--enable-maintainer_log - This allows the maintainer to write additional large amount of debug log data to a log file. So this is only useful for the maintainer. [Default: disabled] --disable-input_log - If you want to log all files names on input you have to enable these features. But note that enabling this will pose a performance penalty, especially if the log files are very large. [Default: enabled] --disable-distribution_log - If you want to log all files distributed you have to enable these features. Note without this alda (AFD Log Data Analyzer) will not function properly. [Default: enabled] --disable-production_log - When enabled, this will make AFD log all files it renamed or where it changed its content. [Default: enabled] --disable-output_log - If you want to log all files names on output you have to enable these features. But note that enabling this will pose a performance penalty, especially if the log files are very large. [Default: enabled] --disable-delete_log - If enabled, all files names that are deleted by the AFD get logged. They can then be viewed with show_dlog. But note that enabling this will pose a performance penalty, especially if lots of files get deleted. [Default: enabled] --disable-ncurses_ui - Disables ncurses interface to AFD. [Default: enabled] --disable-error_queue - If enabled, AFD will queue error jobs so that this will not block jobs that work fine to another host. [Default: enabled] --disable-loc_support - Support for sending files locally. [Default: enabled] --disable-ftp_support - Support for the FTP protocol. [Default: enabled] --disable-sftp_support - Support for the SFTP protocol. [Default: enabled] --disable-smtp_support - Support for the SMTP protocol. [Default: enabled] --disable-http_support - Support for the HTTP protocol. [Default: enabled] --disable-wmo_support - Support for the special protocol used by the WMO to transport data via TCP. [Default: enabled] --disable-fd_exec_support - Support for using an external program to transmit the data. [Default: enabled] --disable-dupcheck_support - When enabled AFD will be able to check the input and output for duplicates. [Default: enabled] --disable-largefile - Large file support does not work properly on some older systems (linux 2.2.x and earlier) and cause severe problems. So disable this when AFD does not start or you have very strange problems. [Default: enabled] --disable-verify_fsa - When enabled, every time something is written to the FSA, it is checked whether it is correct. If not enabled you might see some incorrect numbers in the 'afd_ctrl' dialog. Though this is very seldom and if it does happen can be corrected with fsa_edit. [Default: enabled] --disable-ignore_duplicate_jobs - Duplicate jobs are ignored by AFD when this job is set. I cannot think of a good reason why one wants to disable this. [Default: enabled] --disable-auto_create_config - When during start AFD does not find a configuration it creates some default, so AFD does start. [Default: enabled] --disable-afd_ctrl_proc_check - By default the afd_ctrl dialog periodically checks if the process amg, fd, archive_watch and afdd are running. This check should be disabled on systems with shared filesystems and afd_ctrl being called from a node where AFD is not active. [Default: enabled] --disable-fifo_rw_support - Some systems do not support opening a FIFO for reading and writting. With this option set AFD will use two file descriptors one for reading and one for writting. --disable-sse42 - Disables SSE4.2 optimizations ie. support for hardware CRC-32 checksum calculation. --disable-inotify - Disables inotify support. --disable-new_motif_name - Openmotif has been renamed to motif. To solve problems on distributions that still use openmotif provide this option to use the old name. --enable-ip_database - Enable AFD's own internal IP database. This is only used when it fails lookup the IP from DNS. --enable-map_support - Enable support for DWD's MAP weather visualisation tool. With the option --with-map-libraries=DIR one can specify the path and libraries. --enable-report_empty_dir_scan - Enables reporting of empty directory scans. [Default: disabled] --enable-with_afdbench_settings - Enables settings for running afdbench. [Default: disabled] --enable-expand_path_in_message - Enables expanding local relative path in message. Advantage of this option is that it will make AFD faster when it distributes files locally. Disadvantage is if a users home directory is changed it is not noticed by AFD, you then need to restart it. [Default: disabled] --enable-statistics_in_fifodir - Statistics are stored in fifodir. [Default: log directory] --enable-setuid_progs - Enables setting setuid flag for the programms afdcmd, afd, init_afd, mafd, afd_ctrl, dir_ctrl, mon_ctrl and show_olog. The setuid flag is required if other users want to monitor or control the AFD, other then the user starting it. See also --enable-group_can_write. [Default: disabled] --enable-with_unlink_delay - Enable delay when unlinking a file and we get the error that the file is still busy. With this enabled it will make a short delay and then retry. This can be set when AFD is running on an NFS file- system. [Default: disabled] --enable-multi_dir_scans - Enable scanning of directories multiple times. This is needed on some systems where the modification time of directories scanned by AFD is not updated correctly. Normally it is not needed to set this. [Default: disabled] --enable-ftp_reuse_data_port - Reuse the FTP data port when sending multiple files. This reduces the number of sockets in TIME_WAIT considerably. However it is dangerous to enable this since it can lead to data being lost on systems with brocken TCP-stack. Note on some systems (darwin) it can slowdown the system considerably. [Default: disabled] --enable-ms_error_workaround - Enables workaround for a bug in M$ Internet Information Server (IIS) FTP server when renaming files. [Default: disabled] --enable-group_can_write - The permissions of the fifos will have write access to the fifos. This can be used to allow users of the same group have access to the AFD of another user. See also --enable-setuid_progs. [Default: disabled] --enable-lockdebug - All locks are logged to SYSTEM_LOG. This is only for debugging, so do not enable this. [Default: disabled] --enable-show_exec_times - Show exec times after rereading DIR_CONFIG. [Default: disabled] --enable-sendfile_support - Enables sendfile() support. This is more efficient then the usual combination of read() and write(), since copying is done within the kernel and no data needs to be copied from/to user space (zero copy). It has currently only been tested for linux. [Default: disabled] --enable-splice_support - Enables splice() support. When copying files the splice() system call is being used. splice() moves data between two file descriptors without copying between kernel address space and user address space. splice() is only available for linux as of kernel 2.6.17 (tested it only as of 2.6.23). [Default: disabled] --enable-readyfile - Enables support for FSS ready files. Only used within the German Weather Service (DWD). [Default: disabled] --enable-passwd_in_msg - Write password in message file. This makes it a bit faster when you have to make lots of connections, since it does not need to always look into the password database. [Default: disabled] --enable-eumetsat - Support to write EUMETSAT headers into each file send via FTP. [Default: disabled] --enable-ssl - Enable TLS/SSL support for the FTP and HTTP protocol. [Default: disabled] --enable-editres - This enables the dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications. This can be used to edit X resources if you do not like the defaults. [Default: disabled] --enable-efence - Enables the electric fence debugger to debug AFD. Do not enable, it will make AFD very slow and eat lots of memory. [Default: disabled] --enable-compile_afd_mon_only - This will compile the AFD monitor only. --enable-onetime_support - Enables support for onetime jobs. --enable-afd_mon - If set this will also compile all programms to monitor other AFD´s too. [Default: disabled] --enable-compiler-debug - Turns on debugging to debug AFD. [Default: disabled] --enable-compiler-warn - Turns on lots of warning when compiling. [Default: disabled] --enable-compiler-optimizations - Enables some compiler optimizations. [Default: disabled] --enable-compiler-profiling - Turns on compiler profiling support. [Default: disabled] --enable-use_fortify - Turns on fortify option of glibc/gcc. Note this does not work with --enable-compiler-debug [Default: disabled] --enable-compiler-security - On gcc this will turn on the compiler option -pie (position independent executables) and -fstack-protector (check for buffer overflows). [Default: disabled] --enable-compile-64-bit - This forces AFD be compiled as 64 bit application on system that support both 32 and 64 bit applications. On most 64 bit systems it is not necessary to set this. This should only be used on systems that have both 32 and 64 bit and defaults to 32 bit. [Default: disabled] --enable-with_ctrl_accelerator - Use Ctrl key as accelerator key for X application. --with-gui=motif|none - Compile AFD with a certain graphical user interface. [Default: motif] --enable-distro-rpm - Enables distribution style RPMS. [Default: disabled] --with-initdir=INITDIR - Directory where to put init/rc script to start/stop AFD. It is strongly recommended to NOT change this when using RPMS, since here we use chkconfig. --with-sysconfigdir=SYSCONFIGDIR - Directory where to put sysconfig files for AFD and AFDMON. --with-rpm-binary-owner=OWNER - Owner name of binaries in RPM. [Default: root] --with-rpm-binary-group=GROUP - Group name of binaries in RPM. [Default: OWNER] --with-max-no-of-parallel-jobs=N - Maximum number of parallel transfer per host alias. [Default: 5] --with-default-no-of-parallel-jobs=N - Default number of parallel transfers per host alias. [Default: 2] --with-default-archive-unit=N - The default archive unit in seconds. [Default: 86400] --with-max-hostname-length=N - The maximum length that the host alias name may have in afd_ctrl dialog. [Default: 8] --with-max-dir-alias-length=N - The maximum length that the directory alias name may have. [Default: 10] --with-max-afdname-length=N - The maximum length that the AFD alias name may have in mon_ctrl dialog. [Default: 12] --with-xor-key=KEY - With compiled in xor key KEY. Where KEY can be any ASCII string. If this is not set one needs to set the key in $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/.xor.key. [Default: not set]