/* * eval_bul_rep_config.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution * program. * Copyright (c) 2011 - 2013 Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), * Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "afddefs.h" DESCR__S_M1 /* ** NAME ** eval_bul_rep_config - ** ** SYNOPSIS ** void eval_bul_rep_config(void) ** ** DESCRIPTION ** ** RETURN VALUES ** None. ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 30.03.2011 H.Kiehl Created ** */ DESCR__E_M1 #include /* fprintf() */ #include /* atoi(), strerror() */ #include /* malloc(), calloc(), free() */ #include /* isdigit() */ #include #include #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H # include #endif #include /* read() */ #include #include "amgdefs.h" /* #define _DEBUG_BUL_REP */ /* External global variables. */ extern int no_of_bc_entries, no_of_rc_entries; extern struct wmo_bul_list *bcdb; /* Bulletin Configuration Database */ extern struct wmo_rep_list *rcdb; /* Report Configuration Database */ /* Local function prototypes. */ static void get_report_data(char *); /*######################### eval_bul_rep_config() #######################*/ void eval_bul_rep_config(char *bul_file, char *rep_file, int verbose) { static time_t last_read_bul = 0, last_read_rep = 0; static int first_time = YES; struct stat stat_buf; if (stat(bul_file, &stat_buf) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { /* * Only tell user once that the message specification file is * missing. Otherwise it is anoying to constantly receive this * message. */ if (first_time == YES) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("There is no message specification file `%s'"), bul_file); first_time = NO; } } else { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to stat() `%s' : %s"), bul_file, strerror(errno)); } } else { char *rep_buffer = NULL, *rep_header_end; struct stat stat_buf2; if (stat(rep_file, &stat_buf2) == -1) { if (errno != ENOENT) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("There is no report specification file `%s'"), rep_file); } } else { if (stat_buf2.st_mtime != last_read_rep) { int fd; /* Allocate memory to store file. */ if ((rep_buffer = malloc(stat_buf2.st_size + 1)) == NULL) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("malloc() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); exit(INCORRECT); } /* Open file. */ if ((fd = open(rep_file, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to open() `%s' : %s"), rep_file, strerror(errno)); free(rep_buffer); exit(INCORRECT); } /* Read file into buffer. */ if (read(fd, &rep_buffer[0], stat_buf2.st_size) != stat_buf2.st_size) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to read() `%s' : %s"), rep_file, strerror(errno)); free(rep_buffer); (void)close(fd); exit(INCORRECT); } if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("close() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); } rep_buffer[stat_buf2.st_size] = '\0'; rep_header_end = rep_buffer; while ((*rep_header_end != '\0') && (*rep_header_end != '\n') && (*rep_header_end != '\r')) { rep_header_end++; } while ((*rep_header_end == '\n') || (*rep_header_end == '\r')) { rep_header_end++; } get_report_data(rep_header_end); if (verbose == YES) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Found %d report rules in `%s'."), no_of_rc_entries, rep_file); } last_read_rep = stat_buf2.st_mtime; } /* if (stat_buf2.st_mtime != last_read_rep) */ } if (stat_buf.st_mtime != last_read_bul) { register int i; int fd; char *buffer, *ptr; #ifdef _DEBUG_BUL_REP FILE *p_bul_rep_debug_file; #endif if (first_time == YES) { first_time = NO; } else { if (verbose == YES) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Rereading message specification file.")); } } if (last_read_bul != 0) { /* * Since we are rereading the whole message specification file * again lets release the memory we stored for the previous * structure of wmo_bul_rep. */ free(bcdb); no_of_bc_entries = 0; } /* Allocate memory to store file. */ if ((buffer = malloc(stat_buf.st_size + 1)) == NULL) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("malloc() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); free(rep_buffer); exit(INCORRECT); } /* Open file. */ if ((fd = open(bul_file, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to open() `%s' : %s"), bul_file, strerror(errno)); free(buffer); free(rep_buffer); exit(INCORRECT); } /* Read file into buffer. */ if (read(fd, &buffer[0], stat_buf.st_size) != stat_buf.st_size) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("Failed to read() `%s' : %s"), bul_file, strerror(errno)); free(buffer); free(rep_buffer); (void)close(fd); exit(INCORRECT); } if (close(fd) == -1) { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("close() error : %s"), strerror(errno)); } buffer[stat_buf.st_size] = '\0'; last_read_bul = stat_buf.st_mtime; /* * Now that we have the contents in the buffer lets first see * how many entries there are in the buffer so we can allocate * memory for the entries. */ ptr = buffer; while (*ptr != '\0') { while ((*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\r')) { ptr++; } if ((*ptr == '\n') || (*ptr == '\r')) { no_of_bc_entries++; ptr++; } while ((*ptr == '\n') || (*ptr == '\r')) { ptr++; } } if (no_of_bc_entries > 0) { register int j, k; if ((bcdb = calloc(no_of_bc_entries, sizeof(struct wmo_bul_list))) == NULL) { system_log(FATAL_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, _("calloc() error : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(errno)); free(rep_buffer); exit(INCORRECT); } ptr = buffer; for (i = 0; i < no_of_bc_entries; i++) { while ((*ptr == ' ') || (*ptr == '\t')) { ptr++; } k = 0; while ((k < 6) && (*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { bcdb[i].TTAAii[k] = *ptr; k++; ptr++; } bcdb[i].TTAAii[k] = '\0'; if (*ptr != ';') { while ((*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { ptr++; } } if (*ptr == ';') { ptr++; k = 0; while ((k < 4) && (*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { bcdb[i].CCCC[k] = *ptr; k++; ptr++; } bcdb[i].CCCC[k] = '\0'; if (*ptr != ';') { while ((*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { ptr++; } } if (*ptr == ';') { ptr++; if ((*ptr == 'i') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'n') && (*(ptr + 2) == 'p') && (*(ptr + 3) == ';')) { bcdb[i].type = BUL_TYPE_INP; ptr += 3; } else if ((*ptr == 'i') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'g') && (*(ptr + 2) == 'n') && (*(ptr + 3) == ';')) { bcdb[i].type = BUL_TYPE_IGN; ptr += 3; } else if ((*ptr == 'c') && (*(ptr + 1) == 'm') && (*(ptr + 2) == 'p') && (*(ptr + 3) == ';')) { bcdb[i].type = BUL_TYPE_CMP; ptr += 3; } else { while ((*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { ptr++; } bcdb[i].type = 0; } if (*ptr != ';') { while ((*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { ptr++; } } if (*ptr == ';') { ptr++; if (*ptr == 'D') { bcdb[i].spec = BUL_SPEC_DUP; ptr++; } else { bcdb[i].spec = 0; } while ((*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { ptr++; } if (*ptr == ';') { ptr++; /* Store BTIME. */ j = 0; while ((*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r') && (j < 8)) { bcdb[i].BTIME[j] = *ptr; ptr++; j++; } bcdb[i].BTIME[j] = '\0'; if (*ptr == ';') { ptr++; /* Store ITIME */ j = 0; while ((*ptr != ';') && (*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r') && (j < 8)) { bcdb[i].ITIME[j] = *ptr; ptr++; j++; } bcdb[i].ITIME[j] = '\0'; if (*ptr == ';') { ptr++; if ((*ptr == 'Y') && (*(ptr + 1) == ';') && (isdigit((int)(*(ptr + 2))))) { char str_number[MAX_SHORT_LENGTH]; str_number[0] = *(ptr + 2); ptr += 3; k = 1; while ((isdigit((int)(*ptr))) && (k < (MAX_SHORT_LENGTH - 1))) { str_number[k] = *ptr; ptr++; k++; } str_number[k] = '\0'; bcdb[i].rss = (unsigned short)atoi(str_number); } else { bcdb[i].rss = -1; } } else { bcdb[i].rss = -1; } } else { bcdb[i].rss = -1; } } else { bcdb[i].rss = -1; } } else { bcdb[i].spec = 0; bcdb[i].rss = -1; } } else { bcdb[i].type = 0; bcdb[i].spec = 0; bcdb[i].rss = -1; } } else { bcdb[i].CCCC[0] = '\0'; bcdb[i].type = 0; bcdb[i].spec = 0; bcdb[i].rss = -1; } while ((*ptr != '\n') && (*ptr != '\0') && (*ptr != '\r')) { ptr++; } while ((*ptr == '\n') || (*ptr == '\r')) { ptr++; } } /* for (i = 0; i < no_of_bc_entries; i++) */ if (verbose == YES) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("Found %d bulletin rules in `%s'."), no_of_bc_entries, bul_file); } } /* if (no_of_bc_entries > 0) */ else { if (verbose == YES) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, NULL, 0, _("No bulletin rules found in `%s'"), bul_file); } } /* The buffer holding the contents of the bulletin */ /* file is no longer needed. */ free(buffer); #ifdef _DEBUG_BUL_REP if ((p_bul_rep_debug_file = fopen("bul_rep.debug", "w")) == NULL) { system_log(WARN_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Could not fopen() bul_rep.debug : %s", strerror(errno)); } else { char *rtl[] = { "NOT_DEFINED", "TEXT", "ATEXT", "CLIMAT", "TAF", "METAR", "SPECIAL_01", "SPECIAL_02", "SPECIAL_03", "SPECIAL_66", "SYNOP", "SYNOP_SHIP", "SYNOP_MOBIL", "UPPER_AIR" }; (void)fprintf(p_bul_rep_debug_file, "pos:TTAAii;CCCC;type;spec;rss;BTIME;ITIME\n"); for (i = 0; i < no_of_bc_entries; i++) { (void)fprintf(p_bul_rep_debug_file, "%d:%s;%s;%d;%d;%d;%s;%s\n", i, bcdb[i].TTAAii, bcdb[i].CCCC, (int)bcdb[i].type, (int)bcdb[i].spec, (int)bcdb[i].rss, bcdb[i].BTIME, bcdb[i].ITIME); } (void)fprintf(p_bul_rep_debug_file, "\npos:TT;rt;mimj;stid;rss;wid;BTIME;ITIME\n"); for (i = 0; i < no_of_rc_entries; i++) { (void)fprintf(p_bul_rep_debug_file, "%d:%c%c;%d->%s;%c%c;%d->%s;%d;%s;%s;%s\n", i, rcdb[i].TT[0], rcdb[i].TT[1], rcdb[i].rt, rtl[rcdb[i].rt], rcdb[i].mimj[0], rcdb[i].mimj[1], rcdb[i].stid, (rcdb[i].stid == 1) ? "IIiii" : "CCCC", (int)rcdb[i].rss, rcdb[i].wid, rcdb[i].BTIME, rcdb[i].ITIME); } (void)fclose(p_bul_rep_debug_file); } #endif } /* if (stat_buf.st_mtime != last_read_bul) */ free(rep_buffer); } return; } /*++++++++++++++++++++++++++ get_report_data() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void get_report_data(char *rep_buf) { int i, j; char *p_start_r, str_number[MAX_SHORT_LENGTH]; /* First lets just count the number of entries. */ p_start_r = rep_buf; no_of_rc_entries = 0; while (*p_start_r != '\0') { while ((*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\r') && (*p_start_r != '\0')) { p_start_r++; } while ((*p_start_r == '\n') || (*p_start_r == '\r')) { p_start_r++; } no_of_rc_entries++; } if (no_of_rc_entries == 0) { system_log(INFO_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "No report specification entries found."); return; } free(rcdb); if ((rcdb = malloc((no_of_rc_entries * sizeof(struct wmo_rep_list)))) == NULL) { system_log(ERROR_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "malloc() error : %s", strerror(errno)); return; } /* Now, lets fill the structure with data. */ p_start_r = rep_buf; no_of_rc_entries = 0; while (*p_start_r != '\0') { if ((isupper((int)(*p_start_r))) && (isupper((int)(*(p_start_r + 1)))) && (*(p_start_r + 2) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].TT[0] = *p_start_r; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].TT[1] = *(p_start_r + 1); p_start_r += 3; i = 0; while ((i < (MAX_SHORT_LENGTH - 1)) && (isdigit((int)(*p_start_r)))) { str_number[i] = *p_start_r; i++; p_start_r++; } str_number[i] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rss = (short)atoi(str_number); while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; /* TEXT */ if ((*p_start_r == 'T') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'X') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'T') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_TEXT; p_start_r += 4; } /* ATEXT */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'T') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'X') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'T') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_ATEXT; p_start_r += 5; } /* CLIMAT */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'C') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'L') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'M') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == 'T') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_CLIMAT; p_start_r += 6; } /* TAF */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'T') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'F') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_TAF; p_start_r += 3; } /* METAR */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'M') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'T') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'R') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_METAR; p_start_r += 5; } /* SPECIAL 01 */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'C') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == 'L') && (*(p_start_r + 7) == '-') && (*(p_start_r + 8) == '0') && (*(p_start_r + 9) == '1') && (*(p_start_r + 10) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_SPECIAL_01; p_start_r += 10; } /* SPECIAL 02 */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'C') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == 'L') && (*(p_start_r + 7) == '-') && (*(p_start_r + 8) == '0') && (*(p_start_r + 9) == '2') && (*(p_start_r + 10) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_SPECIAL_02; p_start_r += 10; } /* SPECIAL 03 */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'C') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == 'L') && (*(p_start_r + 7) == '-') && (*(p_start_r + 8) == '0') && (*(p_start_r + 9) == '3') && (*(p_start_r + 10) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_SPECIAL_03; p_start_r += 10; } /* SPECIAL 66 */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'C') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == 'L') && (*(p_start_r + 7) == '-') && (*(p_start_r + 8) == '6') && (*(p_start_r + 9) == '6') && (*(p_start_r + 10) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_SPECIAL_66; p_start_r += 10; } /* SYNOP */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'Y') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'N') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'O') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_SYNOP; p_start_r += 5; } /* SYNOP SHIP */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'Y') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'N') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'O') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == '-') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 7) == 'H') && (*(p_start_r + 8) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 9) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 10) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_SYNOP_SHIP; p_start_r += 10; } /* SYNOP MOBIL */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'S') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'Y') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'N') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'O') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == '-') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == 'M') && (*(p_start_r + 7) == 'O') && (*(p_start_r + 8) == 'B') && (*(p_start_r + 9) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 10) == 'L') && (*(p_start_r + 11) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_SYNOP_MOBIL; p_start_r += 11; } /* UPPER AIR */ else if ((*p_start_r == 'U') && (*(p_start_r + 1) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 2) == 'P') && (*(p_start_r + 3) == 'E') && (*(p_start_r + 4) == 'R') && (*(p_start_r + 5) == '-') && (*(p_start_r + 6) == 'A') && (*(p_start_r + 7) == 'I') && (*(p_start_r + 8) == 'R') && (*(p_start_r + 9) == ';')) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_UPPER_AIR; p_start_r += 9; } else { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to determine report type for %c%c", rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].TT[0], rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].TT[1]); rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_NOT_DEFINED; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; if (*p_start_r == ';') { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].mimj[0] = '\0'; p_start_r++; if (*p_start_r == 'D') { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = STID_IIiii; } else if (*p_start_r == 'L') { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = STID_CCCC; } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = 0; } while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; if (isdigit((int)(*p_start_r))) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = *p_start_r; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[1] = '\0'; } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; } while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { /* Ignore MXSIZ */ p_start_r++; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; /* Store BTIME. */ j = 0; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r') && (j < 5)) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[j] = *p_start_r; p_start_r++; j++; } rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[j] = '\0'; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; /* Store ITIME. */ j = 0; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r') && (j < 5)) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[j] = *p_start_r; p_start_r++; j++; } rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[j] = '\0'; } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].mimj[0] = *p_start_r; if (*(p_start_r + 1) != ';') { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].mimj[1] = *(p_start_r + 1); p_start_r += 2; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; if (*p_start_r == 'D') { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = STID_IIiii; } else if (*p_start_r == 'L') { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = STID_CCCC; } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = 0; } while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; if (isdigit((int)(*p_start_r))) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = *p_start_r; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[1] = '\0'; } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; } while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { /* Ignore MXSIZ */ p_start_r++; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; /* Store BTIME. */ j = 0; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r') && (j < 5)) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[j] = *p_start_r; p_start_r++; j++; } rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[j] = '\0'; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r')) { p_start_r++; } if (*p_start_r == ';') { p_start_r++; /* Store ITIME. */ j = 0; while ((*p_start_r != ';') && (*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\0') && (*p_start_r != '\r') && (j < 5)) { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[j] = *p_start_r; p_start_r++; j++; } rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[j] = '\0'; } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = 0; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = 0; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].mimj[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = 0; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } } else { rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].mimj[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = 0; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } } else { system_log(DEBUG_SIGN, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Unable to determine report type for %c%c", rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].TT[0], rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].TT[1]); rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].rt = RT_NOT_DEFINED; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].mimj[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].stid = 0; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].wid[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].BTIME[0] = '\0'; rcdb[no_of_rc_entries].ITIME[0] = '\0'; } no_of_rc_entries++; } /* Lets continue with the next line. */ while ((*p_start_r != '\n') && (*p_start_r != '\r') && (*p_start_r != '\0')) { p_start_r++; } while ((*p_start_r == '\n') || (*p_start_r == '\r')) { p_start_r++; } } return; }