/* * evaluate_message.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M1 /* ** NAME ** evaluate_message - evaluates a message send from afdd ** ** SYNOPSIS ** int evaluate_message(int *bytes_done) ** ** DESCRIPTION ** Evaluates what is returned in msg_str. The first two characters ** always describe the content of the message: ** IS - Interval summary ** NH - Number of hosts ** ND - Number of directories ** NJ - Number of jobs configured ** MC - Maximum number of connections ** SR - System Log Radar Information ** AM - Status of AMG ** FD - Status of FD ** AW - Status of archive_watch ** WD - remote AFD working directory ** AV - AFD version ** DJ - Danger number of jobs ** TD - Typesize data ** HL - List of current host alias names and real ** hostnames ** DL - List of current directories ** JL - List of current jobs ** EL - Error list for a given host ** RH - Receive log history ** SH - System log history ** TH - Transfer log history ** Log message types: ** LC - Log capabilities ** ** RETURN VALUES ** Returns the following values: ** - SUCCESS ** - AFDD_SHUTTING_DOWN ** - any value above 99 which will be the return code of a command ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 22.10.2006 H.Kiehl Created ** 21.04.2007 H.Kiehl Handle job ID data. ** 23.11.2008 H.Kiehl Added DJ (Danger number of jobs). ** 22.03.2014 H.Kiehl Added TD (Typesize data). ** */ DESCR__E_M1 #include /* fprintf() */ #include /* strcpy(), strcat(), strerror() */ #include /* strtoul(), atoi(), atol() */ #include /* isdigit() */ #include #include #include /* O_RDONLY */ #ifdef HAVE_MMAP # include #endif #include #include #include "mondefs.h" #include "logdefs.h" #include "afdddefs.h" /* Global variables. */ extern int afd_no, got_log_capabilities, shift_log_his[], timeout_flag; extern time_t new_hour_time; extern size_t adl_size, ahl_size, ajl_size, atd_size; extern char msg_str[], *p_work_dir; extern struct mon_status_area *msa; extern struct afd_dir_list *adl; extern struct afd_host_list *ahl; extern struct afd_job_list *ajl; extern struct afd_typesize_data *atd; /* Local function prototypes. */ static void reshuffel_dir_data(int), reshuffel_job_data(int); /*######################### evaluate_message() ##########################*/ int evaluate_message(int *bytes_done) { int ret; char *ptr, *ptr_start; /* Evaluate what is returned and store in MSA. */ ptr = msg_str; for (;;) { if (*ptr == '\0') { break; } ptr++; } *bytes_done = ptr - msg_str + 2; ptr = msg_str; if ((*ptr == 'I') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'S')) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store the number of files still to be send. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].fc = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store the number of bytes still to be send. */ *ptr = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOULL # if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 msa[afd_no].fs = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # else msa[afd_no].fs = (u_off_t)strtoull(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # endif #else msa[afd_no].fs = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); #endif ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store the transfer rate. */ *ptr = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOULL # if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 msa[afd_no].tr = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # else msa[afd_no].tr = (u_off_t)strtoull(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # endif #else msa[afd_no].tr = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); #endif if (msa[afd_no].tr > msa[afd_no].top_tr[0]) { msa[afd_no].top_tr[0] = msa[afd_no].tr; msa[afd_no].top_tr_time = msa[afd_no].last_data_time; } ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store file rate. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].fr = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); if (msa[afd_no].fr > msa[afd_no].top_fr[0]) { msa[afd_no].top_fr[0] = msa[afd_no].fr; msa[afd_no].top_fr_time = msa[afd_no].last_data_time; } ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store error counter. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].ec = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store error hosts. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].host_error_counter = atoi(ptr_start); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store number of transfers. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].no_of_transfers = atoi(ptr_start); if (msa[afd_no].no_of_transfers > msa[afd_no].top_no_of_transfers[0]) { msa[afd_no].top_no_of_transfers[0] = msa[afd_no].no_of_transfers; msa[afd_no].top_not_time = msa[afd_no].last_data_time; } ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == '\0') { /* Store number of jobs in queue. */ msa[afd_no].jobs_in_queue = atoi(ptr_start); } else if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store number of jobs in queue. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].jobs_in_queue = atoi(ptr_start); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store files send. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].files_send[CURRENT_SUM] = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store bytes send. */ *ptr = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOULL # if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 msa[afd_no].bytes_send[CURRENT_SUM] = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # else msa[afd_no].bytes_send[CURRENT_SUM] = (u_off_t)strtoull(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # endif #else msa[afd_no].bytes_send[CURRENT_SUM] = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); #endif ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store number of connections. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].connections[CURRENT_SUM] = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store number of total errors. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].total_errors[CURRENT_SUM] = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { /* Store files received. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].files_received[CURRENT_SUM] = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); ptr++; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\0')) { /* Store bytes received. */ *ptr = '\0'; #ifdef HAVE_STRTOULL # if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 msa[afd_no].bytes_received[CURRENT_SUM] = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # else msa[afd_no].bytes_received[CURRENT_SUM] = (u_off_t)strtoull(ptr_start, NULL, 10); # endif #else msa[afd_no].bytes_received[CURRENT_SUM] = (u_off_t)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); #endif } else { mon_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Missed bytes_received."); } } else { mon_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Missed files_received."); } } else { mon_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Missed total_errors."); } } else { mon_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Missed connections."); } } else { mon_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Missed bytes_send."); } } else { mon_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Missed files_send."); } } } } } } } } if ((msa[afd_no].special_flag & SUM_VAL_INITIALIZED) == 0) { int i; for (i = 1; i < SUM_STORAGE; i++) { msa[afd_no].bytes_send[i] = msa[afd_no].bytes_send[CURRENT_SUM]; msa[afd_no].bytes_received[i] = msa[afd_no].bytes_received[CURRENT_SUM]; msa[afd_no].files_send[i] = msa[afd_no].files_send[CURRENT_SUM]; msa[afd_no].files_received[i] = msa[afd_no].files_received[CURRENT_SUM]; msa[afd_no].connections[i] = msa[afd_no].connections[CURRENT_SUM]; msa[afd_no].total_errors[i] = msa[afd_no].total_errors[CURRENT_SUM]; msa[afd_no].log_bytes_received[i] = msa[afd_no].log_bytes_received[CURRENT_SUM]; } msa[afd_no].special_flag ^= SUM_VAL_INITIALIZED; } ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "IS %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", msa[afd_no].fc, msa[afd_no].fs, msa[afd_no].tr, msa[afd_no].fr, msa[afd_no].ec, msa[afd_no].host_error_counter, msa[afd_no].jobs_in_queue); #endif } else { mon_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Failed to evaluate IS message."); ret = UNKNOWN_MESSAGE; } } /* * Status of AMG (AM) */ else if ((*ptr == 'A') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'M')) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { ptr++; } msa[afd_no].amg = (char)atoi(ptr_start); ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "AM %d\n", msa[afd_no].amg); #endif } /* * Status of FD (FD) */ else if ((*ptr == 'F') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'D')) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { ptr++; } msa[afd_no].fd = (char)atoi(ptr_start); ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "FD %d\n", msa[afd_no].fd); #endif } /* * Status of archive watch (AW) */ else if ((*ptr == 'A') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'W')) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { ptr++; } msa[afd_no].archive_watch = (char)atoi(ptr_start); ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "AW %d\n", msa[afd_no].archive_watch); #endif } /* * Number of hosts (NH) */ else if ((*ptr == 'N') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'H')) { int new_no_of_hosts; char ahl_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { ptr++; } new_no_of_hosts = atoi(ptr_start); if ((new_no_of_hosts != msa[afd_no].no_of_hosts) || (ahl == NULL)) { int fd; char *ahl_ptr; if (ahl != NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)ahl, ahl_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)ahl) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } ahl_size = new_no_of_hosts * sizeof(struct afd_host_list); msa[afd_no].no_of_hosts = new_no_of_hosts; (void)sprintf(ahl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, AHL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if ((ahl_ptr = attach_buf(ahl_file_name, &fd, &ahl_size, NULL, FILE_MODE, NO)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to mmap() %s : %s", ahl_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); exit(INCORRECT); } else { if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } ahl = (struct afd_host_list *)ahl_ptr; } } ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "NH %d\n", msa[afd_no].no_of_hosts); #endif } /* * Number of directories (ND) */ else if ((*ptr == 'N') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'D')) { int new_no_of_dirs; char adl_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; struct stat stat_buf; ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { ptr++; } new_no_of_dirs = atoi(ptr_start); /* Save old adl file, if it exist. */ (void)sprintf(adl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, ADL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if (stat(adl_file_name, &stat_buf) == 0) { char tmp_adl_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)sprintf(tmp_adl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, TMP_ADL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if (copy_file(adl_file_name, tmp_adl_file_name, &stat_buf) == INCORRECT) { (void)unlink(tmp_adl_file_name); } } if ((new_no_of_dirs != msa[afd_no].no_of_dirs) || (adl == NULL)) { int fd; char *adl_ptr; if (adl != NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)adl, adl_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)adl) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } adl_size = new_no_of_dirs * sizeof(struct afd_dir_list); msa[afd_no].no_of_dirs = new_no_of_dirs; if ((adl_ptr = attach_buf(adl_file_name, &fd, &adl_size, NULL, FILE_MODE, NO)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to mmap() %s : %s", adl_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); adl = NULL; } else { if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } adl = (struct afd_dir_list *)adl_ptr; } } ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "ND %d\n", msa[afd_no].no_of_dirs); #endif } /* * Number of current job ID's (NJ) */ else if ((*ptr == 'N') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'J')) { int new_no_of_job_ids; char ajl_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; struct stat stat_buf; ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { ptr++; } new_no_of_job_ids = atoi(ptr_start); /* Save old adl file, if it exist. */ (void)sprintf(ajl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, AJL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if (stat(ajl_file_name, &stat_buf) == 0) { char tmp_ajl_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)sprintf(tmp_ajl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, TMP_AJL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if (copy_file(ajl_file_name, tmp_ajl_file_name, &stat_buf) == INCORRECT) { (void)unlink(tmp_ajl_file_name); } } if ((new_no_of_job_ids != msa[afd_no].no_of_jobs) || (ajl == NULL)) { int fd; char *ajl_ptr; if (ajl != NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)ajl, ajl_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)ajl) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } ajl_size = new_no_of_job_ids * sizeof(struct afd_job_list); msa[afd_no].no_of_jobs = new_no_of_job_ids; if ((ajl_ptr = attach_buf(ajl_file_name, &fd, &ajl_size, NULL, FILE_MODE, NO)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to mmap() %s : %s", ajl_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); ajl = NULL; } else { if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } ajl = (struct afd_job_list *)ajl_ptr; } } ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "NJ %d\n", msa[afd_no].no_of_jobs); #endif } /* * Maximum number of connections. (MC) */ else if ((*ptr == 'M') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'C')) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while (*ptr != '\0') { ptr++; } msa[afd_no].max_connections = atoi(ptr_start); ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "MC %d\n", msa[afd_no].max_connections); #endif } /* * System log radar (SR) */ else if ((*ptr == 'S') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'R')) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { register int i = 0; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT int length = 2; char fifo_buf[(LOG_FIFO_SIZE * 4) + 4]; fifo_buf[0] = 'S'; fifo_buf[1] = 'R'; #endif /* Store system log entry counter. */ *ptr = '\0'; msa[afd_no].sys_log_ec = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 10); ptr++; while ((*ptr != '\0') && (i < LOG_FIFO_SIZE)) { msa[afd_no].sys_log_fifo[i] = *ptr - ' '; if (msa[afd_no].sys_log_fifo[i] > COLOR_POOL_SIZE) { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Reading garbage for Transfer Log Radar entry <%d>", (int)msa[afd_no].sys_log_fifo[i]); msa[afd_no].sys_log_fifo[i] = NO_INFORMATION; } #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT length += sprintf(&fifo_buf[length], " %d", (int)msa[afd_no].sys_log_fifo[i]); #endif ptr++; i++; } #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", fifo_buf); #endif } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Error list (EL) */ else if ((*ptr == 'E') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'L')) { /* Syntax: EL ... */ ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { int pos; *ptr = '\0'; pos = atoi(ptr_start); if (pos < msa[afd_no].no_of_hosts) { int i, k = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { k = 1; *ptr = '\0'; ahl[pos].error_history[0] = (unsigned char)atoi(ptr_start); do { ptr = ptr + 1; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if ((*ptr == ' ') && (k < ERROR_HISTORY_LENGTH)) { *ptr = '\0'; ahl[pos].error_history[k] = (unsigned char)atoi(ptr_start); k++; } } while (*ptr != '\0'); } for (i = k; i < ERROR_HISTORY_LENGTH; i++) { ahl[pos].error_history[k] = 0; } #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "EL %d %d", pos, ahl[pos].error_history[0]); for (i = 0; i < k; i++) { (void)fprintf(stderr, " %d", (int)ahl[pos].error_history[i]); } (void)fprintf(stderr, "\n"); #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Hmmm. Trying to insert at position %d, but there are only %d hosts.", pos, msa[afd_no].no_of_hosts); } } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Host list (HL) */ else if ((*ptr == 'H') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'L')) { /* Syntax: HL [] */ ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { int pos; *ptr = '\0'; pos = atoi(ptr_start); if (pos < msa[afd_no].no_of_hosts) { int i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH)) { ahl[pos].host_alias[i] = *ptr; ptr++; i++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { ahl[pos].host_alias[i] = '\0'; ahl[pos].host_id = get_str_checksum(ahl[pos].host_alias); i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < (MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH - 1))) { ahl[pos].real_hostname[0][i] = *ptr; ptr++; i++; } ahl[pos].real_hostname[0][i] = '\0'; if (*ptr == ' ') { i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < (MAX_REAL_HOSTNAME_LENGTH - 1))) { ahl[pos].real_hostname[1][i] = *ptr; ptr++; i++; } ahl[pos].real_hostname[1][i] = '\0'; } else { ahl[pos].real_hostname[1][0] = '\0'; } } #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "HL %d %s %s %s\n", pos, ahl[pos].host_alias, ahl[pos].real_hostname[0], ahl[pos].real_hostname[1]); #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Hmmm. Trying to insert host at position %d, but there are only %d hosts.", pos, msa[afd_no].no_of_hosts); } } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Directory list (DL) */ else if ((*ptr == 'D') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'L')) { /* Syntax: DL [] */ if (adl != NULL) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { int pos; *ptr = '\0'; pos = atoi(ptr_start); if (pos < msa[afd_no].no_of_dirs) { int i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { ptr++; i++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { *ptr = '\0'; adl[pos].dir_id = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 16); i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_DIR_ALIAS_LENGTH)) { adl[pos].dir_alias[i] = *ptr; ptr++; i++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { adl[pos].dir_alias[i] = '\0'; i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < (MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1))) { adl[pos].dir_name[i] = *ptr; ptr++; i++; } adl[pos].dir_name[i] = '\0'; if (*ptr == ' ') { i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < (MAX_PATH_LENGTH - 1))) { adl[pos].orig_dir_name[i] = *ptr; ptr++; i++; } adl[pos].orig_dir_name[i] = '\0'; if (*ptr == ' ') { i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < (MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH - 1))) { adl[pos].home_dir_user[i] = *ptr; ptr++; i++; } adl[pos].home_dir_user[i] = '\0'; if (*ptr == ' ') { i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { ptr++; i++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { *ptr = '\0'; adl[pos].home_dir_length = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 16); } } else { adl[pos].home_dir_length = 0; } } else { adl[pos].home_dir_user[0] = '\0'; adl[pos].home_dir_length = 0; } } else { adl[pos].home_dir_user[0] = '\0'; adl[pos].home_dir_length = 0; adl[pos].orig_dir_name[0] = '\0'; } } else { adl[pos].dir_alias[0] = '\0'; adl[pos].home_dir_user[0] = '\0'; adl[pos].home_dir_length = 0; adl[pos].orig_dir_name[0] = '\0'; } } else { adl[pos].dir_id = 0; adl[pos].dir_alias[0] = '\0'; adl[pos].home_dir_user[0] = '\0'; adl[pos].home_dir_length = 0; adl[pos].orig_dir_name[0] = '\0'; } adl[pos].entry_time = msa[afd_no].last_data_time; if ((pos + 1) == msa[afd_no].no_of_dirs) { reshuffel_dir_data(msa[afd_no].no_of_dirs); } #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT if (adl[pos].home_dir_user[0] == '\0') { (void)fprintf(stderr, "DL %d %s %x %s %s\n", pos, adl[pos].dir_id, adl[pos].dir_alias, adl[pos].dir_name, adl[pos].orig_dir_name); } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, "DL %d %s %x %s %s %s %x\n", pos, adl[pos].dir_id, adl[pos].dir_alias, adl[pos].dir_name, adl[pos].orig_dir_name, adl[pos].home_dir_user, adl[pos].home_dir_length); } #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Hmmm. Trying to insert directory at position %d, but there are only %d directories.", pos, msa[afd_no].no_of_dirs); } } } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Job ID list (JL) */ #ifdef WITHOUT_BLUR_DATA else if ((*ptr == 'J') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'L')) #else else if ((*ptr == 'J') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'l')) #endif { /* Syntax: Jl */ /* */ if (ajl != NULL) { ptr += 3; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { int pos; *ptr = '\0'; pos = atoi(ptr_start); if (pos < msa[afd_no].no_of_jobs) { int i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { ptr++; i++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { *ptr = '\0'; ajl[pos].job_id = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 16); i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { ptr++; i++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { *ptr = '\0'; ajl[pos].dir_id = (unsigned int)strtoul(ptr_start, NULL, 16); i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { ptr++; i++; } if (*ptr == ' ') { *ptr = '\0'; ajl[pos].no_of_loptions = (int)strtol(ptr_start, NULL, 16); i = 0; ptr = ptr + 1; if ((isxdigit((int)(*ptr))) && (*(ptr + 1) == ' ')) { #ifndef WITHOUT_BLUR_DATA int offset = 0; #endif ajl[pos].priority = *ptr; i = 0; ptr = ptr + 2; while ((*ptr != '\0') && (i < (MAX_RECIPIENT_LENGTH - 1))) { #ifdef WITHOUT_BLUR_DATA ajl[pos].recipient[i] = *ptr; #else if ((i - offset) > 28) { offset += 28; } if (((i - offset) % 3) == 0) { ajl[pos].recipient[i] = (unsigned char)*ptr + 9 - (i - offset); } else { ajl[pos].recipient[i] = (unsigned char)*ptr + 17 - (i - offset); } #endif ptr++; i++; } ajl[pos].recipient[i] = '\0'; if (i == MAX_RECIPIENT_LENGTH) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Recipient overflow!!!"); } } else { ajl[pos].recipient[0] = '\0'; ajl[pos].priority = '9'; } } else { ajl[pos].recipient[0] = '\0'; ajl[pos].priority = '9'; ajl[pos].no_of_loptions = -1; } } else { ajl[pos].recipient[0] = '\0'; ajl[pos].priority = '9'; ajl[pos].no_of_loptions = -1; ajl[pos].dir_id = 0; } } else { ajl[pos].recipient[0] = '\0'; ajl[pos].priority = '9'; ajl[pos].no_of_loptions = -1; ajl[pos].dir_id = 0; ajl[pos].job_id = 0; } ajl[pos].entry_time = msa[afd_no].last_data_time; if ((pos + 1) == msa[afd_no].no_of_jobs) { reshuffel_job_data(msa[afd_no].no_of_jobs); } #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT # ifdef WITHOUT_BLUR_DATA (void)fprintf(stderr, "JL %d %x %x %x %c %s\n", # else (void)fprintf(stderr, "Jl %d %x %x %x %c %s\n", # endif pos, ajl[pos].job_id, ajl[pos].dir_id, ajl[pos].no_of_loptions, ajl[pos].priority, ajl[pos].recipient); #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Hmmm. Trying to insert job ID at position %d, but there are only %d jobs.", pos, msa[afd_no].no_of_jobs); } } } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Receive Log History (RH) */ else if ((*ptr == 'R') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'H')) { register int i, his_length_received; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT int length = 2; char fifo_buf[(MAX_LOG_HISTORY * 4) + 4]; fifo_buf[0] = 'R'; fifo_buf[1] = 'H'; #endif his_length_received = *bytes_done - 2 - 3; if (his_length_received > MAX_LOG_HISTORY) { his_length_received = MAX_LOG_HISTORY; } else if ((his_length_received < MAX_LOG_HISTORY) && (shift_log_his[RECEIVE_HISTORY] == NO) && (msa[afd_no].last_data_time >= new_hour_time)) { (void)memmove(msa[afd_no].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY], &msa[afd_no].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY][1], (MAX_LOG_HISTORY - his_length_received)); shift_log_his[RECEIVE_HISTORY] = DONE; } /* Syntax: RH */; ptr += 3; for (i = (MAX_LOG_HISTORY - his_length_received); i < MAX_LOG_HISTORY; i++) { msa[afd_no].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY][i] = *ptr - ' '; if (msa[afd_no].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY][i] > COLOR_POOL_SIZE) { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Reading garbage for Receive Log History <%d>", (int)msa[afd_no].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY][i]); msa[afd_no].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY][i] = NO_INFORMATION; } ptr++; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT length += sprintf(&fifo_buf[length], " %d", (int)msa[afd_no].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY][i]); #endif } ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", fifo_buf); #endif } /* * Transfer Log History (TH) */ else if ((*ptr == 'T') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'H')) { register int i, his_length_received; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT int length = 2; char fifo_buf[(MAX_LOG_HISTORY * 4) + 4]; fifo_buf[0] = 'T'; fifo_buf[1] = 'H'; #endif his_length_received = *bytes_done - 2 - 3; if (his_length_received > MAX_LOG_HISTORY) { his_length_received = MAX_LOG_HISTORY; } else if ((his_length_received < MAX_LOG_HISTORY) && (shift_log_his[TRANSFER_HISTORY] == NO) && (msa[afd_no].last_data_time >= new_hour_time)) { (void)memmove(msa[afd_no].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY], &msa[afd_no].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY][1], (MAX_LOG_HISTORY - his_length_received)); shift_log_his[TRANSFER_HISTORY] = DONE; } /* Syntax: TH */; ptr += 3; for (i = (MAX_LOG_HISTORY - his_length_received); i < MAX_LOG_HISTORY; i++) { msa[afd_no].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY][i] = *ptr - ' '; if (msa[afd_no].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY][i] > COLOR_POOL_SIZE) { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Reading garbage for Transfer Log History <%d>", (int)msa[afd_no].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY][i]); msa[afd_no].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY][i] = NO_INFORMATION; } ptr++; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT length += sprintf(&fifo_buf[length], " %d", (int)msa[afd_no].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY][i]); #endif } ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", fifo_buf); #endif } /* * System Log History (SH) */ else if ((*ptr == 'S') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'H')) { register int i, his_length_received; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT int length = 2; char fifo_buf[(MAX_LOG_HISTORY * 4) + 4]; fifo_buf[0] = 'S'; fifo_buf[1] = 'H'; #endif his_length_received = *bytes_done - 2 - 3; if (his_length_received > MAX_LOG_HISTORY) { his_length_received = MAX_LOG_HISTORY; } else if ((his_length_received < MAX_LOG_HISTORY) && (shift_log_his[SYSTEM_HISTORY] == NO) && (msa[afd_no].last_data_time >= new_hour_time)) { (void)memmove(msa[afd_no].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY], &msa[afd_no].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY][1], (MAX_LOG_HISTORY - his_length_received)); shift_log_his[SYSTEM_HISTORY] = DONE; } /* Syntax: SH */; ptr += 3; for (i = (MAX_LOG_HISTORY - his_length_received); i < MAX_LOG_HISTORY; i++) { msa[afd_no].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY][i] = *ptr - ' '; if (msa[afd_no].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY][i] > COLOR_POOL_SIZE) { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Reading garbage for System Log History <%d>", (int)msa[afd_no].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY][i]); msa[afd_no].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY][i] = NO_INFORMATION; } ptr++; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT length += sprintf(&fifo_buf[length], " %d", (int)msa[afd_no].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY][i]); #endif } ret = SUCCESS; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", fifo_buf); #endif } /* * Log capabilities of remote AFD. (LC) */ else if ((*ptr == 'L') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'C')) { if ((*bytes_done - 3) < MAX_INT_LENGTH) { msa[afd_no].log_capabilities = atoi(ptr + 3); got_log_capabilities = YES; #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "LC %d\n", msa[afd_no].log_capabilities); #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Log capabilities is %d bytes long, but can handle only %d bytes.", *bytes_done - 3, MAX_INT_LENGTH); } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * AFD Version Number (AV) */ else if ((*ptr == 'A') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'V')) { if ((*bytes_done - 3) < MAX_VERSION_LENGTH) { (void)strcpy(msa[afd_no].afd_version, ptr + 3); #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "AV %s\n", msa[afd_no].afd_version); #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Version is %d Bytes long, but can handle only %d Bytes.", *bytes_done - 3, MAX_VERSION_LENGTH); } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Danger number of Jobs (DJ) */ else if ((*ptr == 'D') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'J')) { if ((*bytes_done - 3) < MAX_INT_LENGTH) { msa[afd_no].danger_no_of_jobs = atol(ptr + 3); #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "DJ %ld\n", msa[afd_no].danger_no_of_jobs); #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Danger number of Jobs is %d Bytes long, but can handle only %d Bytes.", *bytes_done - 3, MAX_INT_LENGTH); } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Typesize data (TD) */ else if ((*ptr == 'T') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'D')) { int fd; char atd_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH], *atd_ptr; (void)sprintf(atd_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, ATD_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if (atd != NULL) { #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)atd, atd_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)atd) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } atd_size = AFD_TYPESIZE_ELEMENTS * sizeof(int); if ((atd_ptr = attach_buf(atd_file_name, &fd, &atd_size, NULL, FILE_MODE, NO)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to mmap() %s : %s", atd_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); atd = NULL; } else { int i, no_of_elements = 0; if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } atd = (struct afd_typesize_data *)atd_ptr; ptr += 3; do { i = 0; ptr_start = ptr; while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0') && (i < MAX_INT_LENGTH)) { ptr++; i++; } if ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\0')) { if (*ptr == ' ') { *ptr = '\0'; ptr++; } atd->val[no_of_elements] = atoi(ptr_start); } else { while ((*ptr != ' ') && (*ptr != '\0')) { ptr++; } atd->val[no_of_elements] = -1; /* * Lets silently ignore this error case. */ } no_of_elements++; } while ((*ptr != '\0') && (no_of_elements < AFD_TYPESIZE_ELEMENTS)); } ret = SUCCESS; } /* * Remote AFD working directory. (WD) */ else if ((*ptr == 'W') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'D')) { if ((*bytes_done - 3) < MAX_PATH_LENGTH) { (void)strcpy(msa[afd_no].r_work_dir, ptr + 3); #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "WD %s\n", msa[afd_no].r_work_dir); #endif } else { mon_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Path is %d Bytes long, but can handle only %d Bytes.", *bytes_done - 3, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); } ret = SUCCESS; } else if ((isdigit((int)(*ptr))) && (isdigit((int)(*(ptr + 1)))) && (isdigit((int)(*(ptr + 2)))) && (*(ptr + 3) == '-')) { ret = ((*ptr - '0') * 100) + ((*(ptr + 1) - '0') * 10) + (*(ptr + 2) - '0'); #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ptr); #endif } else if (strcmp(ptr, AFDD_SHUTDOWN_MESSAGE) == 0) { #ifdef _DEBUG_PRINT (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", ptr); #endif mon_log(WARN_SIGN, NULL, 0, 0L, NULL, "========> AFDD SHUTDOWN <========"); ret = AFDD_SHUTTING_DOWN; timeout_flag = ON; (void)tcp_quit(); timeout_flag = OFF; msa[afd_no].connect_status = DISCONNECTED; } else { mon_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0L, msg_str, "Failed to evaluate message."); ret = UNKNOWN_MESSAGE; } return(ret); } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++ reshuffel_dir_data() +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void reshuffel_dir_data(int no_of_dirs) { int oadl_fd; size_t oadl_size; char *ptr, tmp_adl_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)sprintf(tmp_adl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, OLD_ADL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); oadl_size = AFD_WORD_OFFSET + (DATA_STEP_SIZE * sizeof(struct afd_dir_list)); if ((ptr = attach_buf(tmp_adl_file_name, &oadl_fd, &oadl_size, NULL, FILE_MODE, NO)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to mmap() %s : %s", tmp_adl_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(oadl_fd); (void)sprintf(tmp_adl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, TMP_ADL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); } else { struct stat stat_buf; struct afd_dir_list *oadl; (void)sprintf(tmp_adl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, TMP_ADL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if ((stat(tmp_adl_file_name, &stat_buf) == 0) && (stat_buf.st_size > 0)) { int fd, tmp_no_of_dirs; char *ptr2; tmp_no_of_dirs = stat_buf.st_size / sizeof(struct afd_dir_list); if ((ptr2 = map_file(tmp_adl_file_name, &fd, NULL, &stat_buf, O_RDONLY)) == (caddr_t)-1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to map_file() `%s' : %s", tmp_adl_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); oadl = NULL; } else { int end_pos, gotcha, i, j, no_added, no_deleted, old_no_of_dirs; time_t offset_time; size_t work_size; struct afd_dir_list *tadl; if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } tadl = (struct afd_dir_list *)ptr2; old_no_of_dirs = *(int *)ptr; ptr += AFD_WORD_OFFSET; oadl = (struct afd_dir_list *)ptr; get_max_log_values(&gotcha, MAX_ADL_FILES_DEF, MAX_ADL_FILES, NULL, NULL, 0); offset_time = gotcha * SWITCH_FILE_TIME; no_added = no_deleted = 0; for (i = 0; i < old_no_of_dirs; i++) { if ((oadl[i].entry_time + offset_time) < msa[afd_no].last_data_time) { end_pos = i; while ((++end_pos <= old_no_of_dirs) && ((oadl[i].entry_time + offset_time) < msa[afd_no].last_data_time)) { /* Nothing to be done. */; } if (end_pos <= old_no_of_dirs) { work_size = (old_no_of_dirs - (end_pos - 1)) * sizeof(struct afd_dir_list); (void)memmove(&oadl[i], &oadl[end_pos - 1], work_size); } gotcha = end_pos - 1 - i; old_no_of_dirs -= gotcha; no_deleted += gotcha; } } for (i = 0; i < tmp_no_of_dirs; i++) { gotcha = NO; for (j = 0; j < no_of_dirs; j++) { if (tadl[i].dir_id == adl[j].dir_id) { gotcha = YES; j = no_of_dirs; } } if (gotcha == NO) { if ((no_added > no_deleted) && ((old_no_of_dirs % DATA_STEP_SIZE) == 0)) { work_size = (((old_no_of_dirs / DATA_STEP_SIZE) + 1) * DATA_STEP_SIZE * sizeof(struct afd_dir_list)) + AFD_WORD_OFFSET; ptr = (char *)oadl - AFD_WORD_OFFSET; if ((ptr = mmap_resize(oadl_fd, ptr, work_size)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "mmap_resize() error : %s", strerror(errno)); (void)close(oadl_fd); oadl = NULL; break; } else { old_no_of_dirs = *(int *)ptr; ptr += AFD_WORD_OFFSET; oadl = (struct afd_dir_list *)ptr; } } (void)memcpy(&oadl[old_no_of_dirs], &tadl[i], sizeof(struct afd_dir_list)); old_no_of_dirs++; no_added++; } } /* for (i = 0; i < tmp_no_of_dirs; i++) */ #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)tadl, stat_buf.st_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)tadl) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } /* Check if we need to resize file. */ if (no_deleted > no_added) { work_size = (((old_no_of_dirs / DATA_STEP_SIZE) + 1) * DATA_STEP_SIZE * sizeof(struct afd_dir_list)) + AFD_WORD_OFFSET; ptr = (char *)oadl - AFD_WORD_OFFSET; if ((ptr = mmap_resize(oadl_fd, ptr, work_size)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "mmap_resize() error : %s", strerror(errno)); (void)close(oadl_fd); oadl = NULL; } else { old_no_of_dirs = *(int *)ptr; ptr += AFD_WORD_OFFSET; oadl = (struct afd_dir_list *)ptr; } } } } else { oadl = NULL; } if ((unlink(tmp_adl_file_name) == -1) && (errno != ENOENT)) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to unlink() `%s' : %s", tmp_adl_file_name, strerror(errno)); } if (oadl != NULL) { ptr = (char *)oadl - AFD_WORD_OFFSET; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (fstat(oadl_fd, &stat_buf) == -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fstat() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } else { if (munmap((void *)ptr, stat_buf.st_size) == -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } #else if (munmap_emu((void *)ptr) == -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap_emu() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } #endif if (close(oadl_fd) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } } #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)adl, adl_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)adl) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } adl = NULL; return; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++ reshuffel_job_data() +++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void reshuffel_job_data(int no_of_job_ids) { int oajl_fd; size_t oajl_size; char *ptr, tmp_ajl_file_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; (void)sprintf(tmp_ajl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, OLD_AJL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); oajl_size = AFD_WORD_OFFSET + (DATA_STEP_SIZE * sizeof(struct afd_job_list)); if ((ptr = attach_buf(tmp_ajl_file_name, &oajl_fd, &oajl_size, NULL, FILE_MODE, NO)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to mmap() %s : %s", tmp_ajl_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(oajl_fd); (void)sprintf(tmp_ajl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, TMP_AJL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); } else { struct stat stat_buf; struct afd_job_list *oajl; (void)sprintf(tmp_ajl_file_name, "%s%s%s%s", p_work_dir, FIFO_DIR, TMP_AJL_FILE_NAME, msa[afd_no].afd_alias); if ((stat(tmp_ajl_file_name, &stat_buf) == 0) && (stat_buf.st_size > 0)) { int fd, tmp_no_of_job_ids; char *ptr2; tmp_no_of_job_ids = stat_buf.st_size / sizeof(struct afd_job_list); if ((ptr2 = map_file(tmp_ajl_file_name, &fd, NULL, &stat_buf, O_RDONLY)) == (caddr_t)-1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to map_file() `%s' : %s", tmp_ajl_file_name, strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); oajl = NULL; } else { int end_pos, gotcha, i, j, no_added, no_deleted, old_no_of_job_ids; time_t offset_time; size_t work_size; struct afd_job_list *tajl; if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } tajl = (struct afd_job_list *)ptr2; old_no_of_job_ids = *(int *)ptr; ptr += AFD_WORD_OFFSET; oajl = (struct afd_job_list *)ptr; get_max_log_values(&gotcha, MAX_AJL_FILES_DEF, MAX_AJL_FILES, NULL, NULL, 0); offset_time = gotcha * SWITCH_FILE_TIME; no_added = no_deleted = 0; for (i = 0; i < old_no_of_job_ids; i++) { if ((oajl[i].entry_time + offset_time) < msa[afd_no].last_data_time) { end_pos = i; while ((++end_pos <= old_no_of_job_ids) && ((oajl[i].entry_time + offset_time) < msa[afd_no].last_data_time)) { /* Nothing to be done. */; } if (end_pos <= old_no_of_job_ids) { work_size = (old_no_of_job_ids - (end_pos - 1)) * sizeof(struct afd_job_list); (void)memmove(&oajl[i], &oajl[end_pos - 1], work_size); } gotcha = end_pos - 1 - i; old_no_of_job_ids -= gotcha; no_deleted += gotcha; } } for (i = 0; i < tmp_no_of_job_ids; i++) { gotcha = NO; for (j = 0; j < no_of_job_ids; j++) { if (tajl[i].job_id == ajl[j].job_id) { gotcha = YES; j = no_of_job_ids; } } if (gotcha == NO) { if ((no_added > no_deleted) && ((old_no_of_job_ids % DATA_STEP_SIZE) == 0)) { work_size = (((old_no_of_job_ids / DATA_STEP_SIZE) + 1) * DATA_STEP_SIZE * sizeof(struct afd_job_list)) + AFD_WORD_OFFSET; ptr = (char *)oajl - AFD_WORD_OFFSET; if ((ptr = mmap_resize(oajl_fd, ptr, work_size)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "mmap_resize() error : %s", strerror(errno)); (void)close(oajl_fd); oajl = NULL; break; } else { old_no_of_job_ids = *(int *)ptr; ptr += AFD_WORD_OFFSET; oajl = (struct afd_job_list *)ptr; } } (void)memcpy(&oajl[old_no_of_job_ids], &tajl[i], sizeof(struct afd_job_list)); old_no_of_job_ids++; no_added++; } } /* for (i = 0; i < tmp_no_of_job_ids; i++) */ #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)tajl, stat_buf.st_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)tajl) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } /* Check if we need to resize file. */ if (no_deleted > no_added) { work_size = (((old_no_of_job_ids / DATA_STEP_SIZE) + 1) * DATA_STEP_SIZE * sizeof(struct afd_job_list)) + AFD_WORD_OFFSET; ptr = (char *)oajl - AFD_WORD_OFFSET; if ((ptr = mmap_resize(oajl_fd, ptr, work_size)) == (caddr_t) -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "mmap_resize() error : %s", strerror(errno)); (void)close(oajl_fd); oajl = NULL; } else { old_no_of_job_ids = *(int *)ptr; ptr += AFD_WORD_OFFSET; oajl = (struct afd_job_list *)ptr; } } } } else { oajl = NULL; } if ((unlink(tmp_ajl_file_name) == -1) && (errno != ENOENT)) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to unlink() `%s' : %s", tmp_ajl_file_name, strerror(errno)); } if (oajl != NULL) { ptr = (char *)oajl - AFD_WORD_OFFSET; #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (fstat(oajl_fd, &stat_buf) == -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "fstat() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } else { if (munmap((void *)ptr, stat_buf.st_size) == -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } #else if (munmap_emu((void *)ptr) == -1) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap_emu() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } #endif if (close(oajl_fd) == -1) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "close() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } } } #ifdef HAVE_MMAP if (munmap((void *)ajl, ajl_size) == -1) #else if (munmap_emu((void *)ajl) == -1) #endif { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "munmap() error : %s", strerror(errno)); } ajl = NULL; return; }