AFD has many small programs that can be used to view, control or configure it via command line. These files are located in the directory $AFD_WORK_DIR/sbin. Here follows a description of some of the tools:
With this program you can send most commands that you can also issue with the afd_ctrl and dir_ctrl dialog on a per host or directory basis. When you call afdcmd without any parameters it will show all commands it knows:
SYNTAX : afdcmd[ -w working directory][ -p <role>][ -u[ <user>]] options hostname|directory|position FSA options: -q start queue -Q stop queue -t start transfer -T stop transfer -g enable delete data for host -G disable delete data for host -e enable host -E disable host -s switch host -r retry -d enable/disable debug -c enable/disable trace -C enable/disable full trace -I enable/disable simulate send mode -X toggle enable/disable host FRA options: -b enable directory -B disable directory -j start directory -J stop directory -R rescan directory -W toggle enable/disable directory General options: -f start FD -F stop FD -a start AMG -A stop AMG -Y start/stop AMG -Z start/stop FD -k force file dir check -i reread local interface file -o show exec statistics -P force archive check -v just print Version
In conjunction with cron you can enable/disable certain hosts and control when they should receive their data. You may specify more than one hostname or position.
The program afdcfg allows you to enable/disable archiving and/or retrieving of files from remote hosts. The disabling of archiving can be useful when you notice that your disk space gets to low or you want to reduce the load on the node. The other option to enable/ disable retrieving of files is good when you have two nodes with identical configured AFD's and one node is configured as hot standby. This will make sure that only the AFD on the active node will retrieve data. Otherwise both AFD's will retrieve the data and that can be quit annoying. The syntax of afdcfg is as follows:
SYNTAX : afdcfg [-w working directory] [-u []] options -a enable archive -A disable archive -b enable create source dir -B disable create source dir -c enable create target dir -C disable create target dir -d enable dir warn time -du enable + update directory warn time -D disable dir warn time -h enable host warn time -H disable host warn time -i enable simulate send mode -I disable simulate send mode -r enable retrieving of files -R disable retrieving of files -s status of the above flags
To view the content of the FSA (Filetransfer Status Area) there is a program called fsa_view. An example output might look as follows:
afd@r2d2:~$ fsa_view fiau_ Number of hosts: 34 FSA ID: 1 Struct Version: 3 Pagesize: 4096 =============================> fiau_ <============================= Host alias CRC : e831dc61 Real hostname 1 : Real hostname 2 : Hostname (display) : >fiau_< Host toggle : HOST_ONE Auto toggle : OFF Original toggle : NONE Toggle position : 5 Protocol( 40000001): FTP active fast_move fast_cd Direction : SEND Socket send buffer : Not set Socket rcv buffer : Not set Keep connected : Not set Proxy name : >$Udwd@ifu;$Pgtswetter< Debug mode : OFF Dupcheck timeout : Disabled Host status ( 0) : NORMAL_STATUS Transfer timeout : 120 File size offset : -2 Successful retries : 0 MaxSuccessful ret. : 10 Special flag ( 64) : HOST_IN_DIR_CONFIG Error counter : 0 Total errors : 7 Max. errors : 10 Error history : 000 -> Transfer success 000 -> Transfer success 000 -> Transfer success 000 -> Transfer success 000 -> Transfer success Retry interval : 600 Transfer block size : 4096 TTL : 0 Time of last retry : Sat Apr 8 23:36:41 2006 Last connection : Sat Apr 8 23:36:41 2006 First error time : Not set. Start event handle : Not set. End event handle : Not set. Warn time : Not set. Total file counter : 0 Total file size : 0 File counter done : 104 Bytes send : 3100838 Connections : 26 MC NACK counter : 0 Jobs queued : 0 Active transfers : 0 Allowed transfers : 2 Rate limit : 0 Rate limit per proc : 0 MC Rate limit : 0 MC Rate limit/proc : 0 | Job 0 | Job 1 --------------------+-----------+----------- PID | -1 | -1 Connect status |DISCONNECT |DISCONNECT Number of files | 0 | 0 No. of files done | 0 | 0 File size | 0 | 0 File size done | 0 | 0 Bytes send | 3100838 | 0 File name in use | | File size in use | 0 | 0 Filesize in use done| 0 | 0 Unique name | | Job ID | 0 | 0
Under 'File name in use' will be shown the current file being transmitted. To view the full name use the '-l' option to show the long view:
-------- Job 0 -----+------------------------------------------------------ PID : -1 Connect status : DISCONNECT Number of files : 0 No. of files done : 0 File size : 0 File size done : 0 Bytes send : 3100838 File name in use : File size in use : 0 File size in use done: 0 Unique name : Job ID : 0 -------- Job 1 -----+------------------------------------------------------ PID : -1 Connect status : DISCONNECT Number of files : 0 No. of files done : 0 File size : 0 File size done : 0 Bytes send : 0 File name in use : File size in use : 0 File size in use done: 0 Unique name : Job ID : 0
To view the content of the FRA (Fileretrieve Status Area), the directories monitored by AFD, there is a program called fra_view. The output looks as follows:
afd@r2d2:~$ fra_view 3 Number of directories: 42 FRA ID: 32 Struct Version: 5 ============================> testmaus (4) <============================ Directory alias : testmaus Directory ID : 99ca01ad URL : ftp://funk:bla@testmaus Host alias : testmaus Wait for : FSA position : 25 Priority : 9 Number of process : 0 Max number of process: 10 Bytes received : 0 Files received : 0 Files in directory : 0 Bytes in directory : 0 Files in queue(s) : 0 Bytes in queue(s) : 0 Accumulate size : 0 Accumulate : 0 gt_lt_sign : 0 Max errors : 10 Error counter : 0 Warn time : 0 Keep connected : 0 Ignore size : 0 Ignore file time : 0 Max files : 100 Max size : 104857600 Directory status( 12): NORMAL_STATUS Directory flag( 8) : LINK_NO_EXEC In DIR_CONFIG flag : DIR_ALIAS Dupcheck timeout : Disabled Force reread : NO Queued : NO Remove files : NO Stupid mode : NO Protocol ( 0) : FTP Delete input files : NO Report unknown files : YES Important directory : NO End character : NONE Time option : 1 Next check time : Sun Jun 19 11:32:00 2005 Minute (long long) : 01000000 00001000 00100001 10000100 00010000 01000010 00001000 00100001 Continues (long long): 01000000 00001000 00100001 10000100 00010000 01000010 00001000 00100001 Hour (uint) : 00000000 11111111 11111111 11111111 Day of month (uint) : 01111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 Month (short) : 00001111 11111111 Day of week (uchar) : 01111111 Minute (long long) : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Continues (long long): 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Hour (uint) : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Day of month (uint) : 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Month (short) : 00000000 00000000 Day of week (uchar) : 00000000 Last retrieval : Sun Jun 19 10:39:10 2005
This program can take two parameters -s and -d. -s will only print out the dir_alias and if the directory has been stopped or not. -d has the same meaning for disabled directories.
The program afd_status prints the current status of the AFD that is displayed at the bottom row of the afd_ctrl dialog.
Hostname : ducktown Working directory : /home/afd User name + ID : afd (9999) AMG : 1 AMG jobs status flag : 0 FD : 1 System log : 1 Event log : 1 Transfer log : 1 Trans debug log : 1 Archive watch : 1 afd_stat : 1 afdd : 1 input_log : 1 output_log : 1 delete_log : 1 production_log : 1 distribution_log : 1 ALDA daemon : 1 Receivelog indicator : 155 < I I W I I > Receive log history : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I E ? ? ? ? ? I I ? I I I I W W W W I Syslog indicator : 787 < I I I I I > System log history : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? W W C I W C C W I W W W I I W W I W W Translog indicator : 2317 < I I I I I > Transfer log history : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E E I E I Number of transfers : 0 Number of retrieves : 0 Jobs in queue : 0 AMG fork() counter : 6 FD fork() counter : 1213 Burst2 counter : 4 AMG child user time : 0.26994 AMG child system time: 0.20995 FD child user time : 0.28980 FD child system time : 0.179952 Max. FD queue length : 17 Directories scanned : 2418 AFD start time : Thu Jan 19 20:29:37 2006
The process status of each can have the following numbers:
-3 | The process has stopped normally. |
0 | Process is not running. |
1 | Process is up and running. |
19 | Process is currently shutting down. |
The program fsa_edit can be used to edit the FSA (Filetransfer Status Area). When you use this program it will always show the current value that you might wish to manipulate as shown below:
FSA Editor (fiau) +-----+------------------+----------------+ | Key | Description | current value | +-----+------------------+----------------+ | 1 |total_file_counter| 0 | | 2 |total_file_size | 0 | | 3 |error counter | 1 | | 4 |No. of connections| 26 | | 5 |host status | 0 | | 6 |Max. errors | 10 | | 7 |Block size | 1024 | | 8 |Allowed transfers | 2 | | 9 |Transfer timeout | 120 | | a |Real hostname | | | b |Host display name | fiau | | c |Error offline stat| YES | | d |Active transfers | 0 | | e |File name | | | f |Jobs queued | 0 | | g |Transferrate limit| 0 | +-----+------------------+----------------+
If you wish to change for example the 'error counter' just press '3' and you will be asked to enter a value:
FSA Editor (fiau) +-----+------------------+----------------+ | Key | Description | current value | +-----+------------------+----------------+ | 1 |total_file_counter| 0 | | 2 |total_file_size | 0 | | 3 |error counter | 1 | | 4 |No. of connections| 26 | | 5 |host status | 0 | | 6 |Max. errors | 10 | | 7 |Block size | 1024 | | 8 |Allowed transfers | 2 | | 9 |Transfer timeout | 120 | | a |Real hostname | | | b |Host display name | fiau | | c |Error offline stat| YES | | d |Active transfers | 0 | | e |File name | | | f |Jobs queued | 0 | | g |Transferrate limit| 0 | +-----+------------------+----------------+ Enter value [3] : _
Now enter the new value and send the new value to the FSA with the return key. If you wish to terminate the program just press the q key.
Please use this program with caution! Only use it when you know what you are doing.
When there is a change in the DIR_CONFIG and you do not want to use the afd_ctrl dialog to activate this DIR_CONFIG just use udc.
When there is a change in the HOST_CONFIG and you do not want to use the afd_ctrl dialog to activate this HOST_CONFIG just use uhc.
Both udc and uhc return 0 when the update was performed successfully. On error either 3 or -1 is returned. If it returns 2 the update was done but there are warnings, meaning that you have to check the SYSTEM_LOG for possible errors in DIR_CONFIG or HOST_CONFIG.
The program get_dc_data shows what AFD has stored internally for the given host alias. The output looks as follows when a host alias is given as the first argument:
DIR_CONFIG : /home/afd/etc/DIR_CONFIG Directory : /home/afd/data/mfa Dir-alias : MRZ DIR-options : time */5 * * * * Filter : G1* G2* G3* G4* Recipient : ftp://user:passwd@host//data/mfa Real hostname : AMG-options : extract MRZ FD-options : archive 1 Priority : 6 Job-ID : 1c7eafb9
If no argument is given, the whole DIR_CONFIG as stored within AFD will be printed to stdout. So with this command you can reconstruct the DIR_CONFIG if you lost it or it is damaged and AFD is still active.
The program jid_view shows all parameters of an internal AFD job. The output looks as follows when a job ID is given as the first argument:
Job-ID : 66cd75e8 DIR_CONFIG : /home/afd/oper/etc/DIR_CONFIG DIR_CONFIG-ID : f4f6d93c Source-Directory: ~afdftp/outgoing/filepool/volc1/R6/SN/ Local-Source-Dir: /home/afdftp/outgoing/filepool/volc1/R6/SN/ Dir-ID : c3046a9d Dir position : 46 File filters : *.bin *.txt File-Mask-ID : f7b343cc Destination : ftp://foo@mss_//tmp Destination-ID : 91edd4f0 Host alias : mss_ Host-Alias-ID : 3db112ef Real hostname : idefix [localhost] Priority : 9
If no argument is given, all jobs in AFD will be printed to stdout.
If called will cause dir_check to print out some exec statistics about CPU usage in SYSTEM_LOG. This is very useful to find the jobs that cause most of the load. Below is an example output:
10 14:40:06 <D> CPU clock times for exec option: 10 14:40:06 <D> Job ID Forks User System Total 10 14:40:06 <D> 4b5313cf 3 78 14 92
This statistic will always be printed when dir_check terminates.
To remove a job from the AFD system there is the program rm_job <full job name>. To get the full job name just look into the files directory. To delete for example all jobs with the job ID 999 the following command will do this for you: rm_job `find $AFD_WORK_DIR/files -name "*_999" -print` Currently rm_job can only delete outgoing jobs, not those that are fetching files from a remote host.
If you do not want to store passwords in the DIR_CONFIG you can set them with this program. The syntax is as follows:
Usage: set_pw [-w <AFD work dir>] [--version] [-e 0|1|2] [-s] -i <job id>|-c <user@hostname>
All passwords are stored at one location within AFD regardless if you have the password in DIR_CONFIG or you use set_pw. If you have the password in DIR_CONFIG and you set it with set_pw, always the last set password will be used by AFD. In the case of DIR_CONFIG the password will ALWAYS be set when you do a reread DIR_CONFIG. Also note that when you have in DIR_CONFIG multiple entries of the same username and hostalias and you remove all the passwords except for one. AFD will still always take the password from DIR_CONFIG each time you reread DIR_CONFIG. The identifier for a password within AFD is always the username and hostalias ie. username@hostalias. And this will be stored only once.
To explain it better, lets use an example. Say in DIR_CONFIG you have the following recipient:
If you reread DIR_CONFIG then AFD will have in its password database a entry donald@hollywood with its password. If you now set the password with set_pw (set_pw -c donald@hollywood) to secret2, AFD will from this time onwards always use secret2 for donald@hollywood. If you now reread DIR_CONFIG it will now use secret as password, ie. it will overwrite the password from set_pw.
So if you always have put all passwords in DIR_CONFIG you can remove all passwords from it and everything should work as expected. To remove the password use the following syntax:
Do NOT use this syntax:
The above will always remove any password when rereading DIR_CONFIG.
You can also set the password by putting it once in DIR_CONFIG, reread the DIR_CONFIG, remove the password from DIR_CONFIG and then reread DIR_CONFIG again. The password is now always set within AFD.
By default AFD uses its own internal 'encryption' when storing the password in the internal database. You can choose a diferent encryption type with the -e parameter. There are currently 3 different types supported: 0, 1 and 2. 0 is in clear plain text. 1 is the AFD internal version. And 2 is a simple XOR encryption with a key that you need to specify in $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/.xor.key or by compiling it in with the configure option --with-xor-key=KEY.
With this program you can send many commands that you can also issue with the mon_ctrl dialog on a per AFD basis. When you call mafdcmd without any parameters it will show all commands it knows:
SYNTAX : ./mafdcmd [-w working directory] options AFD|position -e enable AFD -E disable AFD -r retry -s switch AFD -X toggle enable/disable AFD -u[] fake user -v just print Version
You may specify more than one AFD or position.
aftp is a tool small tool that sends or retrieve file(s) via FTP without any user interaction, so it can be used from any shell scripts or programs such as xsend_file. The syntax of aftp is as follows:
SYNTAX: [t|r]aftp [options] [file 1 ... file n] When calling it with raftp files will be retrieved from the given host, otherwise (when using aftp) files will be send to that host. OPTIONS DESCRIPTION --version - Show current version -a <file size offset> - Offset of file name when doing a LIST command on the remote side. If you specify -2 it will try to determine the size with the SIZE command. -b <block size> - FTP block size in bytes. Default 4096 Bytes. -c <config file> - Configuration file holding user name, password and target directory in URL format. -C[ <mode>] - If target directory does not exist create it. The optional mode can be used to set the permission of this directory. -d <remote directory> - Directory where file(s) are to be stored. -f <filename> - File containing a list of filenames that are to be send. -h <host name | IP number> - Hostname or IP number to which to send the file(s). -k - Keep FTP control connection with STAT calls alive/fresh. -l <DOT | DOT_VMS | OFF | xyz.> - How to lock the file on the remote site. -m <A | I | D> - FTP transfer mode, ASCII, binary or DOS. Default is binary. -o <mode> - Changes the permission of each file distributed. -p <port number> - Remote port number of FTP-server. -P <proxy procedure> - Use the given proxy procedure to login. See documentation for more details on syntax. -u <user> <password> - Remote user name and password. If not supplied, it will login as anonymous. -r - Remove transmitted file. -S <buffer size> - Socket send buffer size (in bytes). -t <timout> - FTP timeout in seconds. Default 120s. -v - Verbose. Shows all FTP commands and the reply from the remote server. -x - Use passive mode instead of active mode when doing the data connection. -X - Use extended mode active or passive (-x) mode. -z - Use SSL/TLS for control connection. -Z - Use SSL/TLS for control and data connection. -? - Display this help and exit. The following values are returned on exit: 0 - File transmitted successfully. 1 - Failed to connect. 9 - SSL/TLS authentification error. 2 - User name wrong. 3 - Wrong password. 4 - Failed to set ascii/binary mode. 5 - Failed to send NLST command. 10 - Failed to open remote file. 11 - Error when writing into remote file. 12 - Failed to close remote file. 13 - Failed to rename remote file. 14 - Remote directory could not be set. 20 - Operation received timeout. 28 - Connection reset by peer. 29 - Connection refused. 30 - Could not open source file. 31 - Failed to read source file. 17 - System error stat(). 34 - System error malloc(). 40 - Failed to read file name file. 60 - Syntax wrong.
asmtp is a tool small tool that sends file(s) via SMTP without any user interaction, so it can be used from any shell scripts or programs such as xsend_file. The syntax of asmtp is as follows:
SYNTAX: asmtp [options] file(s) OPTIONS DESCRIPTION --version - Show current version -a <user@host> - The address where the mail is sent to. -b <block size> - Transfer block size in bytes. Default 4096 Bytes. -c <config file> - Configuration file holding user name, domain and SMTP server in URL format. -e - Encode files in BASE64. -f <filename> - File containing a list of filenames that are to be send. -h <hostname | IP number> - Recipient hostname of this mail. -m <mailserver-address> - Mailserver that will send this mail. Default is localhost. -n - File name is subject. -o <mail address> - Where the receiver should send is reply. -p <port number> - Remote port number of SMTP-server. Default 25. -r - Remove transmitted file. -s <subject> - Subject of this mail. -t <timout> - SMTP timeout in seconds. Default 120s. -u <user> - The user who should get the mail. -v - Verbose. Shows all SMTP commands and the reply from the SMTP server. -y - File name is user. -? - Display this help and exit. The following values are returned on exit: 0 - File transmitted successfully. 1 - Failed to connect. 2 - User name wrong. 4 - Failed to set ascii/binary mode. 5 - Failed to send NLST command. 10 - Failed to open remote file. 11 - Error when writing into remote file. 12 - Failed to close remote file. 13 - Failed to rename remote file. 14 - Remote directory could not be set. 20 - Operation received timeout. 28 - Connection reset by peer. 29 - Connection refused. 30 - Could not open source file. 31 - Failed to read source file. 17 - System error stat(). 34 - System error malloc(). 40 - Failed to read file name file. 60 - Syntax wrong.
asmtp is a tool small tool that sends file(s) via WMO protocol without any user interaction, so it can be used from any shell scripts or programs such as xsend_file. The syntax of awmo is as follows:
SYNTAX: [t]awmo [options] [file 1 ... file n] OPTIONS DESCRIPTION --version - Show current version -a - Wait for an acknowledge from server. -b <block size> - Transfer block size in bytes. Default 4096 bytes. -f <filename> - File containing a list of filenames that are to be send. -h <host name | IP number> - Hostname or IP number to which to send the file(s). -H - File name is header -m <A | I | F> - WMO transfer type, ASCII, binary or Fax. Default is binary. -p <port number> - Remote port number of WMO-server. -r - Remove transmitted file. -S <buffer size> - Socket send buffer size (in bytes). -t <timout> - WMO timeout in seconds. Default 120s. -v - Verbose. Shows all WMO commands and the reply from the remote server. -? - Display this help and exit. The following values are returned on exit: 0 - File transmitted successfully. 1 - Failed to connect. 10 - Failed to open remote file. 11 - Error when writing into remote file. 12 - Failed to close remote file. 20 - Operation received timeout. 28 - Connection reset by peer. 29 - Connection refused. 30 - Could not open source file. 31 - Failed to read source file. 17 - System error stat(). 34 - System error malloc(). 40 - Failed to read file name file. 60 - Syntax wrong.
Copyright © 2001 - 2014 by H.Kiehl Last updated: 07.11.2014 |
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