/* * init_asmtp.c - Part of AFD, an automatic file distribution program. * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2014 Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), * Holger Kiehl * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "asmtpdefs.h" DESCR__S_M3 /* ** NAME ** init_asmtp - checks syntax of input for process asmtp ** ** SYNOPSIS ** int init_asmtp(int argc, ** char *argv[], ** struct data *p_db) ** ** DESCRIPTION ** This module checks whether the syntax of aftp is correct and ** stores these values into the structure job. ** ** RETURN VALUES ** ** AUTHOR ** H.Kiehl ** ** HISTORY ** 20.11.2000 H.Kiehl Created ** 04.08.2002 H.Kiehl Added To:, From: and Reply-To headers. ** */ DESCR__E_M3 #include /* stderr, fprintf() */ #include /* exit(), atoi() */ #include /* strcpy(), strerror(), strcmp() */ #include /* isdigit() */ #include #include "cmdline.h" #include "smtpdefs.h" /* Global variables. */ extern int sys_log_fd; extern char *p_work_dir; /* Local global variables. */ static char name[30]; /* Local function prototypes. */ static void usage(void); /*############################ init_asmtp() #############################*/ int init_asmtp(int argc, char *argv[], struct data *p_db) { int correct = YES; /* Was input/syntax correct? */ (void)my_strncpy(name, argv[0], 30); /* First initialize all values with default values. */ p_db->blocksize = DEFAULT_TRANSFER_BLOCKSIZE; p_db->smtp_server[0] = '\0'; p_db->user[0] = '\0'; p_db->password[0] = '\0'; p_db->hostname[0] = '\0'; p_db->port = DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT; p_db->remove = NO; p_db->transfer_timeout = DEFAULT_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT; p_db->verbose = NO; p_db->no_of_files = 0; p_db->subject = NULL; p_db->from = NULL; p_db->reply_to = NULL; p_db->special_flag = 0; p_db->filename = NULL; p_db->realname = NULL; /* Evaluate all arguments with '-'. */ while ((--argc > 0) && ((*++argv)[0] == '-')) { switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) { case 'a' : /* Adress, where to send the mail, that is user@host. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No address specified for option -a.\n")); correct = NO; } else { int length = 0; char *ptr; ptr = argv[1]; while ((*ptr != '@') && (*ptr != '\0') && (length < MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH)) { p_db->user[length] = *ptr; ptr++; length++; } if (*ptr == '@') { ptr++; length++; if (length > 0) { p_db->user[length] = '\0'; length = 0; while ((*ptr != '\0') && (length < MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH)) { p_db->hostname[length] = *ptr; ptr++; length++; } if (length > 0) { if (length < MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) { p_db->hostname[length] = '\0'; } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : The hostname is to long, it may only be %d characters long.\n"), MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); correct = NO; } } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No hostname specified.\n")); correct = NO; } } else /* No user name specified. */ { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No user specified.\n")); correct = NO; } } else if (length < MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No remote host specified. (%s)\n"), argv[1]); correct = NO; } else { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : The user name is to long, it may only be %d characters long.\n"), MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH); correct = NO; } argc--; argv++; } break; case 'b' : /* Transfer block size. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No block size specified for option -b.\n")); correct = NO; } else { p_db->blocksize = atoi(*(argv + 1)); argc--; argv++; } break; case 'c' : /* Configuration file for user, passwd, etc */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No config file specified for option -c.\n")); correct = NO; } else { char config_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; argv++; (void)my_strncpy(config_file, argv[0], MAX_PATH_LENGTH); argc--; eval_config_file(config_file, p_db); } break; case 'e' : /* Encode file using BASE64. */ p_db->special_flag |= ATTACH_FILE; break; case 'f' : /* Configuration file for filenames. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No filename file specified for option -f.\n")); correct = NO; } else { char filename_file[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; argv++; (void)my_strncpy(filename_file, argv[0], MAX_PATH_LENGTH); argc--; if (eval_filename_file(filename_file, p_db) == INCORRECT) { exit(FILE_NAME_FILE_ERROR); } } break; case 'h' : /* Remote host name. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No host name or IP number specified for option -h.\n")); correct = NO; } else { argv++; (void)my_strncpy(p_db->hostname, argv[0], MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH); argc--; } break; case 'i' : /* From header. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No from address specified for option -i.\n")); correct = NO; } else { size_t length; argv++; length = strlen(argv[0]) + 1; if ((p_db->from = malloc(length)) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : malloc() error : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); correct = NO; } else { (void)strcpy(p_db->from, argv[0]); } argc--; } break; case 'm' : /* Mail server that will send this mail. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No mail server name or IP number specified for option -m.\n")); correct = NO; } else { argv++; (void)my_strncpy(p_db->smtp_server, argv[0], MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH); argc--; } break; case 'n' : /* Filename is subject. */ p_db->special_flag |= FILE_NAME_IS_SUBJECT; break; case 'o' : /* Reply-To. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No reply-to address specified for option -o.\n")); correct = NO; } else { size_t length; argv++; length = strlen(argv[0]) + 1; if ((p_db->reply_to = malloc(length)) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : malloc() error : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); correct = NO; } else { (void)strcpy(p_db->reply_to, argv[0]); } argc--; } break; case 'p' : /* Remote TCP port number. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No port number specified for option -p.\n")); correct = NO; } else { p_db->port = atoi(*(argv + 1)); argc--; argv++; } break; case 'r' : /* Remove file that was transmitted. */ p_db->remove = YES; break; case 's' : /* Subject. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No subject specified for option -s.\n")); correct = NO; } else { size_t length; argv++; length = strlen(argv[0]) + 1; if ((p_db->subject = malloc(length)) == NULL) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : malloc() error : %s (%s %d)\n"), strerror(errno), __FILE__, __LINE__); correct = NO; } else { (void)strcpy(p_db->subject, argv[0]); } argc--; } break; case 't' : /* Transfer timeout. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No timeout specified for option -t.\n")); correct = NO; } else { p_db->transfer_timeout = atol(*(argv + 1)); argc--; argv++; } break; case 'u' : /* User name. */ if ((argc == 1) || (*(argv + 1)[0] == '-')) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No user specified for option -u.\n")); correct = NO; } else { argv++; (void)my_strncpy(p_db->user, argv[0], MAX_USER_NAME_LENGTH); argc--; } break; case 'v' : /* Verbose mode. */ p_db->verbose = YES; break; case 'y' : /* Filename is user. */ p_db->special_flag |= FILE_NAME_IS_USER; break; case '?' : /* Help */ usage(); exit(0); default : /* Unknown parameter. */ (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : Unknown parameter <%c>. (%s %d)\n"), *(argv[0] + 1), __FILE__, __LINE__); correct = NO; break; } /* switch (*(argv[0] + 1)) */ } if ((*argv)[0] != '-') { argc++; argv--; } if (p_db->hostname[0] == '\0') { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No host name or IP number specified.\n")); correct = NO; } if ((p_db->no_of_files == 0) && (argc == 0)) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("ERROR : No files to be send specified.\n")); correct = NO; } else if ((correct == YES) && (argc > 0) && (p_db->no_of_files == 0)) { int i = p_db->no_of_files; if (i == 0) { RT_ARRAY(p_db->filename, argc, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, char); } else { REALLOC_RT_ARRAY(p_db->filename, (i + argc), MAX_PATH_LENGTH, char); } p_db->no_of_files += argc - 1; while ((--argc > 0) && ((*++argv)[0] != '-')) { (void)my_strncpy(p_db->filename[i], argv[0], MAX_PATH_LENGTH); i++; } } /* If input is not correct show syntax. */ if (correct == NO) { usage(); exit(SYNTAX_ERROR); } return(SUCCESS); } /* eval_input() */ /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ usage() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/ static void usage(void) { (void)fprintf(stderr, _("SYNTAX: %s [options] [file(s)]\n\n"), name); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" OPTIONS DESCRIPTION\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" --version - Show current version\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -a - The address where the mail is sent to.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -b - Transfer block size in bytes. Default %d\n"), DEFAULT_TRANSFER_BLOCKSIZE); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" bytes.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -c - Configuration file holding user name,\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" domain and SMTP server in URL format.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -e - Encode files in BASE64.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -f - File containing a list of filenames\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" that are to be send.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -h - Recipient hostname of this mail.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -i - Address of who send the mail.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -m - Mailserver that will send this mail.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" Default is %s.\n"), SMTP_HOST_NAME); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -n - File name is subject.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -o - Where the receiver should send is reply.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -p - Remote port number of SMTP-server.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" Default %d.\n"), DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -r - Remove transmitted file.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -s - Subject of this mail.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -t - SMTP timeout in seconds. Default %lds.\n"), DEFAULT_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -u - The user who should get the mail.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -v - Verbose. Shows all SMTP commands and\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" the reply from the SMTP server.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -y - File name is user.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" -? - Display this help and exit.\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" The following values are returned on exit:\n")); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - File transmitted successfully.\n"), TRANSFER_SUCCESS); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to connect.\n"), CONNECT_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - User name wrong.\n"), USER_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to open remote file.\n"), OPEN_REMOTE_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Error when writing into remote file.\n"), WRITE_REMOTE_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to close remote file.\n"), CLOSE_REMOTE_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to rename remote file.\n"), MOVE_REMOTE_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Remote directory could not be set.\n"), CHDIR_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, " %2d - %s.\n", TIMEOUT_ERROR, TIMEOUT_ERROR_STR); (void)fprintf(stderr, " %2d - %s.\n", CONNECTION_RESET_ERROR, CONNECTION_RESET_ERROR_STR); (void)fprintf(stderr, " %2d - %s.\n", CONNECTION_REFUSED_ERROR, CONNECTION_REFUSED_ERROR_STR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Could not open source file.\n"), OPEN_LOCAL_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to read source file.\n"), READ_LOCAL_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - System error stat().\n"), STAT_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - System error malloc().\n"), ALLOC_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to read file name file.\n"), FILE_NAME_FILE_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to send remote mail address.\n"), REMOTE_USER_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Failed to send SMTP DATA command.\n"), DATA_ERROR); (void)fprintf(stderr, _(" %2d - Syntax wrong.\n"), SYNTAX_ERROR); return; }