/* * msa_view.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2012 Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), * Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M1 /* ** NAME ** msa_view - shows all information in the MSA about a specific ** AFD ** ** SYNOPSIS ** msa_view [-w ] afdname|position ** ** DESCRIPTION ** This program shows all information about a specific AFD in the ** MSA. ** ** RETURN VALUES ** SUCCESS on normal exit and INCORRECT when an error has occurred. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 22.01.1999 H.Kiehl Created ** 13.09.2000 H.Kiehl Addition of top number of transfers. ** 03.12.2003 H.Kiehl Added connection and disconnection time. ** 27.02.2005 H.Kiehl Option to switch between two AFD's. ** */ DESCR__E_M1 #include /* fprintf(), stderr */ #include /* strerror() */ #include /* atoi() */ #include /* isdigit() */ #include /* ctime() */ #include #include /* STDERR_FILENO */ #include #include "mondefs.h" #include "sumdefs.h" #include "version.h" /* Global variables. */ int sys_log_fd = STDERR_FILENO, /* Not used! */ msa_fd = -1, msa_id, no_of_afds = 0; off_t msa_size; char *p_work_dir; struct mon_status_area *msa; const char *sys_log_name = MON_SYS_LOG_FIFO; /* Local function prototype. */ static void usage(void); /*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ msa_view() $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, j, last = 0, position = -1; char afdname[MAX_AFDNAME_LENGTH + 1], *ptr, work_dir[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; CHECK_FOR_VERSION(argc, argv); if (get_mon_path(&argc, argv, work_dir) < 0) { exit(INCORRECT); } p_work_dir = work_dir; if (argc == 2) { if (isdigit((int)(argv[1][0])) != 0) { position = atoi(argv[1]); last = position + 1; } else { (void)my_strncpy(afdname, argv[1], MAX_AFDNAME_LENGTH + 1); } } else if (argc == 1) { position = -2; } else { usage(); exit(INCORRECT); } if ((i = msa_attach_passive()) < 0) { if (i == INCORRECT_VERSION) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : This program is not able to attach to the MSA due to incorrect version. (%s %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : Failed to attach to MSA. (%s %d)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } exit(INCORRECT); } if (position == -1) { for (i = 0; i < no_of_afds; i++) { if (strcmp(msa[i].afd_alias, afdname) == 0) { position = i; break; } } if (position < 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "WARNING : Could not find AFD `%s' in MSA. (%s %d)\n", afdname, __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } last = position + 1; } else if (position == -2) { last = no_of_afds; position = 0; } else if (position >= no_of_afds) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "WARNING : There are only %d AFD's in the MSA. (%s %d)\n", no_of_afds, __FILE__, __LINE__); exit(INCORRECT); } ptr = (char *)msa; ptr -= AFD_WORD_OFFSET; (void)fprintf(stdout, " Number of hosts: %d MSA ID: %d Struct Version: %d\n\n", no_of_afds, msa_id, (int)(*(ptr + SIZEOF_INT + 1 + 1 + 1))); for (j = position; j < last; j++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "=============================> %s (%d) <=============================\n", msa[j].afd_alias, j); #ifdef NEW_MSA (void)fprintf(stdout, "AFD alias CRC : %x\n", msa[j].afd_id); #endif (void)fprintf(stdout, "Remote work dir : %s\n", msa[j].r_work_dir); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Remote AFD version : %s\n", msa[j].afd_version); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Remote command : %s\n", msa[j].rcmd); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Remote options : %d =>", msa[j].options); if (msa[j].options == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " None"); } else { if (msa[j].options & COMPRESS_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " COMPRESS"); } if (msa[j].options & MINUS_Y_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " MINUS_Y"); } if (msa[j].options & DONT_USE_FULL_PATH_FLAG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " DONT_USE_FULL_PATH"); } if (msa[j].options & ENABLE_SSL_ENCRYPTION) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " ENABLE_SSL_ENCRYPTION"); } if (msa[j].options & AFDD_SYSTEM_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " System"); } if (msa[j].options & AFDD_RECEIVE_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Receive"); } if (msa[j].options & AFDD_TRANSFER_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Transfer"); } if (msa[j].options & AFDD_TRANSFER_DEBUG_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Trans_db"); } #ifdef _INPUT_LOG if (msa[j].options & AFDD_INPUT_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Input"); } #endif #ifdef _DISTRIBUTION_LOG if (msa[j].options & AFDD_DISTRIBUTION_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Distribution"); } #endif #ifdef _PRODUCTION_LOG if (msa[j].options & AFDD_PRODUCTION_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Production"); } #endif #ifdef _OUTPUT_LOG if (msa[j].options & AFDD_OUTPUT_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Output"); } #endif #ifdef _DELETE_LOG if (msa[j].options & AFDD_DELETE_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Delete"); } #endif if (msa[j].options & AFDD_JOB_DATA) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Job_data"); } if (msa[j].options & AFDD_COMPRESSION_1) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Compression1"); } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Log capabilities : %d =>", msa[j].log_capabilities); if (msa[j].log_capabilities == 0) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " None"); } else { if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_SYSTEM_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " System"); } if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_EVENT_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Event"); } if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_RECEIVE_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Receive"); } if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_TRANSFER_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Transfer"); } if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_TRANSFER_DEBUG_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Trans_db"); } #ifdef _INPUT_LOG if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_INPUT_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Input"); } #endif #ifdef _DISTRIBUTION_LOG if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_DISTRIBUTION_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Distribution"); } #endif #ifdef _PRODUCTION_LOG if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_PRODUCTION_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Production"); } #endif #ifdef _OUTPUT_LOG if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_OUTPUT_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Output"); } #endif #ifdef _DELETE_LOG if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_DELETE_LOG) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Delete"); } #endif if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_JOB_DATA) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Job_data"); } if (msa[j].log_capabilities & AFDD_COMPRESSION_1) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " Compression1"); } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); if (msa[j].afd_switching != NO_SWITCHING) { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Real hostname 0 : %s\n", msa[j].hostname[0]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TCP port 0 : %d\n", msa[j].port[0]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Real hostname 1 : %s\n", msa[j].hostname[1]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TCP port 1 : %d\n", msa[j].port[1]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Current host : AFD %d\n", msa[j].afd_toggle); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Switch type : %s\n", (msa[j].afd_switching == AUTO_SWITCHING) ? "Auto" : "User"); } else { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Real hostname : %s\n", msa[j].hostname[0]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TCP port : %d\n", msa[j].port[0]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Switch type : No switching.\n"); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Poll interval : %d\n", msa[j].poll_interval); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect time : %d\n", msa[j].connect_time); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Disconnect time : %d\n", msa[j].disconnect_time); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Status of AMG : %d\n", (int)msa[j].amg); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Status of FD : %d\n", (int)msa[j].fd); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Status of AW : %d\n", (int)msa[j].archive_watch); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Jobs in queue : %d\n", msa[j].jobs_in_queue); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Active transfers : %d\n", msa[j].no_of_transfers); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TOP no. process : %d", msa[j].top_no_of_transfers[0]); for (i = 1; i < STORAGE_TIME; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " %d", msa[j].top_no_of_transfers[i]); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Last TOP no process: %s", ctime(&msa[j].top_not_time)); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Maximum connections: %d\n", msa[j].max_connections); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Sys log EC : %u |", msa[j].sys_log_ec); for (i = 0; i < LOG_FIFO_SIZE; i++) { switch (msa[j].sys_log_fifo[i]) { case INFO_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " I"); break; case ERROR_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " E"); break; case WARNING_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " W"); break; case CONFIG_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " C"); break; case FAULTY_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " F"); break; default : (void)fprintf(stdout, " ?"); break; } } (void)fprintf(stdout, " |\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Receive History :"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_HISTORY; i++) { switch (msa[j].log_history[RECEIVE_HISTORY][i]) { case INFO_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " I"); break; case ERROR_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " E"); break; case WARNING_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " W"); break; case FAULTY_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " F"); break; default : (void)fprintf(stdout, " ?"); break; } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "System History :"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_HISTORY; i++) { switch (msa[j].log_history[SYSTEM_HISTORY][i]) { case INFO_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " I"); break; case ERROR_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " E"); break; case WARNING_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " W"); break; case CONFIG_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " C"); break; case FAULTY_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " F"); break; default : (void)fprintf(stdout, " ?"); break; } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Transfer History :"); for (i = 0; i < MAX_LOG_HISTORY; i++) { switch (msa[j].log_history[TRANSFER_HISTORY][i]) { case INFO_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " I"); break; case ERROR_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " E"); break; case WARNING_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " W"); break; case ERROR_OFFLINE_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " O"); break; case FAULTY_ID : (void)fprintf(stdout, " F"); break; default : (void)fprintf(stdout, " ?"); break; } } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Host error counter : %d\n", msa[j].host_error_counter); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Number of hosts : %d\n", msa[j].no_of_hosts); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Number of dirs : %d\n", msa[j].no_of_dirs); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Number of jobs : %d\n", msa[j].no_of_jobs); (void)fprintf(stdout, "fc : %u\n", msa[j].fc); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "fs : %lu\n", msa[j].fs); (void)fprintf(stdout, "tr : %lu\n", msa[j].tr); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TOP tr : %lu", msa[j].top_tr[0]); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "fs : %llu\n", msa[j].fs); (void)fprintf(stdout, "tr : %llu\n", msa[j].tr); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TOP tr : %llu", msa[j].top_tr[0]); #endif for (i = 1; i < STORAGE_TIME; i++) { #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, " %lu", msa[j].top_tr[i]); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, " %llu", msa[j].top_tr[i]); #endif } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Last TOP tr time : %s", ctime(&msa[j].top_tr_time)); (void)fprintf(stdout, "fr : %u\n", msa[j].fr); (void)fprintf(stdout, "TOP fr : %u", msa[j].top_fr[0]); for (i = 1; i < STORAGE_TIME; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " %u", msa[j].top_fr[i]); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Last TOP fr time : %s", ctime(&msa[j].top_fr_time)); (void)fprintf(stdout, "ec : %u\n", msa[j].ec); (void)fprintf(stdout, "Last data time : %s", ctime(&msa[j].last_data_time)); for (i = 0; i < SUM_STORAGE; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " : --- %s sum values ---\n", sum_stat_type[i]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "files_received : %u\n", msa[j].files_received[i]); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "bytes_received : %lu\n", msa[j].bytes_received[i]); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "bytes_received : %llu\n", msa[j].bytes_received[i]); #endif (void)fprintf(stdout, "files_send : %u\n", msa[j].files_send[i]); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "bytes_send : %lu\n", msa[j].bytes_send[i]); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "bytes_send : %llu\n", msa[j].bytes_send[i]); #endif (void)fprintf(stdout, "connections : %u\n", msa[j].connections[i]); (void)fprintf(stdout, "total_errors : %u\n", msa[j].total_errors[i]); #if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 4 (void)fprintf(stdout, "log_bytes_received : %lu\n", msa[j].log_bytes_received[i]); #else (void)fprintf(stdout, "log_bytes_received : %llu\n", msa[j].log_bytes_received[i]); #endif } (void)fprintf(stdout, " : ---------------------\n"); switch (msa[j].connect_status) { case CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED\n"); break; case CONNECTION_DEFUNCT : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : CONNECTION_DEFUNCT\n"); break; case DISCONNECTED : (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : DISCONNECTED\n"); break; case DISABLED : /* This AFD is disabled, ie should not be monitored. */ (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : DISABLED\n"); break; default : /* Should not get here. */ (void)fprintf(stdout, "Connect status : Unknown\n"); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "Special flag (%3d) :", msa[j].special_flag); if (msa[j].special_flag & SUM_VAL_INITIALIZED) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " SUM_VAL_INITIALIZED"); } (void)fprintf(stdout, "\n"); if (msa[j].convert_username[0][0][0] != '\0') { (void)fprintf(stdout, "Convert user name : %s -> %s\n", msa[j].convert_username[0][0], msa[j].convert_username[0][1]); for (i = 1; i < MAX_CONVERT_USERNAME; i++) { (void)fprintf(stdout, " : %s -> %s\n", msa[j].convert_username[i][0], msa[j].convert_username[i][1]); } } } exit(SUCCESS); } /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ usage() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void usage(void) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "SYNTAX : msa_view [--version][-w ] afdname|position\n"); return; }