dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_PREREQ([2.59]) AC_INIT([afd], [1.4.7-11], [Holger.Kiehl@dwd.de]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR(src/init_afd/afd.c) AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(ac-tools) dnl# AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT("/usr/local/afd") dnl# [no-dependencies dist-bzip2] AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([dist-bzip2]) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h:ac-tools/config.h.in) AC_GNU_SOURCE AM_SILENT_RULES([yes]) REQUIRES="" BUILD_REQUIRES="" BUILD_REQUIRES_REDHAT="" AC_TRY_COMPILE(,[long long i;], AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LONG_LONG, 1, [Define if C compiler supports long long type.])) dnl# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- dnl# Checking Configure Command Line Options dnl# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AC_ARG_ENABLE(input_log, [ --disable-input_log disable input_log support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_INPUT_LOG, false) ac_cv_input_log=""], [AC_DEFINE([_INPUT_LOG], [], [With input log support]) ac_cv_input_log="INPUT " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_INPUT_LOG, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(distribution_log, [ --disable-distribution_log disable distribution_log support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_DISTRIBUTION_LOG, false) ac_cv_distribution_log=""], [AC_DEFINE([_DISTRIBUTION_LOG], [], [With distribution log support]) ac_cv_distribution_log="DISTRIBUTION " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_DISTRIBUTION_LOG, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(output_log, [ --disable-output_log disable output_log support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_OUTPUT_LOG, false) ac_cv_output_log=""], [AC_DEFINE([_OUTPUT_LOG], [], [With output log support]) ac_cv_output_log="OUTPUT " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_OUTPUT_LOG, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(delete_log, [ --disable-delete_log disable delete_log support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_DELETE_LOG, false) ac_cv_delete_log=""], [AC_DEFINE([_DELETE_LOG], [], [With delete log support]) ac_cv_delete_log="DELETE " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_DELETE_LOG, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(production_log, [ --disable-production_log disable production_log support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_PRODUCTION_LOG, false) ac_cv_production_log=""], [AC_DEFINE([_PRODUCTION_LOG], [], [With production log support]) ac_cv_production_log="PRODUCTION " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_PRODUCTION_LOG, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(maintainer_log, [ --enable-maintainer_log enable maintainer_log support], [AC_DEFINE([_MAINTAINER_LOG], [], [With maintainer log support]) ac_cv_maintainer_log="MAINTAINER " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MAINTAINER_LOG, true)], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MAINTAINER_LOG, false) ac_cv_maintainer_log=""]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(alda_cache_positioning, [ --disable-alda_cache_positioning disable ALDA cache positioning support], [AC_DEFINE([WITH_LOG_CACHE], [], [With ALDA cache positioning support]) ac_cv_alda_cache="ALDA-Cache " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_ALDA_CACHE_POSITIONING, true)], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_ALDA_CACHE_POSITIONING, false) ac_cv_alda_cache=""]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ncurses_ui, [ --disable-ncurses_ui disable nCurses support], [ac_cv_ncurses_ui="no"], [ac_cv_ncurses_ui="yes "]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(sse42, [ --disable-sse42 disable SSE4.2 optimizations], [ac_cv_allow_sse42="no"], [ac_cv_allow_sse42="yes"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(inotify, [ --disable-inotify disable inotify support], [ac_cv_allow_inotify="no"], [ac_cv_allow_inotify="yes"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(new_motif_name, [ --disable-new_motif_name when motif is required sets package name to openmotif], [ac_cv_new_motif_name="openmotif"], [ac_cv_new_motif_name="motif"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(error_queue, [ --disable-error_queue disable error_queue support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(ERROR_QUEUE_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_error_queue="no"], [AC_DEFINE([WITH_ERROR_QUEUE], [], [With error queue support]) ac_cv_error_queue="yes" AM_CONDITIONAL(ERROR_QUEUE_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fifo_rw_support, [ --disable-fifo_rw_support disable opening fifo for RW], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_FIFO_RW_SUPPORT, false) AC_DEFINE([WITHOUT_FIFO_RW_SUPPORT], [], [Without fifo RW support]) ac_cv_fifo_rw_support="no"], [ac_cv_fifo_rw_support="yes" AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_FIFO_RW_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(wmo_support, [ --disable-wmo_support disable WMO socket support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_WMO_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_wmo_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_WMO_SUPPORT], [], [With WMO socket support]) ac_cv_wmo_support="WMO " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_WMO_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(loc_support, [ --disable-loc_support disable support for copying files locally], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_LOC_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_loc_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_LOC_SUPPORT], [], [With support for copying files locally]) ac_cv_loc_support="LOC " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_LOC_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(fd_exec_support, [ --disable-fd_exec_support disable support for transmitting files via external program], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_FD_EXEC_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_fd_exec_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_FD_EXEC_SUPPORT], [], [With support for transmitting files via external program]) ac_cv_fd_exec_support="EXEC " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_FD_EXEC_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ftp_support, [ --disable-ftp_support disable FTP support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_FTP_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_ftp_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_FTP_SUPPORT], [], [With FTP support]) ac_cv_ftp_support="FTP " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_FTP_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(scp_support, [ --disable-scp_support disable SCP support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SCP_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_scp_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_SCP_SUPPORT], [], [With SCP support]) ac_cv_scp_support="SCP " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SCP_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(smtp_support, [ --disable-smtp_support disable SMTP support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SMTP_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_smtp_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_SMTP_SUPPORT], [], [With SMTP support]) ac_cv_smtp_support="SMTP " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SMTP_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(http_support, [ --disable-http_support disable HTTP support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_HTTP_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_http_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_HTTP_SUPPORT], [], [With HTTP support]) ac_cv_http_support="HTTP " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_HTTP_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(sftp_support, [ --disable-sftp_support disable SFTP support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SFTP_SUPPORT, false) ac_cv_sftp_support=""], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_SFTP_SUPPORT], [], [With SFTP support]) ac_cv_sftp_support="SFTP " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SFTP_SUPPORT, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ip_database, [ --enable-ip_database enable internal IP database], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_IP_DATABASE, true) AC_DEFINE([WITH_IP_DB], [], [With internal IP database]) ac_cv_ip_database="yes"], [ac_cv_ip_database="no" AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_IP_DATABASE, false)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(onetime_support, [ --enable-onetime_support enable support for onetime jobs], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_ONETIME_SUPPORT, true) AC_DEFINE([WITH_ONETIME], [], [With onetime support]) ac_cv_onetime_support="yes"], [ac_cv_onetime_support="no" AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_ONETIME_SUPPORT, false)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(dupcheck_support, [ --disable-dupcheck_support disable duplicate check support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITHOUT_DUPCHECK, true) ac_cv_dupcheck_support="no"], [AC_DEFINE([WITH_DUP_CHECK], [], [With duplicate check support]) ac_cv_dupcheck_support="yes" AM_CONDITIONAL(WITHOUT_DUPCHECK, false)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(trans_exec, [ --disable-trans_exec disable trans_exec support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_TRANS_EXEC, false) ac_cv_trans_exec="no"], [AC_DEFINE([_WITH_TRANS_EXEC], [], [With trans_exec support]) ac_cv_trans_exec="yes " AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_TRANS_EXEC, true)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(largefile, [ --disable-largefile disable large file support], [ac_cv_largefile="$enableval"], [ac_cv_largefile="yes"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(verify_fsa, [ --disable-verify_fsa disable verify_fsa support], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([_VERIFY_FSA], [], [With verify FSA support]) fi], [AC_DEFINE([_VERIFY_FSA], [], [With verify FSA support])]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ignore_duplicate_jobs, [ --disable-ignore_duplicate_jobs disable ignoring duplicate job entries], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([IGNORE_DUPLICATE_JOB_IDS], [], [With ignoring duplicate jobs]) fi], [AC_DEFINE([IGNORE_DUPLICATE_JOB_IDS], [], [With ignoring duplicate jobs])]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(with_ctrl_accelerator, [ --enable-with_ctrl_accelerator use ctrl key as accelerator], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_CTRL_ACCELERATOR], [], [Use ctrl key as accelerator]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(with_afdbench_settings, [ --enable-with_afdbench_settings enables settings for running afdbench], [AC_DEFINE([AFDBENCH_CONFIG], [], [Enables settings for running afdbench]) ac_cv_with_afdbench_settings="yes"], [ac_cv_with_afdbench_settings="no"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(auto_create_config, [ --disable-auto_create_config disable automatic creation of configuration], [ac_cv_auto_create_config="no"], [AC_DEFINE([WITH_AUTO_CONFIG], [], [With automatic creation of configuration]) ac_cv_auto_create_config="yes"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(afd_ctrl_proc_check, [ --disable-afd_ctrl_proc_check disable afd_ctrl dialog checking for main AFD process], [ac_cv_afd_ctrl_proc_check="no"], [AC_DEFINE([AFD_CTRL_PROC_CHECK], [], [With afd_ctrl dialog checking for main AFD process]) ac_cv_afd_ctrl_proc_check="yes"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(report_empty_dir_scan, [ --enable-report_empty_dir_scan enable reporting empty dir scans], [AC_DEFINE([REPORT_EMPTY_DIR_SCANS], [], [Report empty directory scans]) ac_cv_report_empty_dir_scan="yes"], [ac_cv_report_empty_dir_scan="no"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(expand_path_in_message, [ --enable-expand_path_in_message enable expanding path in message], [AC_DEFINE([EXPAND_PATH_IN_MESSAGE], [], [Expand path in message]) ac_cv_expand_path_in_message="yes"], [ac_cv_expand_path_in_message="no"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(statistics_in_fifodir, [ --enable-statistics_in_fifodir statistics are stored in fifodir], [AC_DEFINE([STAT_IN_FIFODIR], [], [Statistics in fifodir]) ac_cv_statistics_in_fifodir="yes"], [ac_cv_statistics_in_fifodir="no"]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(setuid_progs, [ --enable-setuid_progs enable setuid flag when installing], [ac_cv_setuid_progs="$enableval" AC_DEFINE([WITH_SETUID_PROGS], [], [Set some programms setuid.]) AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SETUID, true)], [ac_cv_setuid_progs="no" AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SETUID, false)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(server_support, [ --enable-server_support enable server support], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SERVER_SUPPORT, true) AC_DEFINE([_WITH_SERVER_SUPPORT], [], [With server support]) ac_cv_server_support="yes"], [ac_cv_server_support="no" AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SERVER_SUPPORT, false)]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(with_unlink_delay, [ --enable-with_unlink_delay enable delay and retry when unlink fails], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_UNLINK_DELAY], [], [Enable delay and retry when unlink fails]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(multi_dir_scans, [ --enable-multi_dir_scans enable multiple directory scans], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_MULTI_DIR_SCANS], [], [Enable multiple directory scans]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ftp_reuse_data_port, [ --enable-ftp_reuse_data_port enable reusing FTP data port], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([FTP_REUSE_DATA_PORT], [], [With reusing FTP data port]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ms_error_workaround, [ --enable-ms_error_workaround enable workaround for MS FTP bug], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_MS_ERROR_WORKAROUND], [], [With MS FTP error workaround]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(group_can_write, [ --enable-group_can_write allow group write access], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([GROUP_CAN_WRITE], [], [Allow group write access]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(lockdebug, [ --enable-lockdebug enable debug messages of locking], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([LOCK_DEBUG], [], [With debug messages of locking]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(show_exec_times, [ --enable-show_exec_times enable show exec times when rereading DIR_CONFIG], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([SHOW_EXEC_TIMES], [], [With show exec times]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(sendfile_support, [ --enable-sendfile_support enable sendfile support], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_SENDFILE], [], [With sendfile support]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(splice_support, [ --enable-splice_support enable splice support], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_SPLICE_SUPPORT], [], [With splice support]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(readyfile, [ --enable-readyfile enable readyfile support], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_READY_FILES], [], [With FSS-type ready files]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(map_support, [ --enable-map_support enable MAP support], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([_WITH_MAP_SUPPORT], [], [With MAP support]) AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MAP_SUPPORT, true) else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MAP_SUPPORT, false) fi], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MAP_SUPPORT, false)]) AC_ARG_WITH(map-libraries, [ --with-map-libraries=DIR location where MAP libraries are], afd_map_lib_dir="$withval") if test "x$afd_map_lib_dir" = "x" then AFD_MAP_LIBS="" else AFD_MAP_LIBS="-L$afd_map_lib_dir -lmfse2 -lz -lfaxe -lgeo" fi AC_SUBST(AFD_MAP_LIBS) AC_ARG_ENABLE(passwd_in_msg, [ --enable-passwd_in_msg enable password in message], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_PASSWD_IN_MSG], [], [With password in message]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(eumetsat, [ --enable-eumetsat enable eumetsat header support], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_EUMETSAT_HEADERS], [], [With eumetsat header support]) AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MISC_LIB, true) else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MISC_LIB, false) fi], AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_MISC_LIB, true)) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ssl, [ --enable-ssl enable TLS/SSL support], [if test x$enableval != xno then if test x$enableval != xyes then ssl_all_roots=$enableval else ssl_all_roots="/usr/local/ssl /usr/lib/ssl /usr/ssl /usr/pkg /usr/local /usr /opt" fi with_ssl="yes" fi]) AC_ARG_WITH(ssl-includes, [ --with-ssl-includes=DIR location where TLS/SSL includes are], ssl_include_dir="$withval") AC_ARG_WITH(ssl-libraries, [ --with-ssl-libraries=DIR location where TLS/SSL libraries are], ssl_lib_dir="$withval") AC_ARG_ENABLE(editres, [ --enable-editres enable editres support], [if test x$enableval = xyes; then AC_DEFINE([WITH_EDITRES], [], [With editres support]) fi]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(efence, [ --enable-efence enable debugging with Electric Fence], [ac_cv_efence="$enableval"], [ac_cv_efence="no"]) dnl **** Check if we should build with GUI and with which widget set. AC_ARG_WITH(gui, [ --with-gui=GUI Where GUI is either motif (default), gtk or none], if test "x$with_gui" = xmotif || test "x$with_gui" = xgtk ; then afd_gui="$with_gui" else afd_gui= fi , afd_gui="motif") dnl **** Check if we want to compile in the XOR key. AC_ARG_WITH(xor-key, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-xor-key=KEY], [Where KEY can be any ascii string]), AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([XOR_KEY], ["$with_xor_key"], [With compiled in XOR key]), with_xor_key="") dnl **** check if we want to compile afd_mon only compile_afd_mon_only=false AC_ARG_ENABLE(compile_afd_mon_only, [ --enable-compile_afd_mon_only enable compiling of afd_mon only], [case "${enableval}" in yes) compile_afd_mon_only=true AC_DEFINE([WITH_AFD_MON], [], [With afd_mon support]) ;; no) compile_afd_mon_only=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-compile_afd_mon_only) ;; esac],[compile_afd_mon_only=false]) AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_AFD_MON_ONLY, $compile_afd_mon_only) dnl **** check if we want to use afd_mon afd_mon=false AC_ARG_ENABLE(afd_mon, [ --enable-afd_mon enable afd_mon support], [case "${enableval}" in yes) afd_mon=true AC_DEFINE([WITH_AFD_MON], [], [With afd_mon support]) ;; no) afd_mon=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-afd_mon) ;; esac ac_cv_afd_mon="$enableval"],[afd_mon=false;ac_cv_afd_mon="no"]) AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_AFD_MON, $afd_mon) dnl **** check if user wants to compile with debugging support AC_ARG_ENABLE(compiler_debug, [ --enable-compiler-debug turn on debugging], [case "${enableval}" in yes) compiler_debug=true ;; no) compiler_debug=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-compiler-debug) ;; esac],[compiler_debug=false]) dnl **** check if user wants to compile with compiler warnings AC_ARG_ENABLE(compiler_warn, [ --enable-compiler-warn turn on compiler warnings], [case "${enableval}" in yes) compiler_warn=true ;; no) compiler_warn=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-compiler-warn) ;; esac],[compiler_warn=false]) dnl **** check if user wants to compile with optimization support AC_ARG_ENABLE(compiler_optimizations, [ --enable-compiler-optimizations Enable optimization of the binaries], [case "$enableval" in yes) compiler_optimizations=true ;; no) compiler_optimizations=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-compiler-optimizations) ;; esac],[compiler_optimizations=false]) dnl **** check if user wants to compile with security support AC_ARG_ENABLE(compiler_security, [ --enable-compiler-security Enable compiler security options], [case "$enableval" in yes) compiler_security=true ;; no) compiler_security=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-compiler-security) ;; esac],[compiler_security=false]) dnl **** check if user wants to compile with profiling information AC_ARG_ENABLE(compiler_profiling, [ --enable-compiler-profiling Enable compiler profiling support], [case "$enableval" in yes) compiler_profiling=true ;; no) compiler_profiling=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-compiler-profiling) ;; esac],[compiler_profiling=false]) dnl **** check if user wants to use fortify option of glibc/gcc AC_ARG_ENABLE(use_fortify, [ --enable-use_fortify Enable glibc/gcc fortify option], [case "$enableval" in yes) use_fortify=true ;; no) use_fortify=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-use_fortify) ;; esac],[use_fortify=false]) dnl **** check if user wants to compile with 64-bit support AC_ARG_ENABLE(compile_64_bit, [ --enable-compile-64-bit Enable compiling 64-bit binaries], [case "$enableval" in yes) compile_64_bit=true ;; no) compile_64_bit=false;; *) AC_MSG_ERROR(bad value ${enableval} for --enable-compile-64-bit) ;; esac],[compile_64_bit=false]) dnl **** Enable/disable distro-style RPMs (taken from heartbeat) AC_ARG_ENABLE([distro-rpm], [ --enable-distro-rpm Enable distro-style RPMs [default=no]], [], [enable_distro_rpm=no]) case $enable_distro_rpm in yes) DISTRO_STYLE_RPMS=1;; *) DISTRO_STYLE_RPMS=0;; esac AC_SUBST(DISTRO_STYLE_RPMS) dnl dnl *** some numeric configurable values dnl AC_ARG_WITH(max-no-of-parallel-jobs, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-max-no-of-parallel-jobs=N], [max number of parallel transfers per host (default=5)]), , with_max_no_of_parallel_jobs=5) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MAX_NO_PARALLEL_JOBS], [$with_max_no_of_parallel_jobs], [ The value of MAX_NO_PARALLEL_JOBS determines the number of parallel transfers per host. The default is 5, which should be enough in most cases. However, on some long distance lines or lines with high latencies it might be necessary to increase this value.]) AC_ARG_WITH(default-no-of-parallel-jobs, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-default-no-of-parallel-jobs=N], [default number of parallel transfers per host (default=2)]), , with_default_no_of_parallel_jobs=2) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([DEFAULT_NO_PARALLEL_JOBS], [$with_default_no_of_parallel_jobs], [ The value of DEFAULT_NO_PARALLEL_JOBS determines the default number of parallel transfers per host. The default is 2.]) AC_ARG_WITH(default-archive-unit, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-default-archive-unit=N], [default archive unit in seconds (default=86400)]), , with_default_archive_unit=86400) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_UNIT], [$with_default_archive_unit], [ The value of DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_UNIT determines the default archive unit in seconds. Best is to leave this at it default for one day (86400 seconds).]) AC_ARG_WITH(max-hostname-length, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-max-hostname-length=N], [maximum host alias name length (default=8)]), , with_max_hostname_length=8) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH], [$with_max_hostname_length], [ The value of MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH determines how long the host alias name length in the afd_ctrl dialog may be.]) AC_ARG_WITH(max-dir-alias-length, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-max-dir-alias-length=N], [maximum directory alias name length (default=10)]), , with_max_dir_alias_length=10) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MAX_DIR_ALIAS_LENGTH], [$with_max_dir_alias_length], [ The value of MAX_DIR_ALIAS_LENGTH determines how long the directory alias name length in the dir_ctrl dialog may be.]) AC_ARG_WITH(max-afdname-length, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-max-afdname-length=N], [maximum AFD alias name length (default=12)]), , with_max_afdname_length=12) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MAX_AFDNAME_LENGTH], [$with_max_afdname_length], [ The value of MAX_AFDNAME_LENGTH determines how long the AFD alias name length in the mon_ctrl dialog may be.]) AC_ARG_WITH(max-real-hostname-length, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-max-real-hostname-length=N], [maximum real hostname length (default=40)]), , with_max_real_hostname_length=40) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH], [$with_max_real_hostname_length], [ The value of MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH determines how long the real hostname or its IP number may be.]) dnl **** check where init/rc directory is, taken from heartbeat AC_MSG_CHECKING(which init (rc) directory to use) INITDIR="" for initdir in /etc/init.d /etc/rc.d/init.d /sbin/init.d \ /usr/local/etc/rc.d /etc/rc.d do if test -d $initdir then INITDIR=$initdir AC_MSG_RESULT($INITDIR); break fi done AC_ARG_WITH(initdir, [ --with-initdir=DIR directroy for init (rc) scripts [${INITDIR}]], [ if test x"$withval" = xprefix; then INITDIR=${prefix}; else INITDIR="$withval"; fi ]) AC_SUBST(INITDIR) AC_MSG_CHECKING(which sysconfig directory to use) SYSCONFIGDIR="" for sysconfigdir in /etc/sysconfig ${prefix}/etc do if test -d $sysconfigdir then SYSCONFIGDIR=$sysconfigdir AC_MSG_RESULT($SYSCONFIGDIR); break fi done AC_ARG_WITH(sysconfigdir, [ --with-sysconfigdir=DIR directory for afd users initialized by init script [${SYSCONFIGDIR}]], [ if test x"$withval" = xprefix; then SYSCONFIGDIR=${prefix}; else SYSCONFIGDIR="$withval"; fi ]) AC_SUBST(SYSCONFIGDIR) cleaned_configure_args="" for j in ${ac_configure_args} do case $j in *--libdir=*) ;; *) cleaned_configure_args="$cleaned_configure_args $j" ;; esac done AC_SUBST(cleaned_configure_args) dnl **** check if datadir, docdir and mandir are set, needed for spec file dnl **** This was taken from the heartbeat package. prefix_orig="$prefix" prefix=`eval echo "$prefix"` case $prefix in NONE) prefix=/usr/local;; esac var() { case $1 in *'${'*) res=`eval echo "$1"`;; *) res="$1";; esac case "$res" in ""|NONE) echo "$2";; *) echo "$res";; esac } exec_prefix=`var "$exec_prefix" "$prefix"` bindir=`var "$bindir" "$exec_prefix/bin"` sbindir=`var "$sbindir" "$exec_prefix/sbin"` datarootdir=`var "$datarootdir" "$prefix/share"` datadir=`var "$datadir" "$prefix/share"` sysconfdir=`var "$sysconfdir" "$prefix/etc"` mandir=`var "$mandir" "$exec_prefix/man"` docdir=${datadir}/doc/afd dnl **** check under which user to install BINARY_OWNER="root" AC_ARG_WITH(rpm-binary-owner, [ --with-rpm-binary-owner=BINARY_OWNER BINARY_OWNER who owns the RPM binaries. [default=root] ], [ BINARY_OWNER="$withval" ], [ BINARY_OWNER="root" ], ) AC_SUBST(BINARY_OWNER) AC_ARG_WITH(rpm-binary-group, [ --with-rpm-binary-group=BINARY_GROUP BINARY_GROUP who owns the RPM binaries. [default=BINARY_OWNER] ], [ BINARY_GROUP="$withval" ], [ BINARY_GROUP=$BINARY_OWNER ], ) AC_SUBST(BINARY_GROUP) dnl Check for host type AC_CANONICAL_HOST dnl Checks for programs. AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_RANLIB case "${host_os}" in aix*) if test "${compile_64_bit}" = "true" then if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then OS_FLAG="-m64" else OS_FLAG="-q64" fi else OS_FLAG="" fi ;; bsdi*) OS_FLAG="" ;; cygwin*) OS_FLAG="-D_CYGWIN" ;; freebsd*) OS_FLAG="-DFREEBSD" ;; hpux*) if test "${compile_64_bit}" = "true" then if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then OS_FLAG="-mlp64 -D_HPUX" else OS_FLAG="+DD64 -D_HPUX" fi else OS_FLAG="-D_HPUX" fi if test "${compiler_debug}" = "false" then CFLAGS=`echo " $CFLAGS " | sed 's/ -g / /g'` fi ;; irix*) if test "x$afd_map_lib_dir" = "x" then if test "${compile_64_bit}" = "true" then if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then OS_FLAG="-m64 -DMMAP_KILLER -DIRIX" else OS_FLAG="-64 -DMMAP_KILLER -DIRIX" fi else OS_FLAG="-DMMAP_KILLER -DIRIX" fi else dnl **** MAP libs are only available in 32 Bit OS_FLAG="-32 -DMMAP_KILLER -DIRIX" fi ;; linux*) if test "${compile_64_bit}" = "true" then OS_FLAG="-m64 -DLINUX" else OS_FLAG="-DLINUX" fi ;; netbsd*) OS_FLAG="" ;; sco*) OS_FLAG="-D_SCO" ;; solaris*) OS_FLAG="-D_SUN" ;; sunos*) OS_FLAG="-D_SUN" ;; *) OS_FLAG="" ;; esac if test "${host}" = "hppa1.1-stratus-sysv4" then OS_FLAG="-DFTX" BROKEN_X_EXTRA_LIBS="-lsocket -lnsl -lgen" else BROKEN_X_EXTRA_LIBS=""; fi if test "${compiler_optimizations}" = "true" then if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then AX_GCC_ARCHFLAG([no], [OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O2 ${ax_cv_gcc_archflag}"], [OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O2"]) else case "${host}" in alpha*-dec-osf4.*) OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O2" ;; hppa*-hp-hpux*) OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O" ;; mips-sgi-irix6.[[4-9]]*) OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O2 -OPT:Olimit=0" CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -LANG:std" CXXCPP="$CXXCPP -LANG:std" ;; mips-sgi-irix*) OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O2 -Olimit 3500" ;; rs6000-ibm-aix*) OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O2" ;; *) OPTIMIZE_FLAG="-O" ;; esac fi else OPTIMIZE_FLAG="" if test "x${GCC}" != "xyes" then case "${host}" in mips-sgi-irix6.[[4-9]]*) CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -LANG:std" CXXCPP="$CXXCPP -LANG:std" ;; esac fi fi if test "${compiler_security}" = "true" then if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG("-fstack-protector", [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG} -fstack-protector"], [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG}"]) AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG("-pie", [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG} -pie"], [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG}"]) AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG("-fPIC", [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG} -fPIC"], [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG}"]) fi fi if test "${compiler_debug}" = "true" then if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then DEBUG_FLAG="-ggdb3" else case "${host}" in alpha*-dec-osf4.*) DEBUG_FLAG="-g3" ;; hppa*-hp-hpux*) DEBUG_FLAG="-g" ;; mips-sgi-irix6.[[4-9]]*) DEBUG_FLAG="-g3" ;; mips-sgi-irix*) DEBUG_FLAG="-g" ;; rs6000-ibm-aix*) DEBUG_FLAG="-g" ;; *) DEBUG_FLAG="-g" ;; esac fi else DEBUG_FLAG="" if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then if test "${use_fortify}" = "true" then AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG("-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2", [SECURITY_FLAG="-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"], [SECURITY_FLAG=""]) fi fi fi if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG("-fPIC", [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG} -fPIC"], [SECURITY_FLAG="${SECURITY_FLAG}"]) fi if test "${compiler_optimizations}" = "true" || test "${compiler_debug}" = "true" then CFLAGS="$DEBUG_FLAG $OPTIMIZE_FLAG $OS_FLAG" else CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $OS_FLAG" fi if test "${compiler_security}" = "true" then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $SECURITY_FLAG" fi if test "${compiler_profiling}" = "true" then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -pg" fi dnl Test if we can compile in support for CPU CRC calculation if test "$ac_cv_allow_sse42" = "yes" then if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG("-msse4.2", [CRCFLAGS="-msse4.2"], [CRCFLAGS=""]) if test "x$CRCFLAGS" != "x" then SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $CRCFLAGS" AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler has the __get_cpuid intrinsic]) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include ], [unsigned int eax, ebx, ecx, edx, i; __get_cpuid(1, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx); i = ecx & bit_SSE4_2; return 0;], HAVE_GET_CPUID=yes, HAVE_GET_CPUID=no) if test "x$HAVE_GET_CPUID" = "xyes" then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the compiler has the CRC32 intrinsic]) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include ], [unsigned int crc; char *mem; crc = __builtin_ia32_crc32si(crc, *(uint32_t *)mem); crc = __builtin_ia32_crc32qi(crc, *mem++); crc = __builtin_ia32_crc32hi(crc, *(uint16_t *)mem); return 0;], HAVE_CPU_CRC32=yes, HAVE_CPU_CRC32=no) if test "x$HAVE_CPU_CRC32" = "xyes" then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_HW_CRC32, 1, [Adding support for SSE4.2 (CRC32) instructions]) else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) CFLAGS="$SAVE_CFLAGS" fi else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) CFLAGS="$SAVE_CFLAGS" fi fi fi fi if test "${compiler_warn}" = "true" then VL_PROG_CC_WARNINGS if test "x${GCC}" = "xyes" then CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-format-y2k" fi fi dnl Some programs with suid if test "$ac_cv_setuid_progs" = yes then AC_DEFINE([WITH_SETUID], [], [Some programs with setuid]) fi dnl Large file support if test "$ac_cv_largefile" = yes then AC_SYS_LARGEFILE fi AC_CHECK_LIB(m, sin, [AFD_MATH_LIB="-lm"], [AFD_MATH_LIB=""],) AC_SUBST(AFD_MATH_LIB) ETR_SOCKET_NSL if test "x${with_ssl}" = "xyes" then AC_MSG_CHECKING(for TLS/SSL) if test "x$ssl_include_dir" = "x" || test "x$ssl_lib_dir" = "x" then ssl_dir="" dnl dnl Updated RedHat 8 + 9 need the extra pkg-config check! dnl AC_PATH_PROG(PKGCONFIG, pkg-config)dnl if test -n "$PKGCONFIG" then $PKGCONFIG openssl ret=$? else ret=1 fi if test $ret -eq 0 then AFD_SSL_INCLUDES="`$PKGCONFIG --cflags-only-I openssl`" AFD_SSL_LIBS="`$PKGCONFIG --libs openssl`" else for dir in $ssl_all_roots do if test -f "$dir/include/openssl/ssl.h" || test -f "$dir/include/ssl.h" then ssl_dir="$dir" break fi done if test "x$ssl_include_dir" = "x" then AFD_SSL_INCLUDES="-I$ssl_dir/include" else AFD_SSL_INCLUDES="-I$ssl_include_dir" fi if test "x$ssl_lib_dir" = "x" then AFD_SSL_LIBS="-L$ssl_dir -lssl -lcrypto" else AFD_SSL_LIBS="-L$ssl_lib_dir -lssl -lcrypto" fi fi else AFD_SSL_INCLUDES="-I$ssl_include_dir" AFD_SSL_LIBS="-L$ssl_lib_dir -lssl -lcrypto" fi if test "x$AFD_SSL_INCLUDES" != "x" || test $ret -eq 0 then AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AC_SUBST(AFD_SSL_INCLUDES) AC_SUBST(AFD_SSL_LIBS) AC_DEFINE([WITH_SSL], [], [with TLS/SSL support]) dnl Version check taken from openssh package and modified it. savedLIBS="$LIBS" savedCPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" LIBS="$LIBS $AFD_SSL_LIBS" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $AFD_SSL_INCLUDES" AC_MSG_CHECKING([correct OpenSSL version]) AC_TRY_RUN([ #include #include #include #include #include #define DATA "conftest.ssllibver" int main(void) { FILE *fd; if ((fd = fopen(DATA,"w")) != NULL) { if (fprintf(fd ,"%x (%s)\n", SSLeay(), SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)) >= 0) { SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx; SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); ssl_ctx=(SSL_CTX *)SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method()); SSL_CTX_set_options(ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_ALL); SSL_CTX_set_mode(ssl_ctx, SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); exit(0); } } exit(1); }], [ssl_library_ver=`cat conftest.ssllibver` AC_MSG_RESULT(yes $ssl_library_ver)], [AC_MSG_RESULT(incorrect not found) AC_MSG_ERROR(incorect OpenSSL library or not found.)]) LIBS="$savedLIBS" CPPFLAGS="$savedCPPFLAGS" if test "$REQUIRES" = "" then REQUIRES="openssl" else REQUIRES="`echo $REQUIRES`, openssl" fi if test "$BUILD_REQUIRES" = "" then BUILD_REQUIRES="openssl-devel" else BUILD_REQUIRES="`echo $BUILD_REQUIRES`, openssl-devel" fi else AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi fi no_x="" AC_PATH_XTRA X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS $BROKEN_X_EXTRA_LIBS" AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether Motif support is requested) if test "x$afd_gui" = "xmotif" then compile_with_motif=true AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) if test "$no_x" = "yes" then echo echo "X11 libraries or header files could not be found. Please make" echo "sure the X11 development package is installed on your system." echo "If it is installed, try setting the include and library" echo "paths with the --x-include and --x-libraries options of configure." echo "Else you can compile AFD without any GUI by setting" echo "--with-gui=none" echo echo "Aborting." echo exit 1 fi AC_FIND_LIBXP AC_FIND_MOTIF if test "$with_motif" = "no" then echo "Unable to find Motif." exit 1 fi AC_CHECK_MOTIF_VERSION AC_CHECK_LESSTIF_VERSION AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether Motif requires XPM) case ${motif_library_ver} in 2.*) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) ;; *) AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ;; esac AC_FIND_XPM if test x$with_xpm = xno then echo "Unable to locate XPM, trying to continue." AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_XPM, false) AFD_MOTIF_INCLUDES="$include_motif $X_CFLAGS" AFD_MOTIF_LIBS="$link_motif $X_LIBS -lXt $X_PRE_LIBS -lX11 $X_EXTRA_LIBS" else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_XPM, true) AFD_MOTIF_INCLUDES="$include_motif $X_CFLAGS $XPM_CFLAGS" AFD_MOTIF_LIBS="$link_motif $X_LIBS -lXt $X_PRE_LIBS -lX11 $X_EXTRA_LIBS $XPM_LIBS" fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether Motif requires -lXp) case ${motif_library_ver} in 2.1) AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) AFD_MOTIF_LIBS="$AFD_MOTIF_LIBS $AFD_XP_LIB" ;; *) AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ;; esac case "${host_os}" in aix*) AFD_XAW_LIBS="-lXaw -lXmu" AFD_XAW_INCLUDES="" ;; linux*) AFD_XAW_LIBS="-lXaw -lXmu" AFD_XAW_INCLUDES="" ;; hpux*) AFD_XAW_LIBS="-L/usr/contrib/X11R6/lib -lXaw -lXmu" AFD_XAW_INCLUDES="-I/usr/contrib/X11R6/include" ;; sysv4*) AFD_XAW_LIBS="-lXaw -lXmu -lXext" AFD_XAW_INCLUDES="" ;; *) AFD_XAW_LIBS="-lXaw -lXmu" AFD_XAW_INCLUDES="" ;; esac GUIS_STRING="Motif" if test "$REQUIRES" = "" then REQUIRES="$ac_cv_new_motif_name" else REQUIRES="`echo $REQUIRES`, $ac_cv_new_motif_name" fi if test "$BUILD_REQUIRES" = "" then BUILD_REQUIRES="${ac_cv_new_motif_name}-devel" else BUILD_REQUIRES="`echo $BUILD_REQUIRES`, ${ac_cv_new_motif_name}-devel" fi BUILD_REQUIRES_REDHAT="libXpm-devel, libXaw-devel" AC_SUBST(AFD_MOTIF_INCLUDES) AC_SUBST(AFD_MOTIF_LIBS) AC_SUBST(AFD_XAW_INCLUDES) AC_SUBST(AFD_XAW_LIBS) else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_XPM, false) compile_with_motif=false AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_MOTIF, $compile_with_motif) if test "$BUILD_REQUIRES_REDHAT" = "" then BUILD_REQUIRES_REDHAT="`echo $BUILD_REQUIRES`" else BUILD_REQUIRES_REDHAT="`echo $BUILD_REQUIRES`, `echo $BUILD_REQUIRES_REDHAT`" fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether Gtk+ support is requested) if test "x$afd_gui" = "xgtk" then compile_with_gtk=true AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) if test "$no_x" = "yes" then echo echo "X11 libraries or header files could not be found. Please make" echo "sure the X11 development package is installed on your system." echo "If it is installed, try setting the include and library" echo "paths with the --x-include and --x-libraries options of configure." echo "Else you can compile AFD without any GUI by setting" echo "--with-gui=none" echo echo "Aborting." echo exit 1 fi PKG_CHECK_MODULES(AFD_GTK, gtk+-2.0 >= 2.2 glib-2.0 >= 2.2) GUIS_STRING="$GUIS_STRING Gtk+" AC_SUBST(AFD_GTK_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(AFD_GTK_LIBS) else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_XPM, true) compile_with_gtk=false AC_MSG_RESULT(no) fi AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_GTK, $compile_with_gtk) if test "x$GUIS_STRING" = "x" then GUIS_STRING="none" fi dnl Check if we have ncurses. if test "$ac_cv_ncurses_ui" = "xyes" then MP_WITH_NCURSES if test "x$NCURSES_LIB" != "x" then AFD_NCURSES_LIB=$NCURSES_LIB AC_SUBST(AFD_NCURSES_LIB) AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_NCURSES, true) else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_NCURSES, false) fi else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_NCURSES, false) fi dnl Check if we want to build with Electric Fence if test "$ac_cv_efence" = yes then AC_CHECK_LIB(efence, malloc) AC_DEFINE([WITH_EFENCE], [], [With Electric fence support]) fi dnl Check if we want to install some binaries with setuid flag if test "$ac_cv_setuid_progs" = yes then AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SETUID_PROGS, true) else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_SETUID_PROGS, false) fi dnl Taken from heartbeat AC_PATH_PROGS(RPM, rpmbuild) if test x"${RPM}" = x"" then AC_PATH_PROGS(RPM, rpm) fi AC_PATH_PROGS(PING_CMD, ping) AC_PATH_PROGS(TRACEROUTE_CMD, traceroute) AC_PATH_PROGS(GZIP_CMD, gzip) dnl We don't want it to complain about --datarootdir in afd.spec.in AC_DEFUN([AC_DATAROOTDIR_CHECKED]) dnl The following are needed for generating the spec file. AFD_VERSION=`echo $VERSION | cut -d '-' -f 1` AC_SUBST(AFD_VERSION) AFD_RELEASE=`echo $VERSION | cut -d '-' -f 2` AC_SUBST(AFD_RELEASE) AC_SUBST(ac_configure_args) AC_SUBST(REQUIRES) AC_SUBST(BUILD_REQUIRES) AC_SUBST(BUILD_REQUIRES_REDHAT) AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h limits.h sys/file.h sys/time.h unistd.h errno.h \ sys/socket.h netdb.h arpa/inet.h arpa/telnet.h) dnl dnl FreeBSD and Darwin requires sys/param.h and in.h to compile test dnl netinet headers. This check was taken from the hearteat package. dnl AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/param.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/in.h) if test "$ac_cv_header_sys_param_h" -a "$ac_cv_header_netinet_in_h" = no then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/ip.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/in_systm.h) else AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/in_systm.h,[],[], [#include #include ]) if test "$ac_cv_header_in_systm_h" = no then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/ip.h,[],[], [#include #include ]) else AC_CHECK_HEADERS(netinet/ip.h,[],[], [#include #include #include ]) fi fi dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_CONST AC_TYPE_UID_T AC_TYPE_MODE_T AC_TYPE_OFF_T AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_HEADER_TIME AC_STRUCT_TM AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(off_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(pid_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(time_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(nlink_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(size_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(ssize_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(suseconds_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(ino_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(uid_t) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(short) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(int) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF([long long]) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(char) dnl On irix some arguments which are usually socklen_t are int. case "${host_os}" in irix*) AC_DEFINE([my_socklen_t], [int], [Set correct argument of getsockname and other functions]) ;; hpux*) if test "${compile_64_bit}" = "true" then AC_DEFINE([my_socklen_t], [int], [Set correct argument of getsockname and other functions]) else TYPE_SOCKLEN_T fi ;; *) TYPE_SOCKLEN_T ;; esac dnl Checks for library functions. AC_FUNC_MEMCMP AC_FUNC_SETVBUF_REVERSED AC_TYPE_SIGNAL AC_FUNC_STRFTIME AC_FUNC_UTIME_NULL AC_FUNC_VPRINTF AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR([src/init_afd/ports]) HW_FUNC_VSNPRINTF HW_FUNC_SNPRINTF dnl There is no "standard" pty allocation method. Every system is different. dnl The following was taken from the xemacs package and modified for AFD. AC_CHECK_FUNCS(getpt _getpty) AC_CHECK_FUNC([openpty], [have_openpty=yes], [AC_CHECK_LIB([util], [openpty], [have_openpty=yes need_libutil=yes])]) if test "$have_openpty" = "yes" then AC_DEFINE([HAVE_OPENPTY], [], [With openpty support]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(pty.h libutil.h util.h) if test "$need_libutil" = "yes" then AFD_UTIL_LIB="-lutil" else AFD_UTIL_LIB="" fi else AFD_UTIL_LIB="" fi AC_SUBST(AFD_UTIL_LIB) if test "x$ac_cv_allow_inotify" = "xyes" then AC_CHECK_FUNC([inotify_init], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_INOTIFY_SUPPORT, true) AC_DEFINE([WITH_INOTIFY], [], [With inotify support])], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_INOTIFY_SUPPORT, false)]) else AM_CONDITIONAL(WITH_INOTIFY_SUPPORT, false) fi AC_CHECK_FUNC([eaccess], [AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EACCESS, true) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_EACCESS], [], [With eaccess support])], [AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_EACCESS, false)]) AC_CHECK_FUNC([wait4], [AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_WAIT4, true) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_WAIT4], [], [With wait4 support])], [AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_WAIT4, false)]) AC_CHECK_FUNC([mmap], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITHOUT_MMAP, false) AC_DEFINE([HAVE_MMAP], [], [With mmap support])], [AM_CONDITIONAL(WITHOUT_MMAP, true)]) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(fdatasync gai_strerror getline getaddrinfo gethostname memcpy\ mkdir mkfifo mktime rmdir select setpriority seteuid setreuid\ socket strerror strtod strtol strtoll strtoul strtoull\ unsetenv) AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) if test "x$LIBINTL" != "x" then LIBS="$LIBS $LIBINTL" fi AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile po/Makefile.in src/Makefile src/common/Makefile src/misc/Makefile src/protocols/Makefile src/init_afd/Makefile src/amg/Makefile src/fd/Makefile src/log/Makefile src/log/alda/Makefile src/archive_watch/Makefile src/statistics/Makefile src/tools/Makefile src/afd_mon/Makefile src/afdd/Makefile src/cmdline/Makefile src/servers/Makefile src/test/Makefile src/test/filter/Makefile src/UI/Makefile src/UI/common/Makefile src/UI/nCurses/Makefile src/UI/nCurses/nafd_ctrl/Makefile src/UI/Gtk+/Makefile src/UI/Gtk+/common/Makefile src/UI/Gtk+/gafd_ctrl/Makefile src/UI/Gtk+/gshow_log/Makefile src/UI/Motif/Makefile src/UI/Motif/common/Makefile src/UI/Motif/mafd_ctrl/Makefile src/UI/Motif/dir_ctrl/Makefile src/UI/Motif/afd_info/Makefile src/UI/Motif/dir_info/Makefile src/UI/Motif/afd_load/Makefile src/UI/Motif/edit_hc/Makefile src/UI/Motif/handle_event/Makefile src/UI/Motif/show_cmd/Makefile src/UI/Motif/mshow_log/Makefile src/UI/Motif/show_olog/Makefile src/UI/Motif/show_ilog/Makefile src/UI/Motif/show_dlog/Makefile src/UI/Motif/show_elog/Makefile src/UI/Motif/show_queue/Makefile src/UI/Motif/mon_ctrl/Makefile src/UI/Motif/mon_info/Makefile src/UI/Motif/view_dc/Makefile src/UI/Motif/xsend_file/Makefile src/UI/Motif/xshow_stat/Makefile doc/Makefile doc/html-en/Makefile doc/images/Makefile doc/man/Makefile doc/txt/Makefile doc/etc/Makefile doc/etc/AFD_CONFIG.sample doc/etc/MON_CONFIG.sample doc/etc/afd.users.sample scripts/Makefile scripts/afd scripts/afdmon scripts/afd_auto_config scripts/afdalarm scripts/afd_unused_infos scripts/mirror_fra_cfg scripts/rafdd_cmd scripts/rafdd_cmd_ssh scripts/rmon_ctrl scripts/rmon_ctrl_ssh afd.spec]) AC_OUTPUT echo "" echo " Configuration" echo "" echo " Source code location : ${srcdir}" echo " Install path bin + sbin : ${prefix}/bin ${prefix}/sbin" echo " Install path doc : ${docdir}" echo " Install path man : ${mandir}" echo " AFD Version : ${VERSION}" echo " Compiler : ${CC}" echo " Compiler flags : ${CFLAGS}" echo " GUI : ${GUIS_STRING}" if test "x${ac_cv_with_afdbench_settings}" = "xyes" then echo " Settings for afdbench enabled : yes" fi if test "x${with_ssl}" = "xyes" then echo " With TLS/SSL support : yes" else echo " With TLS/SSL support : no" fi echo " Logs : ${ac_cv_input_log}${ac_cv_distribution_log}${ac_cv_output_log}${ac_cv_delete_log}${ac_cv_production_log}${ac_cv_maintainer_log}${ac_cv_alda_cache}" echo " Error queue support : ${ac_cv_error_queue}" echo " With AFD monitor : ${ac_cv_afd_mon}" echo " With duplicate check support : ${ac_cv_dupcheck_support}" echo " Protocols supported : ${ac_cv_ftp_support}${ac_cv_sftp_support}${ac_cv_smtp_support}${ac_cv_http_support}${ac_cv_wmo_support}${ac_cv_loc_support}${ac_cv_fd_exec_support}${ac_cv_scp_support}" echo " With server support : ${ac_cv_server_support}" echo " With largefile support : ${ac_cv_largefile}" echo " With inotify support : ${ac_cv_allow_inotify}" echo " With internal IP database : ${ac_cv_ip_database}" echo " Max number of parallel transfers : ${with_max_no_of_parallel_jobs}" echo " Def number of parallel transfers : ${with_default_no_of_parallel_jobs}" echo " Maximum host alias name length : ${with_max_hostname_length}" echo " Maximum real host name length : ${with_max_real_hostname_length}" echo " Maximum AFD alias name length : ${with_max_afdname_length}" echo " Max directory alias name length : ${with_max_dir_alias_length}" echo " Some binaries with setuid flag : ${ac_cv_setuid_progs}" echo " Automatically create configs : ${ac_cv_auto_create_config}" echo " Enable Distro-style RPMs : ${enable_distro_rpm}" echo "" echo "------------- type make to compile -------------"