The file

There are two possibilities to hold information of a certain host. The first is in INFO-<host alias name> in directory $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc. Everything stored in this file will be shown in afd_info dialog. If you have many hosts configured it might be better to store these in the central $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/ file. The format of this file is as follows:

          <alias name 1>
          Text to show.
          </alias name 1>
          <alias name n>
          Text to show.
          </alias name n>

Its also possible to specify both types, it will then first look into $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/ and if the host alias name is not found in there try to get the information from $AFD_WORK_DIR/etc/INFO-<host alias name>.

Copyright © 2005 by H.Kiehl
Last updated: 26.06.2005
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