a new static storage and use that then. */ (void)memcpy(&sfsa, &fsa[j], sizeof(struct filetransfer_status)); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].proc_id); GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].no_of_files); GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].no_of_files_done); GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].file_size); GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].file_size_done); GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].bytes_send); GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].file_size_in_use); GET_MAX_DIGIT(sfsa.job_status[i].file_size_in_use_done); } (void)fprintf(stdout, " "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { if (i < 10) { k = fprintf(stdout, "| Job %d", i); } else if (i < 100) { k = fprintf(stdout, "| Job %d", i); } else if (i < 1000) { k = fprintf(stdout, "| Job %d", i); } else if (i < 10000) { k = fprintf(stdout, "| Job %d", i); } else { k = fprintf(stdout, "| Job XXXX"); } if (k < max_digits) { int m; for (m = 0; m < (max_digits - k + 2); m++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " "); } } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "--------------------"); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "+"); for (k = 0; k < (max_digits + 1); k++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "-"); } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "PID "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*d ", max_digits, #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*lld ", max_digits, #endif (pri_pid_t)sfsa.job_status[i].proc_id); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status "); for (i = 0; i < fsa[j].allowed_transfers; i++) { switch (sfsa.job_status[i].connect_status) { case CONNECTING : if (sfsa.protocol & LOC_FLAG) { if ((sfsa.protocol & FTP_FLAG) || (sfsa.protocol & SFTP_FLAG) || (sfsa.protocol & HTTP_FLAG) || #ifdef _WITH_MAP_SUPPORT (sfsa.protocol & MAP_FLAG) || #endif #ifdef _WITH_SCP_SUPPORT (sfsa.protocol & SCP_FLAG) || #endif #ifdef _WITH_WMO_SUPPORT (sfsa.protocol & WMO_FLAG) || #endif (sfsa.protocol & SMTP_FLAG)) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|CONNECTING "); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|CON or LOCB"); } } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|CONNECTING "); } break; case DISCONNECT : (void)fprintf(stdout, "|DISCONNECT "); break; case NOT_WORKING : (void)fprintf(stdout, "|NOT WORKING"); break; case FTP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| FTP "); break; case FTP_BURST2_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| FTP BURST "); break; case FTP_RETRIEVE_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| FTP RETR "); break; case SFTP_ACTIVE : #ifdef _WITH_MAP_SUPPORT /* or MAP_ACTIVE */ (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SFTP/MAP "); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SFTP "); #endif break; case SFTP_BURST_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SFTP BURST"); break; case SFTP_RETRIEVE_ACTIVE : #ifdef _WITH_SCP_SUPPORT if (fsa[j].protocol & SFTP_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SFTP RETR "); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SCP BURST"); } #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SFTP RETR "); #endif break; case LOC_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| LOC "); break; case HTTP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| HTTP "); break; case HTTP_RETRIEVE_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| HTTP RETR "); break; case SMTP_BURST_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SMTP BURST"); break; case SMTP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SMTP "); break; #ifdef _WITH_SCP_SUPPORT case SCP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| SCP ACTIV"); break; #endif #ifdef _WITH_WMO_SUPPORT case WMO_BURST_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| WMO BURST "); break; case WMO_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| WMO ACTIV "); break; #endif case CLOSING_CONNECTION : (void)fprintf(stdout, "|CLOSING CON"); break; default : (void)fprintf(stdout, "| Unknown "); break; } if (max_digits > 10) { int m; for (m = 0; m < (max_digits - 10); m++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " "); } } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Number of files "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*d ", max_digits, sfsa.job_status[i].no_of_files); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "No. of files done "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*d ", max_digits, sfsa.job_status[i].no_of_files_done); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*d ", max_digits, #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*lld ", max_digits, #endif (pri_off_t)sfsa.job_status[i].file_size); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size done "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*lu ", max_digits, #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*llu ", max_digits, #endif sfsa.job_status[i].file_size_done); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Bytes send "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*lu ", max_digits, #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*llu ", max_digits, #endif sfsa.job_status[i].bytes_send); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "File name in use "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*.*s", max_digits + 1, max_digits + 1, sfsa.job_status[i].file_name_in_use); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size in use "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*d ", max_digits, #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*lld ", max_digits, #endif (pri_off_t)sfsa.job_status[i].file_size_in_use); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Filesize in use done"); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*d ", max_digits, #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*lld ", max_digits, #endif (pri_off_t)sfsa.job_status[i].file_size_in_use_done); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); #ifdef _WITH_BURST_2 (void)fprintf(stdout, "Unique name "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { if ((sfsa.job_status[i].unique_name[1] == '\0') || (sfsa.job_status[i].unique_name[2] == '\0')) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*.*s", max_digits + 1, max_digits + 1, " "); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*.*s", max_digits + 1, max_digits + 1, sfsa.job_status[i].unique_name); } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Job ID "); for (i = 0; i < sfsa.allowed_transfers; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "|%*x ", max_digits, (int)sfsa.job_status[i].job_id); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); #endif } else { for (i = 0; i < fsa[j].allowed_transfers; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "-------- Job %2d -----+------------------------------------------------------\n", i); #if SIZEOF_PID_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "PID : %d\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "PID : %lld\n", #endif (pri_pid_t)fsa[j].job_status[i].proc_id); switch (fsa[j].job_status[i].connect_status) { case CONNECTING : if (fsa[j].protocol & LOC_FLAG) { if ((fsa[j].protocol & FTP_FLAG) || (fsa[j].protocol & SFTP_FLAG) || (fsa[j].protocol & HTTP_FLAG) || #ifdef _WITH_MAP_SUPPORT (fsa[j].protocol & MAP_FLAG) || #endif #ifdef _WITH_SCP_SUPPORT (fsa[j].protocol & SCP_FLAG) || #endif #ifdef _WITH_WMO_SUPPORT (fsa[j].protocol & WMO_FLAG) || #endif (fsa[j].protocol & SMTP_FLAG)) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : CONNECTING or LOC burst\n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : CONNECTING\n"); } } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : CONNECTING\n"); } break; case DISCONNECT : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : DISCONNECT\n"); break; case NOT_WORKING : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : NOT working\n"); break; case FTP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : FTP active\n"); break; case FTP_BURST2_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : FTP burst active\n"); break; case SFTP_ACTIVE : #ifdef _WITH_MAP_SUPPORT /* or MAP_ACTIVE */ (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : SFTP/MAP active\n"); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : SFTP active\n"); #endif break; case SFTP_BURST_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : SFTP burst active\n"); break; case LOC_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : LOC active\n"); break; case HTTP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : HTTP active\n"); break; case HTTP_RETRIEVE_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : HTTP retrieve active\n"); break; case SMTP_BURST_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : SMTP burst active\n"); break; case SMTP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : SMTP active\n"); break; #ifdef _WITH_SCP_SUPPORT case SCP_BURST_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : SCP burst active\n"); break; case SCP_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : SCP active\n"); break; #endif #ifdef _WITH_WMO_SUPPORT case WMO_BURST_TRANSFER_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : WMO burst active\n"); break; case WMO_ACTIVE : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : WMO active\n"); break; #endif case CLOSING_CONNECTION : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : Closing connection\n"); break; default : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : Unknown status\n"); break; } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Number of files : %d\n", fsa[j].job_status[i].no_of_files); (void)fprintf(stdout, "No. of files done : %d\n", fsa[j].job_status[i].no_of_files_done); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size : %ld\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size : %lld\n", #endif (pri_off_t)fsa[j].job_status[i].file_size); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size done : %lu\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size done : %llu\n", #endif fsa[j].job_status[i].file_size_done); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "Bytes send : %lu\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "Bytes send : %llu\n", #endif fsa[j].job_status[i].bytes_send); (void)fprintf(stdout, "File name in use : %s\n", fsa[j].job_status[i].file_name_in_use); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size in use : %ld\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size in use : %lld\n", #endif (pri_off_t)fsa[j].job_status[i].file_size_in_use); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size in use done: %ld\n", #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "File size in use done: %lld\n", #endif (pri_off_t)fsa[j].job_status[i].file_size_in_use_done); #ifdef _WITH_BURST_2 if ((fsa[j].job_status[i].unique_name[1] == '\0') || (fsa[j].job_status[i].unique_name[2] == '\0')) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Unique name : \n"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Unique name : %s\n", fsa[j].job_status[i].unique_name); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Job ID : %x\n", fsa[j].job_status[i].job_id); #endif } } } exit(SUCCESS); } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ usage() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void usage(void) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("SYNTAX : fsa_view [--version] [-w working directory] [-l|-s] hostname|position\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" Options:\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -l Long view.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -s Short view.\n")); return; }